Nieuws – Luxemburg – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Lumea nu se termină la frontierele României. Tot ce se întâmplă la noi se află în strânsă legătură cu evenimentele la scară globală.

  • Deutschlands gefährlichster Podcast!!!

    Seit dabei, wenn wir uns jede Woche über aktuelle Trends und Themen, Klatsch und Tratsch von der Hip Hop Szene bis hin zum Kampfsport unterhalten.

  • Ask Julie Ryan, Medical Intuitive and Psychic Medium on KCAA

  • Brussels, as you have never heard of it. Brussels Unplugged is the podcast created and produced by Pietro Moro and Matteo Albania. It is an attempt to talk about Brussels, the EU and beyond in a casual way, with no strings attached, with no music sheet, just two EU seasoned policy-politcs savvy who enjoys unpacking Brussels while sipping a beer.

  • This is the good news that matters. The Positive News Podcast is here to rebalance your media diet with uplifting, independent journalism about what’s going right in the world.

    We’re launching with a six-part series called Developing Mental Wealth, which uncovers the fascinating ways that communities are dealing with mental health issues in parts of the world where circumstances can be the most challenging. Hosted by medical doctor Radha Modgil and journalist Seyi Rhodes, we travel from Guatemala to Nigeria, Peru to Zimbabwe and beyond, to meet people on the ground who are coming up with practical solutions and having a powerful effect on the wellbeing of others.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Emportés par la houle qui vous traine et vous entraine dans notre sublime région, laissez-nous vous faire découvrir les milles et une saveurs de la Normandie : de la crème d’Isigny sur mer, l’Eure et son Andouille de Vire à la teurgoule du Calvados, ou encore des huitres de Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue, leurs goûts particuliers vous seront bien plus qu’une douce mélodie. Alors un conseil : gardez vos papilles en éveil, les nombreuses richesses de notre région n’ont pas fini de les agiter et encore mieux, de vous surprendre. Des tables normandes qui feront de ce rendez-vous, à n’en pas douter, un moment incontournable. Alors les Normands, A table !

    On partage ici les bonnes adresses, les belles tables de notre région sont à l’honneur. Dans les cuisines pour des astuces et des tours de main, des rencontres avec les producteurs locaux, des podcasts qui ont du goût !

  • Egy podcast azoknak, akik eddig utálták, és még inkább azoknak, akiket érdekelnek az adózással összefüggő hírek. Adószakmai és közéleti kérdésekről közérthetően, néha viccesen, de leginkább lényegre törően. (powered by Andersen)

  • Lo sapete che l'8 e 9 giugno voteremo per la decima volta per eleggere i nostri rappresentanti al Parlamento Europeo? Con "Euro Dieci" proviamo a raccontare cosa è successo nei precedenti appuntamenti. In 10 puntate, Paolo Celata, ripercorre le elezioni europee dal 1979 al 2024. Un racconto coinvolgente e non banale che attraversa la storia politica dell'Unione Europea, con particolare riferimento al ruolo cruciale dell’Italia.

  • 🎙️ Dive into the world of cybersecurity with Cubic Lighthouse Podcast - your expert companion in navigating the latest developments and crucial topics in the field. We dissect complexities, provide strategic insights, and ensure you stay abreast of cutting-edge trends. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a cybersecurity enthusiast, join us for concise expertise and actionable intelligence to enhance your security posture. 🌐🔐

  • Mayer Brown's Financial Services Focus podcast offers insight from our lawyers on the pivotal trends currently shaping the financial services industry. Topics include regulation leading up to the US election, impactful state laws, vendor risk, cybersecurity, structured finance, private credit investments, M&A activity, digital assets, fee lawsuits, AI discrimination claims, and commercial mortgage issues.

    Financial Services Focus also provides a UK/European perspective, analyzing parallels and differences from US trends in areas like fintech, AI oversight and outsourcing rules. Our goal is to keep clients updated on the latest legal and market developments impacting financial services, wherever in the world you are.

  • Welcome to TechOver Africa with Wangari Njathi. One woman’s take on the Story of the Rising Digital Economy in Africa. We talk with the expert guests on all things tech. Is the technological uptake in Africa all good, all bad, or in between. Join me as I examine, interrogate, analyze and make sense of policies that guard our interests. Disruption can be messy, where will we be when the dust settles?

  • Making-of AFP : les coulisses de l'info

  • AFP Correspondent blog, taking readers behind the scenes at the global news agency Agence France-Presse

  • برنامج يعالج تغطية الصحافة والإعلام للحدث في العالم مع الصحفيين والمراسلين العرب في فرنسا وفي العالم. الأربعاء الساعة 16:10 بتوقيت باريس.

  • Im „Berlin Playbook – Der Podcast“ nimmt Euch Gordon Repinski und das POLITICO-Team jeden Morgen mit durch die Hauptstadt. Tagespolitik in 15 Minuten – ohne Schnörkel oder Phrasen, dafür mit Spaß. Dazu das Wichtigste aus Brüssel und Washington, D.C. Und das 200-Sekunden-Interview, bei dem Politiker auf den Punkt kommen müssen – wenn die Uhr anfängt zu ticken. Immer Montags bis Donnerstags ab 5 Uhr. 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Grassroots Marketing curates thought-provoking dialogue with an exclusive class of thought leaders who will offer high-end round table business strategies and solutions that seek to prune and harvest great ideas in each episode. We will also explore the landscape of the states seeking to legalize and their coming initiatives. Thought leaders in the cannabis industry convene here to share some of their best practices and protocols. Let’s chart the growth of this burgeoning industry - one of the world’s premier cash crops.

  • Flamme, athlète, podium... une chronique qui décrypte les mots emblématiques des Jeux olympiques.

  • Je suis Peggy Parisotto et je donne la parole à des personnalités aux parcours marquants, passionnants . Des êtres que vous pensiez connaître et qui vont partager avec nous leur expérience de vie. Sans tabou. Pour que chacune et chacun d’entre nous, puisse, comme eux, transformer ses épreuves en force. Mes invités sont la preuve vivante que nous pouvons à tout moment reprendre le pouvoir de notre vie et devenir la personne que nous sommes réellement. Retrouvez-moi également chaque semaine pour des émissions capsules en compagnie de nos différents experts qui vous éclaireront à travers des thématiques diverses dans le développement personnel.

  • The Climate Angle will examine headline (and not headline) news stories and ask the oft missed question: “what’s the climate angle?”. All too often, the news we are exposed to neglects to address the climate crisis, or consider the role/impact of climate change on the problem or situation. We often find that consideration of the climate crisis in news stories most readily/frequently/easily comes when the stories themselves are about a climate disaster. In addition, as a society in the West and Global North, we still put our news stories into disciplines. The world doesn’t work this way - we must use systems thinking to understand the complex relational network of problems and solutions that surround climate change. Thus: this podcast.

    Music: Provided by the Marama Cafe Band; Giles Lewin (Violin, Vocals)  Natalia Kakarkina (Vocals, Saucepan Lid), Pete Watson (Vocals, Accordion)

  • "Coalition of the Sane" is an adventurous, thought-provoking podcast that delves into current politics with a focus on commonsense, rationality and critical thinking. Hosted by the intrepid Denver Riggleman, former congressman, former advisor to the J6 committee, former NSA and Air Force intelligence officer and current AI tech CEO, this podcast aims to combat conspiracy theories, dismantle propaganda and preserve democracy by providing well-researched analysis and evidence-based discussions. Join the Coalition of the Sane for conversations that shed light on the truth and encourage listeners to engage in informed civic discourse. Buckle up. Laughter encouraged. Stupid destroyed.