Waargebeurde misdaad – Litouwen – Aanbevolen podcasts

  • Jacob Haendel has been handed a death sentence. He has a terminal progressive disease that's eating away at the white matter of his brain. In six months, he'll be dead.

    As the months progress, Jake slips into a coma, laying there in total darkness. But something odd has happened... Jake is fully conscious.

    Nobody knows that he can hear them. They’re certain he's no longer in there.

    With the promise that Jake will never recover, friends and family visit less and less. Until there is just one person left. A person who begins to whisper strange admissions in his ear.

    It is here, helpless in his hospital bed, that Jake realizes what may have gotten him here in the first place. The scariest thing in the room is no longer the potential of dying, but rather, the person sitting right next to him.

    This is Blink, the untold true story and survival of Jacob Haendel.

  • Это подкаст «Арест активов». Мы делаем его на основе книги Билла Браудера «В поисках правосудия. Арест активов». Каждый эпизод – это одна глава книги, её вы можете скачать и прочитать по ссылке в описании к этому подкасту.

    А если вам удобнее слушать, просто включайте этот подкаст, новые эпизоды будут выходить каждую неделю.

    Билл Браудер – основатель фонда Hermitage Capital, автор закона Магнитского. Он написал эту книгу, чтобы рассказать про расследование убийства своего адвоката Сергея Магнитского и про организованную политическую кампанию направленную на замораживание всех зарубежных активов российских коррумпированных политиков.

  • Hometown Ghost Stories dives into the history of haunted locations and investigates why and how these places earned their terrifying reputation. Rob, Dave and Jesse go live every Tuesday night, after a 15-20 minute uninterrupted, documentary-style breakdown on the case. You can even join the show - as many do, during the live broadcasts on YouTube, Tuesday nights at 9pm EST, as we talk ghosts, demons, poltergeists, and the horrifying true tales that led to these hauntings.

  • Insomniacs Anonymous present retellings of the creepiest true stories collected from around the dark corners of the web.
    We hope you weren't planning on sleeping tonight...

  • Join host Bobby Strickland and cohost Connor Broadfoot as they discuss and analyze people and organizations that acquired dirty money through money laundering, deception, and so much more. RSSVerify

  • Guilty by Design is the TRUE(?) STORY of Interior designers Alexander and Frank, a gay American couple, who in the 80s, landed the jackpot of all clients – José Santacruz – Becoming his personal designers and the close friends of him and his family… But there’s a catch, José is the leader of the Cali Drug Cartel, one of the most dangerous cartels in history, and that's just the start… Alexander and Frank want to set the record straight, but what are they guilty of?

    Hosted by Omri Rose.

    Listen to episodes of Guilty by Design exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/guilty-by-design/ now.

  • A Spoopy PodcastCreated by 2 sisters who enjoy all things spoopy be it conspiracies, paranormal, or true crime. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of the world around us.Email us at [email protected], and follow us on Instagram @madderthanacaterpillarIf you like what you hear feel free to rate and review our podcast on Podchaser!Join us on Patreon - www.patreon.com/illtellyouwhat Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/madderthanacaterpillar/support

  • Pieced is a True crime podcast.

    We will be going into the smallest detail to try and understand mysteries, disappearances, most notorious unsolved mysteries, and a lot more, Whether it's strange or unusual we will be explaining it as best as we can to try and understand the unknown.

    In each episode of Pieced, we will be explaining and breaking down individual events, mystery or murder, to the finest detail.

    Sit back, listen & relax.

  • Ιστορίες εγκλήματος, μυστήριο, σκοτεινά μυαλά και ερωτήματα που ζητούν απαντήσεις. Γιατί υπάρχει το έγκλημα; Ο εγκληματίας γεννιέται ή γίνεται; Ο Μάνος Τεχνίτης δικηγόρος - εγκληματολόγος, υποδέχεται επιστήμονες και επαγγελματίες και μέσα από διηγήσεις και εγκληματολογικές συζητήσεις, προσπαθήσει να "μπει" στο μυαλό του εγκληματία.

    Το CrimeCast τελεί υπό την αιγίδα και επιστημονική διεύθυνση του Κέντρου Μελέτης Εγκλήματος (KE.M.E.) και σε συνεργασία με το ηλ. περιοδικό Crimetimes.gr

  • Join mother-daughter duo, Shannon and Chloe, as they discuss true crime documentaries, true crime cases and reality tv!

  • Tinklalaidė skirta diskusijai apie nusikalstamumą kaip reiškinį, nusikaltimų keliamą žalą visuomenei, aktualius mokslinius tyrimus ir konkrečius rezonansinius įvykius. Daugiausia dėmesio tinklalaidėje bus skiriama visuomenės paraštėse atsidūrusioms grupėms (kaliniams, sekso darbuotojams, narkotikų vartotojams ir t.t.), tačiau taip pat bus analizuojami ir galingųjų daromi nusikaltimai. „Baltųjų apykaklių“ nusikaltimai ir „didžioji“ korupcija. Kodėl vargšai keliauja į kalėjimą, o turtingieji išvengia atsakomybės?.Laisvės atėmimo bausmė Lietuvoje. Kodėl mes vis dar turime tiek daug kalinių? Narkotikai ir nusikaltimai. Kaip narkotikų vartojimas siejasi su nusikaltimais ir kaip galima būtų šią problemą sumažinti? Vedėjai: Matas Tamošaitis ir Mindaugas Lankauskas.

