Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Marokko – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Le Podcast d'une psy entrepreneure passionnée du monde digital. Après avoir exercé en libéral pendant 3 ans, je me suis rendue compte que ce n'était pas pour moi. Il m'a fallu quand même 3 tentatives pour me rendre compte que le modèle des consultations classiques chez le psy ne me correspondait pas. Après ce constat, j'ai (enfin) écouté cette petite voix intérieure pour passer du libéral au digital et créer une activité qui me ressemble. C'est ce que je veux t'encourager à faire ! Osons être les thérapeutes 2.0 de demain 😉

  • Welcome to the "Leadership in Africa Redefined Podcast," where insightful conversations unfold under the expert guidance of your host, Taaka Awori. In this empowering podcast series, Taaka is joined by leaders from across the continent to explore the diverse landscape of leadership, aiming to redefine and elevate the narrative surrounding African leaders.


    Join Taaka Awori, a seasoned and dynamic host with a deep passion for leadership development, as she engages in thought-provoking conversations with visionary leaders, trailblazers, and change-makers from various industries and sectors. Through compelling interviews, Taaka sheds light on the unique challenges, triumphs, and innovative approaches that define leadership in Africa today.


    The podcast delves into a wide range of topics, from the intersection of traditional values and modern leadership principles to the impact of technology on shaping the future of African leadership. Taaka Awori navigates the complexities of leadership in the African context, highlighting inspiring stories of resilience, courage, and transformation.


    Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights into the rich tapestry of leadership styles across the continent, learning from the experiences and wisdom of guests who have successfully navigated the intricate paths of leadership in diverse African nations. The "Leadership in Africa Redefined Podcast" aims to inspire and empower a new generation of leaders while challenging existing stereotypes and fostering a deeper understanding of the vibrant leadership landscape in Africa.


    Whether you're an aspiring leader, an entrepreneur, or simply someone interested in the evolving dynamics of leadership, join Taaka Awori on this enlightening journey as she redefines the narrative around leadership in Africa, one episode at a time.

  • Podcast sur le e-commerce, je te parle de taux de conversion, d'optimisations et d’acquisitions client.

  • Ce blog traite de tout ce qui se rapporte à la rédaction web, de près ou de loin, à travers les yeux d'un praticien.

  • Welcome to the space for exchanging skills and experiences in small businesses.


  • Ton podcast pour un business de cœur éclairé et audacieux.

    Chaque semaine, je reviens avec des conseils, que je sois en solo ou avec un.e invité.e spécial.e, pour que tu puisses de ton activité professionnelle une opportunité d'épanouissement personnel, d'expansion de ta conscience universelle mais aussi l'atteinte de tous tes désirs et rêves.

    Merci pour le soutien que tu apportes à L'art de ta puissance par tes écoutes, tes commentaires, tes 5 étoiles et tes retours sur instagram @calunabyceci.

    Un câlin à ton coeur!

  • Where community builders share their stories of crafting, nurturing, and growing communities from within.🌱

    / We don’t have enough stories of success from companies building internal communities
    / We don’t know enough about the challenges such projects are facing
    / We don’t know “what good looks like” and what’s holding us back
    / We don’t celebrate the organisations and people who pave the way often enough

    We’re changing that.

    Hosted by Sophie August and Anamaria Dorgo.

  • بودكاست "متداول يتكلم" هو برنامج مبتكر يتناول موضوع الأسواق المالية بطريقة سهلة وبسيطة.
    يقدم رحلة تعليمية غنية و يعمق وعي المستمعين حول الأسواق المالية و يشمل بذلك مواضيع حول الاقتصاد والسياسة والفكر و الفلسفة.
    يهدف البودكاست في الأساس الى تصحيح المفاهيم الخاطئة لدى المتداولين و نقل التجارب من داخل الأسواق العالمية لإثراء المحتوى العربي في مجال التداول و الإستثمار.

  • Explorez l’univers de l’Innovation Sociale chaque semaine en compagnie de Aimane Cherragui et de ses invités inspirants. Approfondissez vos connaissances dans ce domaine en perpétuelle évolution.

  • We will be talking about everything including everything that is and not talked about

  • NFT Alpha is the spot where you can get the latest and greatest NFT news, project reviews, and NFT advice. Episodes coming to you twice a week where you can learn about some of the upcoming NFT projects and tokens that have major upside and potential. Follow us on this journey as we uncover what the world of NFTs has to offer!

    DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that we are not a professional advisor in business areas involving NFT’s, finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "NFT Update" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "NFT Update" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available.

  • 'نقود كاست' – المقدم من مجموعة Equiti، صوتكم الموثوق لعالم التداول بالعربية. نحن هنا لنرافقكم في رحلتكم المالية، سواء كنتم مبتدئين أو متداولين ذوي خبرة.
    نستكشف معًا أسرار التداول وتفاصيل الأسواق المالية بأسلوب حواري مبسط وجذاب.
    يتميز 'نقود كاست' بكونه متخصص في مجال التداول الإلكتروني، ويقوده خبراؤنا الذين يتحدثون لغة يفهمها كل متداول.
    في 'نقود كاست'، نهدف إلى الارتقاء بمستوى المحتوى وتقديم تجربة استثنائية مع استضافة ضيوف متميزين.
    نقودكاست – ليس مجرد بودكاست عادي، بل هو رحلتكم نحو الإتقان في عالم التداول.
    انضموا إلينا كل أسبوع في رحلة التعلم والاكتشاف في عالم الأسواق المالية.

  • Réunion de chantier, le podcast de Cristal Habitat vous invite à suivre la réhabilitation de 244 logements dans le quartier du Piochet à Chambéry.

    Ce projet d'une ampleur exceptionnelle a 2 objectifs : atteindre un niveau de neutralité énergétique inégalé, avec une garantie de 30 ans et améliorer le confort de vie des locataires grâce à la rénovation intérieure de leurs logements. A travers ces 7 épisodes de podcast, suivez Marie-Thérèse, Assia et Christel, 3 locataires du Piochet, ainsi que l'ensemble des acteurs engagés dans cette rénovation inédite.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • I just get into my digital career when I was 17. Still, I am learning and my main motive is to provide value as much as I can from my own experience. Listen to this podcast to get the best dose of marketing

  • Welcome to the Austin ParksCast by Austin Parks Foundation. If you're passionate about the parks, trails and green spaces in Austin, Texas, you're in the right place. We tackle important topics and talk about all things parks!

    Season 3 will begin mid-February 2022! All 26 episodes from Seasons 1 and 2 are available now on your favorite podcast platforms. Leave us a voice message at We might even play your message on the show!

    Learn more about Austin Parks Foundation and the work we do to improve parks for every Austinite at!

  • Sports dietitians all have different career paths that have led them to where they are today. Join Liz Wluka, MS, RD, CSSD and her sports dietitian colleagues talk about their career paths to becoming a sports RD. Collegiate, professional, tactical and private practice sports dietitians will share "snippets" of their career path including advice, insight, challenges and the rewards of the profession. If you want to become a sports RD this podcast is for you!

  • (مجالي) هو عبارة عن برنامج أونلاين تقني وتدريبي مجاني، يسعى إلى نشر الخبرات والتجارب وأسرار النجاح في المجالات المختلفة، عبر سلسلة دروس يقدمها الخبراء والمختصين الناجحين في مجالاتهم.

    نهدف من خلال هذه السلسلة إلى تمرير الخبرات واختصار المسافات وتقليل المحاولات.

  • Je partagerai mon expérience sur le quotidien d'un développeur, mais aussi surement d'autres sujets comme la communication ou le développement personnel.