Nieuws – Nieuwe podcasts
Reclaiming the truth in a stolen world.
Proudly Radical is my solo podcast that serves as part journal and part commentary on society, politics, the economy and world events at large as an affirmed anarcho-socialist and general malcontent living in America. No restrictions, no filters, just my straight opinion on anything that comes across my mind.
Radical adj.
(especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
- Oxford English Dictionary -
Tune in for your daily dose of national news, featuring the latest headlines and top stories delivered in short, bite-sized episodes.
Perfect for your busy lifestyle, our concise news updates keep you informed on important current affairs and trending topics from across the country.
Stay updated on everything happening in the U.S. with quick insights that you can access anytime, anywhere.
Don’t miss out on the essential news you need to navigate your day! -
We discuss all things movie related and TV show related
Tamad Talks, Usapang Tamad ng mga Tamad para sa Tamad. A lazy conversation of lazy people for lazy people
Become a Paid Subscriber: ever growing and every evolving opinionated group of friends and guest stars discuss pop-culture news from gaming to movies.And Weird Life stories and events.Oh assume we're not rated PG-13!No topic is off limits and we can even take topic suggestions from viewers! a message?
Allen & John discuss news and happenings in and around the horror film community
Radio/Sponsoring Media
45.5 FM. 15 Season Show's a year!
Download Free! Pre-Order our Merchandise item's in Facebook or by E-mail! [email protected] -
Join Lady T and Ms V “two real life sister” on Sister’s Speak On It Podcast each week as we discuss a multitude of trending topics from social media, news and pop culture.
Welcome to Click and Tell, a unique interview show hosted by Sangita Patel and Carlos Bustamante. Every week, they invite some of the most interesting people in the world to sit down and tell their stories based on the images that they’ve shared to the world. Hear the REAL stories behind your favourite social posts on Click and Tell.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is the place where you will hear the latest news on world events, conspiracies, and everything Hollywood with a twist you have never heard before now!
The Georgia Entertainment PR Alliance (GEPRA) podcast series, “SHOWBIZ & TELL” is hosted by our team of public relations professionals. It uncovers the secrets to success in the entertainment industry through unique, compelling conversations.
Our podcast underscores the successful business the entertainment industry has become in Georgia and beyond.
The Georgia Entertainment PR Alliance (GEPRA) is made up of public relations professionals based in Georgia who collaborate to provide public relations services for entertainment-industry clients globally.
Our team includes more than a dozen professionals with experience in the film, television, music and gaming industries. Together we help companies of all sizes and types advance their business objectives. Our single focus is always our clients — their success is our success.
Entertainment news podcast with discussion on current topics in sports , celebrity gossip, local topics, music , and relationship culture.
"Educational, Entertaining, and Edgy" -Dr. Ric
Wednesdays at 9pm. -
Covers a number of topics ranging from music to sports, but primarily focuses on hip-hop and the events pertaining to it in the previous week.
Host Jake Edmonds talks all things BYU sports, with a hefty dose of fan-driven content
3 friends talking football.
The Neuro Times is a neuroscience and psychology blog dedicated to bridging the gap between scientific research and public understanding. By making cutting-edge discoveries accessible, relatable, and easy to read, The Neuro Times empowers readers to explore the complexities of the human brain and behavior in a way that is both engaging and informative.
Podcast Formule přináší nejaktuálnější informace, zákulisní novinky a analýzy z dění ve Formuli 1. Každá epizoda se zaměřuje na výsledky závodů, kvalifikací, přestupy jezdců a nejdůležitější události ze světa F1. Žádné zbytečné řeči – jen čisté informace a fakta, která každý fanoušek Formule 1 ocení.
Pokud chcete být vždy v obraze a nechcete, aby vám uniklo nic podstatného, stačí poslouchat podcast Formule. Sezona je dlouhá, napětí roste a my budeme u všeho! 🏁🔥 -
Это — Радиорепрессии, специальный проект ОВД-Инфо и Радио Сахаров. Каждый день сотни россиян преследуют по политическим мотивам. Раз в неделю мы рассказываем о главных героях, сюжетах и тенденциях, с этим связанных.
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This Conference was organised by an ad hoc multidisciplinary group in Oxford University, which had begun in 2006 to discuss how to network and raise the profile of the research already being done in Oxford on peace, peacemaking, peacebuilding and peacekeeping. The title ‘The Serious Study of Peace’ underlines that peace was no longer seen merely as a fringe interest but was beginning to take its place in academe as a matter of serious concern to which a wide range of disciplines can contribute. The focus on peace adds a fresh dimension to established disciplines and engenders a distinctive interdisciplinary synergy. The Conference resulted in the creation of the ongoing Oxford Network of Peace Studies (OxPeace), with worldwide contacts, and led to the possibility, once endowments become available, of the establishment of research and teaching posts in peace studies in Oxford.
The conference organizers included Revd Dr Liz Carmichael MBE (Tutor in Theology, St John's), Dr Phil Clark (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, and Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group), Professor Mary King (Fellow, Rothermere Institute; UN University for Peace), Revd Dr Robin Gibbons (Kellogg), Professor Neil Macfarlane (International Relations), Dr Sondra Hausner (St Peter's; anthropologist, head of Study of Religions in Theology), Dr Hugo Slim (Visiting Fellow: Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict), and Bryony Winn (Rhodes Scholar, M.Phil. Development Studies, Student Assistant).
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