Religie en spiritualiteit – Zuid-Korea – Aanbevolen podcasts
Your wise body and ancient soul hold all the answers you seek. Navigate the changing energies and our collective transformation with clarity, courage, and pleasure. I'm your host, Charisse Sisou, author, dancer, speaker, and intuitive. We'll dive into energy, spirituality, ancestral connections, and balanced leadership, with wayshowing experts, inspiring stories, and practical tools and strategies you can put to use today. Do the work you’re here to do, and live the life you're meant to live--with more ease, flow, and fun. Join me on Wise Body, Ancient Soul.
StarSeeds, Psychics, Aliens, and Magic!The World is Awakening, and The Lions of Light are awakening from their slumber.Join us and dance your way to a larger world! Support this podcast:
Appreciation and gratitude
Your Weekly Devotionals .
I expand the channeled messages from my Instagram page.
I learn through these messages as well and hope to become an elevated version of me & get rid of unpleasant habits that i have picked up along the way.
Grab some coffee or tea and come chill with me :)
Stay Blessed you Rose-Flower Souls!
Know that God got You!
My Universe Exists Here: -
Welcome to Rethink, the podcast that aims to empower our listeners by helping them shatter old thought patterns and adopt new, empowering ways of thinking.
In this podcast, we believe that you are the center of all of your success, whether it's in marriage, career, entrepreneurship, health, or any other area of your life. Through our episodes, we will explore how you can rethink your approach to life, tap into your true potential, and create the life you truly desire.Each episode of Rethink will feature expert guests and thought leaders who will share their insights and strategies on how to overcome limiting beliefs, embrace new mindsets, and achieve your goals. From personal development to business growth, we will cover a wide range of topics that will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your potential, and the world around you.So, why should you tune in to Rethink?
Whether you're feeling stuck in your career, struggling with your relationships, or simply looking for inspiration to take your life to the next level, this podcast is for you. Through our engaging and informative episodes, we will help you shatter old patterns and create new, empowering ones that will enable you to live a life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment. So, join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, and let's rethink what's possible for our lives. -
Optimizing Masculine & Feminine in Awakening Relationships
Join Richard and Nancy as they discuss a spiritual perspective of the divine masculine and the divine feminine, and share insights they’ve learned in their own relationship. -
[법륜스님의 즉문즉설] 공식 팟캐스트입니다.법륜스님의희망세상만들기
*저작권법에 의해 보호를 받는 저작물이므로 무단전재와 복제를 금합니다. -
Exploring the vast stories of Genesis as we contemplate our spiritual life and wellbeing before ending the day in slumber...
Tune in for a weekly audio of the Sunday services of Christ's Commission Fellowship - a church founded in the Philippines that seeks to honor God and make disciples.
To learn more about CCF, visit -
Creating a home culture in another country can be a LOT- so let's do it together! Join me each week as we have short, practical, encouraging conversations about living and thriving abroad.
بودكاست "مع الله" هو برنامج روحاني عميق، يهدف إلى توصيل المستمعين إلى مستوى أعلى من الاتصال والتواصل مع الله عز وجل، من إعداد وتقديم حسان عزايزة، يعتبر هذا البرنامج بمثابة رحلة روحية تعمق فهمك وإدراكك للعلاقة بين الخالق والمخلوق.
يتضمن البودكاست مناجاة ودعاءً متفردًا، يشجع التأمل والتفكير في جوهر الحياة والإيمان. بالاستماع إلى "مع الله"، ستشعر بالسكينة والطمأنينة، وستجد طريقك نحو التقرب من الله وفهم عمق التواصل معه.
سواء كنت تبحث عن الهدوء والسلام الداخلي، أو تود فهم أعمق للصلة الروحية مع الله، فإن بودكاست "مع الله" سيكون مرشدك الروحي ومصدر إلهامك. تابع حلقاته لتستكشف جوانب جديدة من الإيمان والصلاة، وتعمق روابطك مع الخالق.
من إنتاج راديو النجاح الذي يضمن جودة عالية للبودكاست وتقديم معلومات دقيقة وموثوقة. تابعونا على إنستغرام تابعونا على تويتر تابعونا على فيسبوك تابعونا على ساوند كلاود إدعمونا على BuyMeaCoffee
Trang podcast Giảng Luận Kinh Thánh cung cấp cho các tín hữu và tôi tớ Chúa người Việt những bài giảng chọn lọc của các diễn giả “kinh điển” khác nhau, trong những thời đại khác nhau. Đó là những diễn giả và bài giảng đã được hội thánh chung công nhận, và được thử nghiệm qua thời gian.
Tính Kinh Thánh sẽ là ưu tiên hàng đầu trong việc lựa chọn.
Facebook: -
Do you want to harness the creative power that lives within your womb?
Do you want to proudly claim ALL of who you are and bring that essence to your relationships, parenting, and business?
Our planet is in a collective death cycle. Can you feel it? A rebirth is imminent, activating our deep feminine consciousness. This is shifting the way we relate to how we birth, how we create, how we view our bodies, how we love, how we heal, and how we treat one another.
Melissa April and Katherine Blanco, two mothers, lovers and creative entrepreneurs explore the deeper meaning of Birth, Death, Rebirth and the many Initiations we walk through as women in the world. We dive into birth in all forms from babies, to businesses, to our next level selves. We explore what needs to die as we become ALL of who we are in the world.
The Yoni Codes explore the mysteries of the divine feminine through the reclamation of Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, and Relationships.
Join us each week as we engage in powerful, paradigm shifting, soul expanding conversations. Experience the discovery of potent codes that live within as we allow our wild and raw truths come to the surface.
Once every moon cycle we will be joined by special guests who will share their unique perspectives on their own Rebirths through the lens of The Yoni Codes.
We look forward to connecting with you as we uncover the mysteries of the Divine Femine one conversation at a time. -
Light language and meditation transmissions for daily ascension support, healing and relaxation. Channeled by Na’IhYah.
Instagram: @naia_flowers
Website: (Dutch) -
The God among men
Warring wake up sleepers. Wake up woke generation. This is a fact check. Everything you are about to hear are facts, truth, and no deception. Everything you know, everything you’ve been taught will be swept away. This is “What They Don’t Want You to Know”
From the Author of "If It's Broken Don't Fix It" By Mr Noriega
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Purchase this incredible book to see how the overthrow of Government started with the bypass of Congress and the Common Core. previously banned for 10 years. Midwest Book Reviews says "it should be mandatory reading for every parent, teacher and admin" Get your copy before the sensors lock it down forever. Because They don't want you to know...
Truth, politics, the gospel, education and the corruption exposed
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Are you going through a spiritual awakening and craving answers about your purpose? Have you ever explored your past lives in order to better understand your current one? Are your spiritual gifts becoming more obvious? Hi I’m Rebecca, an Akashic Records reader, numerologist, and SCHH Practitioner; I’m here to help others understand their divine soul print. In this podcast, my guests and I discuss their story, spiritual connections, gifts, messages and ways to expand so you can live in alignment, (as well as other exciting mystical topics!) Come join the conversation! This is Soul Prints.
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