Muziek – Slovenië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Marco Marzi & Marco Skarica intervistano i protagonisti italiani ed internazionali del mondo della musica elettronica. Ritratti informali e chiacchierate dal mondo del clubbing e delle produzioni.

    Tra gli ospiti più conosciuti: Ferry Corsten | Eiffel 65 | Joachim Garraud | Gabry Ponte | Molella | Robbie Rivera | Sabrina Salerno | Fargetta | Alexia | Ivana Spagna

    Contacts: [email protected]

  • V dialogu z mislečimi, umetniki, drugimi, robnimi, v dialogu s svetom,
    kolikor ga čutim kot breme ali priložnost in možnost. Dialog omogoča
    dihanje, čutenje pa tudi presenečenje. Zatorej podcast POGOVARJA SE FRANCI KAPLER.

  • ERMANNO MAINARDI aka DJ PANDADj Panda’s career started more than 30 years ago as deejay/record producer. His music embraces every generation, from 16 to 50 year old people. By now he’s a real Evergreen.During the 90s he made people dancing both all around Italy and abroad, not just as a deejay in the most known clubs of Riviera Romagnola like Cellophane, Gheodrome, Ecu, Embasy, Altromondo, Cocorico, Baia Imperiale and so on, but also as a producer, with his HIT discographies: It’s a Dream, Dreaming of Fantasy and the best known worldwide, My Dimension, which gained the 63rd place in the Top 100 European of Billboard and Music & Media. My Dimension is a great collaboration born in 1996 with ITALIA NETWORK, a national radio in which MasterQuick went daily on the air.He participated to many European events, such as Street Parade in Zurich and Love Parade in Berlin.In early 2000s he played throughout Emiliano Romagnola hinterland in clubs like Cap Creus, FedExx (ex Teatriz), j & j, Hobby One, Ruvido and Villa delle Rose, giving constant support to a musical genre that, in those years, rotated around a progressive house line. Therefore he left for a small period the techno/trance which, however, has always accompanied him.From 2010 to the present, Dj Panda went back on top as he did in the 90s, giving a very remarkable sign of his presence. More than ever, he participated in all parties and festivals, both in Italy and abroad, going from TUNNEL Club in Hamburg to e Street Parade in Zurich, from NUMBER ONE in Brescia to a fabulous collaboration with RADIO COMPANY in Energia '90 and 90 Festivals.In 2013 the established couple Dj Panda & Ricci was born. They have participated both in pairs and individually to the most important events in Memorabilia on tour at Cocoricò and in some events signed by Radio Company, during which they gained great success.Dj Panda has been constantly present in the most important Italian festivals and events such as Genesis, Holi dance festival and Memorabilia Cocoricò. In 2017 he came back to record productions with the single Look at the world and then, together with the Dogz & Pigz, with the remix of the famous My Dimension 2k19. At the end of the year he released a new version of his most known success, It’s a Dream 2k19, signed by Dr. Peadcok & Dj Panda; it’s a real Uptempo! He worked on many new musical productions in the Progressive Trance scene, signed by Dj Panda & AxelPolo. Nowadays, in the world of Covid19, he presented many virtual initiatives, among which the most remarkable is “all in Raving”, broadcasted by Radio Sunshine Live on all social platforms in live streaming .........

  • Unser Podcast „Entspannter Leben“ richtet sich an alle, die Anregungen, Ideen und Praktiken suchen, um das Leben gelassener anzugehen, Inseln der Entspannung zu finden und so die Aufgaben der heutigen Zeit relaxter zu bewältigen. Wir befassen uns mit Themen zu Körper und Geist, Life Work Balance, Lernen, Gestaltung des eigenen Lebensraums, Sport, kurz: Zu Allem, was mein Leben entspannter macht und mir somit mehr Qualität und Wohlsein schenkt. Das kann manchmal wirklich einfach sein! Und auch viel Spaß machen!

