Nieuws – Slovenië – Aanbevolen podcasts
Pred ameriškimi volitvami, ki bodo potekale 5. novembra, so novinarji radia, televizije in MMC-ja v skupnem projektu pripravili niz pogovorov o različnih vidikih današnje ameriške družbe, od znanosti, gospodarstva do glasbe in športa. Vabljeni k spremljanju videokastov ZDA 2024.
Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.
Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen -
Poročila oziroma zadnja kratka informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija. Podkast ima angleško ime, da ga lažje prikličete na pametnih napravah. Je kopija podkast vira Novice Radia Slovenija.
Podkasti ekipe 24ur z najbolj vročimi gosti s sveta zabave, športa, novic in aktualnih zgodb
Od srede do srede je tedenska oddaja, v kateri Janez Markeš in Ali Žerdin vsako sredo komentirata, kaj se je dogajalo po Sloveniji (in včasih po svetu).
Za vse, ki imate radi podcaste, bo tu vsak četrtek na voljo v avdio obliki. Zato - Od četrtka do srede. -
Punchy by Rival is a weekly podcast bringing you expert analysis on the top stories from the challenger marketing world you need to know. We take the gloves off and share the real, hard-hitting facts and opinions to keep you on top of your marketing game.
Informativna oddaja o vseh pomembnejših domačih in tujih novicah, o katerih so domače in tuje agencije poročale do 13-ih.
Za maturante smo pripravili različne vsebine v pomoč pri pripravi na splošno in poklicno maturo: od tega, kako se napiše maturitetni esej, do tega, kje pri posameznih predmetih po nepotrebnem izgubljajo točke.
Aktualne vsebine Vala 202.
Zadnja kratka informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija
Osrednja informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija in celovit pregled dnevnih dogodkov, ki je na sporedu ob 22h. Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Jutranja kronika, Danes do 13h, Po Sloveniji, Dogodki in odmevi, Radijski dnevnik ter Novice Radia Slovenija (kratka poročila od 6.00 do 23.00).
Zelena luč je podkast o mobilnosti 21. stoletja. Kako se premika naš svet? Kam smo namenjeni? Kdo je za krmilom (če sploh kdo)? V Zeleni luči zato z domačimi in tujimi gosti analiziramo aktualne problematike javnega prometa, nove tehnologije, infrastrukturne in energetske izzive ter izpeljavo zelenega prehoda v panogi, katere del smo vsak dan mi vsi. Ob reportažah s terena in pogovorih s strokovnjaki iščemo tudi vsakdanje zgodbe, ki jih pišejo stiki med ljudmi v javnem prometu.
Novinarji Reporterja in gosti debatirajo o aktualnih temah: od politike in zdravstva do gospodarstva in kriminala iščemo najbolj pereče teme, jih analiziramo in osvetlimo za občinstvo.
Cole Hocker: A Rising Star in Middle-Distance Running Born on June 6, 2001, in Indianapolis, Indiana, Cole Hocker has rapidly ascended the ranks of elite middle-distance runners, establishing himself as one of the premier athletes in his discipline. Hocker's journey from a promising high school athlete to an Olympic gold medalist is a testament to his talent, determination, and strategic racecraft. Early Life and Athletic Development Hocker's interest in running was evident from a young age. He attended Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, where he quickly made a name for himself as a standout runner. By the time he graduated in 2019, Hocker had earned multiple state titles and was considered one of the top middle-distance runners in the country. His performances in high school caught the attention of the University of Oregon, where he would continue his athletic and academic career. At Oregon, Hocker's success continued to soar. Under the guidance of the university's esteemed track and field program, he quickly adapted to the rigors of collegiate competition. In 2021, as a sophomore, Hocker won the NCAA titles in both the 1500 meters and the mile, becoming a key figure in Oregon's storied track legacy. His collegiate success set the stage for his professional career, as he decided to forgo his remaining years of eligibility and turn professional later that year, signing with Nike. Professional Career and Early Success Transitioning to the professional circuit, Hocker wasted no time in making his mark. In 2022, he competed at the USA Indoor Track and Field Championships, where he won national titles in the 1500 meters and 3000 meters, setting a meet record in the 1500 meters. However, an injury later that year prevented him from qualifying for the World Championships, a setback that Hocker used as motivation to come back stronger. The following year, Hocker's resilience was on full display. He finished third at