Muziek – Belarus – Nieuwe podcasts
Me and My Mixtape is a weekly music podcast all about the art of creating and curating the perfect, 10 track mixtape. The two hosts, Matt Hughes and Mark Woodyatt discuss, dissect and get excited about all manner of music and topics - with the mixtape subject matter changing every week. The final episode of each season will also see the introduction of a special guest, who will be given the chance to add in their own choices to mixtape.
Podcast by Мяу Мяу
Podcast by JT MUISC
Retrofuturista is a weekly podcast focusing on alternative music, counterculture, and contemporary art. Each episode brings thought-provoking conversations with artists, musicians, and creators, providing insights into the evolving intersections of sound, expression, and cultural movements.
Dive into the extraordinary rise of Shawn Mendes, from social media sensation to global pop icon. This episode traces Mendes's journey from his early days in Pickering, Ontario, through his breakthrough on Vine, to his chart-topping albums and world tours. Discover the challenges he faced, his evolution as an artist, and the impact he's made both in music and beyond.
It`s my Part 2-2 of Summer Deep 2024. Check it out!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Adept is a person who studies any doctrine, and not only studies, but also follows the principles and ideas of this direction.Here we introduce you to the culture of electronic music, creative artists and create a community of interesting people ready to share their emotions with the world!
Sean's Old Skool Collection show revives 90s & 00s dance hits, igniting dance floors!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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This series, The Real Slim Shady, we explore the life and career of Eminem, from his humble beginnings in Detroit to becoming one of the most influential and controversial figures in hip hop. The series delves into his rise to fame through the creation of the Slim Shady persona, his battles with addiction, and his redemption, while highlighting the artistry, technical brilliance, and impact that solidified his legacy. With episodes covering pivotal albums, feuds, and personal struggles, this series provides a comprehensive look at how Eminem continually evolved and maintained his status as a rap icon.
「I hate people individually, but I love mankind.」
Привет, мы Аня и Лёша — и теперь у нас тоже есть свой подкаст. В котором мы обсуждаем поп-культуру, кино и музыку, мемы, тренды, окружающие нас приколы и пытаемся разобраться, куда мы всё-таки приехали в очередном выпуске подкаста (на самом деле он пока базируются в Минске, поэтому приколы будут случаться и чисто беларусские).
Телеграм-канал, где будут собираться все нужные ссылки:
Каждую неделю ведущая хит-парада «Золотой Граммофон» Алёна Бородина подводит итоги голосования слушателей, которые отдают свои голоса за любимые песни. Поддержать артиста и любимый трек можно в специальном разделе программы на нашем сайте. Артисты, чьи композиции продержались в хит-параде более 20 недель, становятся лауреатами Церемонии вручения национальной музыкальной Премии «Золотой Граммофон».
Begak presents his monthly radio show called "ELECTROSILA", which will feature author's mixes in different directions of House music.
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Гэта аўтарскі праект сузаснавальніка Radio Plato Аляксандра Карнейчука, які дзякуючы шматгадовай саўнддызайнерскай школе кройкі і шыцця саткаў паліфанічную гісторыю менскай электроннай сцэны 1990-х гадоў.
"Калі я чытаў кнігі або глядзеў дакументальныя фільмы пра з’яўленне электронных сцэн у Чыкага, Лондане, Берліне ці Ленінградзе, у мяне заўжды паўставала пытанне: “А што ж адбывалася ў нас?” – кажа ён. – Якія першыя беларускія гурты пачыналі граць электроніку? Дзе і як тусаваліся людзі на першых беларускіх рэйвах? І як увогуле электронная музыка пранікала ў свядомасць людзей і спрыяла развіццю культурных сувязяў ўнутры Беларусі і па-за яе межамі? Гэтым пытанням і будзе прысвечаны першы сезон падкаста “Ікарус”.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We don't listen to music for fun.
New episodes every Monday. Twitch LIVE on Wednesdays. Album of the Week announced every Friday.
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Хотите заполнить пустоту? Почувствовать приятное опустошение? Найти себя? Потеряться? Победить одиночество? Побыть один? Раскрыть потенциал? Закрыть его нафиг? Поможет музыка, которую для вас подготовил Максим Кудравец. Записано в Минске, Беларусь.
We disect Kendrick Lamar's unflinchingly honest and socially conscious track "Not like us" from his critically acclaimed album To Pimp a Butterfly. Through vivid storytelling and hauntingly visceral lyrics, Lamar transports listeners into the harsh realities of inner-city life in Compton. He pulls no punches in depicting the cycles of violence, poverty, and systemic injustice that plague many urban communities. However, Lamar also shines a light on the resilience of the human spirit and the role art can play in giving voice to the voiceless. This analysis dives deep into the profound themes, striking imagery, and Lamar's searing indictment of society's failure to address these deeply rooted issues.
Hebrew Hits is an upbeat one-hour show that plays all Jewish Music, including the old and the new. This show is also made up of liners as well as mic breaks that play in between each song. Each mic break forward announces the upcoming song and back announces the song which was just played with the artist's name and a fact about the artist or the song. News and any interesting events going on in the Jewish community are also included with the mic breaks.
«Охи-вздохи и тыц-тыц» — вот формула хита, который точно попадет во все музыкальные чарты. Но все ли так просто? За тремя минутами и красивой обложкой скрывается большая история. Слушаем песни, говорим об авторах и пытаемся понять, в чем успех композиции.
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