Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Nieuw-Zeeland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Want to be inspired to develop your skills & knowledge, improve your leadership and fulfill your potential?

    A Half Dozen Things, hosted by Pete Rushmer. is a podcast for Leaders like you.

    Whether you‘re an Underdog hungry for success or your already smashing it but want to continue to Level Up..... we are here for you fortnightly on a Friday, to get insight and learning from the very best in the business.

    No fluff, no BS and no self proclaimed gurus talking about how easy business or life is. Just real, raw and frank conversations.

    Series 1 - Secrets of success in business
    Series 2 - Transport and road safety specials
    Series 3 - Making your business safer, greener & greater
    Series 4 - Understanding high performance and leadership success

  • Introducing ”The Builders Coach Show” 🎙️– the ultimate podcast for builders ready to take their business to new heights! Hosted by industry expert Kurt Hegetschweiler, this show dives deep into the stories, insights, and strategies that will help you optimise your profit, cash flow, and workflow. Whether you’re looking to streamline operations, boost your profit, or finally enjoy the lifestyle you deserve, Kurt’s got the blueprint to get you there. Tune in for practical tips, expert advice, and the inspiration you need to build a business that works for you. It’s time to build your dream business!

  • Lilah McDonald is the host of NZBusiness magazine’s podcast 'Sustainably Ever After', proudly brought to you by OfficeMax. In this podcast Lilah will be exploring the incredible world of sustainability and entrepreneurship.

    She'll be talking to guests who are making waves in the world of sustainability; those who have built businesses with a purpose, those striving to make their established companies greener, and those leading the charge for social and environmental change.

  • Hey, and welcome to The Brand Boost Podcast . This is a no bs conversation, where we talk about all things branding, entrepreneurship, mindset, and business. I’m your host, Jzakaala Hamilton. Owner of Luxurry Studios Branding Company. I hope you enjoy the podcast, please follow us, rate & be sure to keep up with us.Design agency: Instagram: &

  • Welcome to a podcast from the heart of a social performance practice. Here we showcase the voices of practitioners as together we explore the different dimensions involved in working in the discipline. Designed for people from a range of sectors, this will appeal both to those directly involved in, and those accountable for, the work of stakeholder engagement, socio-economic development, and social risk and impact management. Tune in for our six-part season.

  • Wie gelingt es Ihnen als Führungskraft, ein Umfeld zu schaffen, in dem Menschen gerne ihr Bestes geben? Wie bleiben Sie in dieser schnelllebigen und komplexen Welt erfolgreich und gleichzeitig gesund? In unserem Podcast „Neues Führen, neue Haltung - Der Business-Podcast mit Geist und Seele“ erhalten Sie wertvolle Deep Insights und praxisnahe Tipps rund um Positive Leadership, Organisationsentwicklung und Change-Management, um Ihren Führungsalltag noch erfolgreicher zu gestalten.

    Erfahren Sie, wie Sie schwierige Gespräche in der Führung wirksam gestalten, ohne die Beziehungsebene zu beeinträchtigen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Vertrauen und psychologische Sicherheit in Ihrem Team aufbauen und wie Sie emotionale Herausforderungen im Führungsalltag noch souveräner bewältigen. Stärken Sie Ihre Selbstwirksamkeit und fördern eine Führungskultur, die Sinn und Verbundenheit schafft.

    Freuen Sie sich neben den Impulsen Ihrer Hosts Ariane Bertz und Dr. Andreas Lohr auch auf spannende Gäste, die ihr Expertenwissen zu Leadership, Change-Management und Organisationsentwicklung teilen und Ihnen wertvolle Erkenntnisse für Ihre tägliche Führungsarbeit mitgeben. Abonnieren Sie jetzt den Business-Podcast und machen Sie sich auf den Weg zu einer neuen Haltung in der Führung – immer am vierten eines Monats.

    Sie haben Fragen oder wünschen Sie spezielle Themen in unserem Leadership-Podcast? Dann schreiben Sie uns gerne unter [email protected].

  • Hi it’s Mochi. And I’m going to teach you all about podcasting and such. If you hear these episodes, in the future, you’ll get it! I promise. So come here right now and listen to my podcast too make you better :)

  • Quick tips to simplify your marketing efforts and magnetically attract your ideal clients.

  • The Chair-isma podcast is an on-tap mentor, designed for Vistage Chairs searching for deeper connection, guidance and inspiration. Facilitated by Chicago Chair Francine Lasky, each 20-minute(ish) episode harnesses the positive energy from a dynamic Vistage Chair who shares challenges, triumphs, and a couple best practices. This podcast achieves success when as a community, we bond deeply, we lead boldly, and we inspire possibility.

    Listen when you’re driving to a meeting, preparing for a challenging one-on-one, or up at 2:00am worrying everyone in your group is going to leave. Each episode offers a window into the soul of the Chair experience.