    Wir sind Torsten Abrolat und Franziska Diesmann. Torsten ist Musikproduzent, Komponist und betreibe über 13 Jahre das Audio Entspannungs-Label SyncSouls. 

    Franziska ist Dipl.- Sozialpädagogin und Entspannungstrainerin für Autogenes Training und progressive Muskelentspannung, Mediatorin, Resilienztrainerin und Stressmanagment Trainerin - außerdem Autorin und Sprecherin von Syncsouls Entspannungshörbüchern.

    Wir bieten einen breiten Katalog von Hörbüchern und Musik im Bereich Lebenshilfe, Heilung, Entspannungsverfahren und Stressbewältigung u.a. über audible, spotify, apple an.

    Unsere Erfahrungen möchten wir mit euch teilen und mit interessanten Gesprächspartnern viele Bereiche des täglichen Lebens beleuchten, um eben dieses zu erreichen: Entspannter leben.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Retrouver chaque semaine l'actualité Synthwave avec les nouveaux titres sortis.
    Visitez également ma chaîne Youtube :

  • A podcast detailing the life and times of the world's most famous reptile: Taylor Swift. Hosted by two longtime fans unafraid to critique, Evolution of a Snake takes an analytical lens to the twists and turns of the most eventful pop legacy in recent memory. Diving into the minutiae of each era, the podcast unveils and pays homage to the evolution of a musically proficient cobra. Weekly bonus episodes on Patreon:
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]   
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  • We (Ian and Andy) listen to people's favorite bands, albums, performances and songs in order to find “The Greatest Music” in the world.We discuss the bands based on hit song, album, and live performance allowing the audience to use the "applause-o-meter" to add input and scoring of the suggested music. Support this podcast:

  • Der Podcast mit Anni und Vani. Wir wissen auch nicht so genau um was es eigentlich geht. Instagram: wineandmakeupwipes_ tiktok: wineandmakeupwipes

  • Paul & Joe once believed that nothing in life mattered more than their favorite bands.They might still think that now. Listen in as these two lifelong friends and disciples of alt-rock & hip-hop discuss, debate, and dissect their favorite songs, essential new albums, and the philosophy of caring way too much about music.

  • Traverse the sonic landscapes of electronic music w/J. Scott G.

  • Discussion of Nip’s impact on members of the greater LA community and more.

  • Podcast about music, news, and much more

  • Exploring the origins of Hip Hop and its culture

  • TieKzeN is a versatile house dj and producer

  • A podcast about the little word, music...and the big word, BUSINESS. Industry professionals and special guests discuss music, contracts, marketing, technology & current events.

  • There's no road map or instruction manual on how to be successful in the Music Industry. This podcast is centered around all aspects of every job in the industry, and the path that those have paved to get to where they are now. Discussions about life, growth, everyday routines, and more! From those who are just starting out, to those who are well in to their career in this industry, Paving A Path is here to tell their story. Hosted by Jordan Miller.

  • Hello everyone, and welcome to my podcast! Here, I'll be sharing and discussing my music reviews. I've previously written reviews on Dreamville Records, and now I'm excited to explore new topics. Thank you for tuning in! For more music review updates, follow me on Instagram @iam_musiccriticism and Facebook at "Music Criticism". Also, check out my book "Dreamville Music Label" on Wattpad, where I dive deeper into Dreamville Records. Enjoy!

  • [Verso Doxa] je program Inštituta .abeceda, ki deluje kot platforma za informiranje strokovne in zainteresirane javnosti o delovanju inštituta, o glasbenih praksah in teorijah ter njihovem umeščanju v družbene tokove. Podkast gosti ustvarjalce, ki tako ali drugače delujejo v okviru inštituta. Z njimi razpravljamo o projektih, načinu dela, opažanjih, ter možnostih in pogojih delovanja. S tem želi podkast [Verso Doxa] postati tako dokument kot tudi akter svojega časa in prostora.