the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships, earning a spot at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest. Although he finished seventh in the final, Hocker set a new personal best, signaling that he was on the verge of a breakthrough. The Road to Paris 2024 As the 2024 season approached, all eyes were on Hocker as he prepared for his second Olympic Games. His journey to Paris was marked by a series of impressive performances, including a national title in the 1500 meters at the USA Indoor Track and Field Championships and a silver medal at the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Glasgow. At the 2024 U.S. Olympic Trials, Hocker delivered a masterclass performance, winning the 1500 meters in a meet record time of 3:30.59. This victory secured his spot on the U.S. Olympic team and set the stage for what would become the defining moment of his career. Olympic Triumph in Paris The men's 1500-meter final at the 2024 Paris Olympics was billed as a "race for the ages," with fierce competition from Norway's Jakob Ingebrigtsen, Scotland's Josh Kerr, and fellow American Yared Nuguse. Hocker, who entered the race with the sixth-best personal record among the finalists, was seen as an underdog. However, he proved that rankings and predictions mean little once the starting gun goes off. In a race that saw Ingebrigtsen set a blistering pace, Hocker displayed his trademark patience and tactical acumen. As the runners approached the final 100 meters, Hocker found an opening on the inside lane, surging past Ingebrigtsen and Kerr to claim victory in a time of 3:27.65. This performance not only earned him the gold medal but also set a new Olympic record, surpassing the previous record set by Ingebrigtsen in Tokyo in 2021. Hocker's triumph was celebrated as one of the most significant upsets of the Paris Olympics. His gold medal marked the first time an American had won the men's 1500 meters at the Olympics since Matthew Centrowitz Jr. in 2016. Hocker's time placed him as the seventh-fastest 1500-meter runner in history, solidifying his status as one of the elite middle-distance runners of his generation. Legacy and Future Prospects At just 23 years old, Cole Hocker's career is only beginning. His Olympic victory has propelled him into the global spotlight, and his potential for future success is immense. Hocker's ability to perform on the world's biggest stage, combined with his dedication to the sport, suggests that he will continue to be a dominant force in middle-distance running for years to come. Off the track, Hocker remains grounded, often attributing his success to his faith and the support of his family and coaches. As he looks ahead to future competitions, including the World Championships and potentially more Olympic Games, Hocker's focus remains on improving his craft and representing his country with pride. In the ever-competitive world of athletics, Cole Hocker's story is one of perseverance, skill, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. His journey from an aspiring high school runner to an Olympic champion serves as an inspiration to athletes everywhere, and his legacy is sure to endure as he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in middle-distance running. Thanks for listening and remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts. -
"The Geopolitical Puzzle" Podcast.
Get the latest geopolitics and international affairs insights from experts worldwide every month. The Geopolitical Puzzle goes beyond an interview; it precisely explains the geopolitical issues affecting our world.
It is produced and hosted by JC Giraldo, Founder and Host of Podcast and Business. Boston, MA, US.
Music: Inspirational Epic Cinematic - Pixabay Music -
Šokcast je prvi slovenski podcast, ki ima naslov bolj šokanten od vsebine. Z glavnimi akterji najbolj branih člankov na spletni strani bomo govorili o ozadjih najbolj odmevnih vsebin in razčistili šokantne vsebine. Znani Slovenci bodo razkrili, kdaj so o sebi prebrali največ neresnic in katere so jih najbolj presenetile. Uspehi, ločitve, afere, poroke, razprodani koncerti, življenjske zmage, osebne preizkušnje …
S seboj bodo prinesli osebne predmete, brez katerih si ne znajo predstavljati življenja. Kdo so znani obrazi, ki se nam smehljajo z naslovnic, kakšna je njihova resnica in kako težko je živeti pod drobnogledom javnosti? Iskreni in zabavni podcasti, ki jih ne smete zamuditi!
Podkast vodi Petra Kalan. -
Podcast o stališčih Zadružne zveze Slovenije in aktualnem dogajanju v slovenskem kmetijstvu skozi oči zadružnikov.
In these podcasts I will talk about new game updates.
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