  • I'm Kendra, your official ✨shitshow connoisseur✨ and unconventional guide into the world of cults, crime and crooked culture. I grew up in a cult and made a break for it at 18 leaving with nothing but a dark sense of humor, a metric ton of trauma, and a knack for puns and wordplay.[Cult]ure Shock is where all those things collide as I tackle taboo topics and sensitive subjects using a linguistic lens of levity.If you like shaking up perspectives and poking fun at the absurd, let's get this (shit)show on the road. Have a story or suggestion to send it? https://forms.gle/DH1WWaubzR6X2iHKA Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kendra-bryan/support

  • A toxicology focused true crime podcast with Kayla Woods and Venus de Neko, covering all manner of crimes using drugs, toxins, and poisons from the common to the obscure.

  • Crimes and Cannabis is the place to be if you like to get lifted and listen to True Crime stories. Tune in every Wednesday to hear a witty sister with a degree in criminal justice dive into some crazy tales of murder, mystery and even paranormal with her crime oblivious brother. Lots of research with a dash of humor to keep ourselves sane.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/crimes-and-cannabis--5619789/support.

  • Are you ready to venture into the shadows? Dirty Deeds unravels the hidden stories of the fraud and deceit behind some of the biggest international scandals in recent years, told by the investigative journalists who uncovered them.

    We’ll bring you reporting from the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a worldwide network of journalists who cross borders and bad guys to shine a bright light on some of the world’s most dangerous criminal networks. We’ll travel the globe from the oil fields of Venezuela to the rosewood forests of Namibia to the steppes of Central Asia. And don’t forget the posh London real estate where much of the dirty cash ends up. These are the inside stories of how the powerful, unscrupulous, and well-connected can acquire unimaginable wealth — and of what it takes to expose them.

    Dirty Deeds is a Little Gem production for OCCRP. The host is Nick Wallis. The producer is Lindsay Riley at Rethink Audio, with research from Phoebe Adler-Ryan and Riham Moussa.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • A charming young Czech promises staggering returns. An entire country’s oil industry is up for grabs. America’s top investors want in. Sounds too good to be true? Damn right it is. 

    This is a story of private jets, $20,000 dinners, and suitcases stuffed with cash. It’s also a tale about the collapse of communism, the free-for-all that followed, and the birth of the oligarchs. And it’s a story of plain-old human greed...of just how far the rich may go to get even richer. Viktor Kožený smooth-talked his super-wealthy Aspen neighbors and a Wall Street titan into investing huge sums of cash to snap up Azerbaijan’s state-owned oil company. Host Joe Nocera and investigative journalist Peter Elkind follow the trail, beginning in the Bahamas, where the charismatic financial genius has been lying low. 

    The Pirate of Prague is an Apple Original podcast, produced by Blanchard House. Follow and listen on Apple Podcasts.


  • Η Κοιλάδα είναι ένα γραφικό ψαροχώρι στην Αργολίδα που τα τελευταία χρόνια φιλοξενεί την τουριστική αφρόκρεμα της Ευρώπης. Εκεί, πριν δέκα χρόνια, συνέβη ένας μυστήριος φόνος.
    Ο Θανάσης Λάμπρου, καπετάνιος στα ταχύπλοα σκάφη γνωστού εφοπλιστή, βρέθηκε ξαφνικά νεκρός στην αυλή του καλύτερου του φίλου. Τι μπορεί να έγινε; Κανένας γείτονας δεν άκουσε κάτι. Κανείς δεν είδε τίποτα. Όλα τα στόματα ήταν κλειστά.
    Λίγους μήνες αργότερα συνελήφθη η γυναίκα του, Δήμητρα Βούλγαρη.
    Η Βούλγαρη βρίσκεται στη φυλακή και εκτίει ποινή ισόβιας κάθειρξης για την δολοφονία. Ισχυρίζεται ότι είναι αθώα. Μπορεί να είναι; Και κάποιοι να ξέρουν και να μη μιλούν;
    Ένα podcast του Βήματος σε συνεργασία με τη Melon Media.

  • Cousins Taylor and Mia grew up just outside of the southern gate of Yosemite National Park. The Yosemite area sees an average of 4 million visitors each year from all over the world, which in turn attracts visitors to the Sierra National Forest where Yosemite lies. More than 1,500 deaths have occurred in Yosemite since 1851, as of 2017 there have been over 233 rescue missions, and at least 30 missing persons cases have never been solved.

    Join us as we chat about our home town, true crime, and the mysteries of our favorite National Park.

  • April and Caroline host a weekly podcast bringing you bloody stories while sippin' on your favorite beverages!

  • You know those who love everything scary but is actually scared once the movie is off, or just scared of the dark? (what lurks in it) That's me! I decided I wanted to create this podcast for fellow weirdos who love creepy, paranormal, disturbing or unexplained stories. whether they are true, or not.. welcome to SpookyTime!

    New stories every Friday!

    If you would like to submit your scary stories email-

    [email protected]