    What’s our core mission? To help you truly ”know” every Chair featured on the podcast, fostering a sense of camaraderie that inspires and sparks creativity. It’s like having an uplifting conversation at ChairWorld, available at the touch of a button. Join us twice a month to experience this synergy and expand your Chair family. We’re not just improving workplaces – we’re strengthening families and fostering happier communities.

  • If you aren't getting what you want, it's because you think you know who you are. But do you? If you did, you would be getting what you want.

    What stops most people from knowing who they really are is the fear of failure, rejection or being called out as a fraud. So a person says, "I'd rather stay ignorant of my Life Purpose than know it and fail to do it."

    Even if you are successful, this podcast is for you if you know there has to be more - more soul satisfaction - rather than boredom, depression, anger, bitterness, disappointment or frustration.

    In order to grow a successful business, you must know who you are at a soul level - call it your blueprint, your design, your DNA. The acorn grows into an oak tree, not a willow tree. Do you even know what your seed wants to become?

    Baeth Davis rants (in her inspiring, humorous way) on the insanity of struggling to "make more money" and "get by." When you know your design, your life is financed because you are in the flow.

    Join Baeth as she shares her 20 years of wisdom as a million-dollar business owner and interviews celebrities, successful entrepreneurs and innovators on the leading edge of consciousness who have overcome the belief that something is missing to living a life of prosperity. Isn't it time YOU experienced right work for right pay?

  • Why do we drink what we do? Is it just the taste — or are there other drivers behind what's on the shelf? Drinks data expert Lulie Halstead joins writer and editor Felicity Carter to explore the economic, technological and social turning points that determine what's in the glass.

  • Lupin Q is a podcast dedicated to uncovering the fascinating world of lupins—a versatile superfood with incredible health and environmental benefits. Hosted by David Fienberg, each episode features expert insights, inspiring stories, and practical advice on how lupins can transform diets, support sustainable farming, and address global food challenges. From exploring the history of this remarkable legume to discussing its future as a game-changing crop, Lupin Q is your go-to source for everything lupin. Whether you're a health enthusiast, foodie, or advocate for sustainability, this podcast has something for you.

  • Welcome to The Powerhouse Diaries – The podcast for brave, bold & bad-ass business owners.

  • Starting a business can be daunting and overwhelming, and running a business can feel like you're going at it alone! We're here to help share the load. 

    Introducing The Digital Diaries Podcast with Grace & Antonia, two aspiring business owners breaking down the reality of self employment. We’re here sharing some of our personal stories (diary entries if you will) of the good, the bad and the in-between. 

    It’s not all 10k months and sell-out courses, but we’re in it for the long haul and are excited to share our thoughts and stories to inspire you on your own business journey. 

    Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, or follow us on Instagram @thedigitaldiariespodcast.

  • Are you a woman leader who cares deeply about your reputation, results, and impact—while staying true to yourself and prioritising your well-being?

    Welcome to The Contagious Leader ᵀᴹ Podcast, where we empower high-achieving women to lead with contagious authenticity, energy, and confidence that transforms every area of your life and ripples onto those who follow you.

    Hosted by Executive Leadership Coach Laura Thain, this podcast is your guide to becoming an authentic, high-performing, and well-being-focused role model that everyone loves to work for.

    Subscribe now!

  • At Awesome Women in Construction, or AWIC, we are a not for profit association, providing a supportive community for women working in the construction industry. Assisting with providing personal and professional development and confidence building opportunities, we strive to build the brands of the organisations these women represent.

  • The career advice you need, but won’t ask for.

    Join our podcast hosts/professional yappers, Abby Forbes and Jess Taylor, as they delve into the work worries and career fears keeping you up at night.

    From advice on navigating workplace Karens to owning a monumental f*ck up—you can thank us in advance because we’ve got you covered.

  • "Set your life on fire and seek those who fan your flames." -Rumi Gilda Gazor did just that when she left her esteemed positions as lawyer and law prof to travel Iran on a solo mission, document her journey @storiesofiran, gave a TEDx talk and hosted a TV show. Now, she's back in LA-practicing law, doing standup comedy and fulfilling her ultimate calling of TALKING-CONNECTING-ASKING QUESTIONS and seeking answers to life's big questions. What are we here to do? How do we figure it out? Gilda is on a mission to find out and hopes that her a-ha moments will inspire you to LIGHT YOUR LIFE ON FIRE

  • Stories and interviews by first and returning-generation farmers and ranchers about why they’ve been attracted to farming or ranching for their livelihoods.

  • The Prosperity Project is a weekly personal finance podcast from the NZ Herald. Join host Nadine Higgins every Monday as she talks to experts from New Zealand and around the world about the biggest money issues to help you become more prosperous.  

    Follow The Prosperity Project on iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcasts. To get in touch with the podcast, email [email protected]