Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Finland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Commercial Real Estate Talk is commercial real estate simplified. Subscribe to stay in the know with weekly CRE #shorts which break down CRE tips, definitions and principles in under one minute. Plus, don't miss the weekly CRE podcast of national news impacting commercial real estate.

    We track commercial real estate so you can focus on your business. Please like and subscribe today to see more content on the channel.

    Want to take a deeper dive into commercial real estate? Then pick up a copy of Morales' book entitled "Commercial Real Estate Office Leasing - The Tale of Tenant Representation: Commercial Real Estate Explained and Applied for Business Owners and Realtors".

    Please visit for a copy of the book and remember "Ignorance is expensive."

    Jorge L. Morales is Founder and President of Blue Box Real Estate, an independent commercial real estate firm in South Florida. Please visit for commercial real estate solutions.

  • Empower your financial future with "Her Money Moves." the podcast for ambitious women determined to achieve lasting financial freedom.
    Join Staci LaToison to learn from visionary women who've achieved wealth and success while learning practical strategies to transform your finances and shape your future. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative journey to redefine your relationship with money, gain financial confidence, and shape the life you aspire to lead.

  • The world needs more great leaders, but leadership in God's Kingdom is upside down.

    If you're looking for answers and insights from leaders who have served faithfully for years and decades, you've come to the right place. The FXMissions Leaders Moment podcast is for the everyday leader who's not chasing titles or accolades or personal gain. It's for the leader who wants to do the very best with what God's called them to, no matter how big or small it seems.

    Start listening today and see what God does with it!

  • Hello and welcome to The Energy Law Podcast, the international podcast on energy law and policy. Started with its first season in 2024, Max Baumgart, an expert in the field of energy law and economic law in transformation processes, interviews esteemed guests from academia and practice. Hear from decision makers and leading international scholars how the law shapes the energy transition and is influenced by paradigm shifts such as Russia`s invasion of Ukraine. Enjoy!

  • في كل حلقة نستضيف خبيراً في مجال الأمن السيبراني ليشاركنا رحلته، تجاربه المهنية، ونصائحه. تجارب تضيف لتجربتكم علماً و عمقاً .

    البودكاست من تقديم : 
    سجى الجلعود / رئيسة الخدمة المجتمعية لرابطة نساء الأمن السيبراني في بريطانيا و إيرلندا ، حاصلة على ماجستير أمن المعلومات من جامعة هيوستن و خبيرة في الأمن السيبراني في إحدى الشركات العالمية

    نوره المبيريك / طالبة دكتوراه في جامعة الملك فهد للبترول و المعادن و حاصله على الماجستير في الأمن السيبراني من جامعة ساوثهامبتون و محاضر في برنامج الأمن السيبراني و التحقيق الرقمي بجامعة الإمام عبدالرحمن بن فيصل .

    نكون ممتنين لدعمكم و متابعتكم عبر منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
    YouTube and X: Kcybers_sa

  • Trey documents his journey of leveraging CoastFi status to leave full time work.

  • De är goda vänner, men tycker ofta olika. De förenas i sin passion för ekonomi. Henrik Mitelman och Gabriel Mellqvist surrar om börsen med de främsta svenska näringslivsprofilerna - nytt avsnitt varannan fredag!

  • Welcome to the GTM AI Podcast, your go-to independent resource to help GTM Professionals become AI Powered. We will cover strategies, new AI tools, AI news and trends, all for the purpose of helping you create real measurable business impact and help your life be easier. We do weekly episodes ranging from interviews to updates to strategy sessions.

    Sponsored by the GTM AI Academy

  • Alma Spotlight podcast on sarja, jossa päästämme ohjelmallisen mainonnan ostajat ääneen.

    Kuulemme muun muassa siitä, mikä on kuuminta juuri nyt ohjelmallisen mainonnan tai laajemmin digimarkkinoinnin piirissä. Millaisten asioiden parissa ohjelmallisen mainonnan ostajat toimistoissa parhaillaan työskentelevät ja mitkä ilmiöt puhuttavat alalla?

    Alma Spotlight myös haastaa ja haluaa aikaansaada keskustelua – vakavista aiheista, mutta ei välttämättä vakavissaan.

  • A podcast for wedding vendors sharing wedding day tips, advice to grow your business, photographer gossip, and a little humor to lighten your busy season.

  • Welcome to the Riskology podcast. Companies operating in today’s global economy really need to get an understanding of the international geopolitical risk landscape. At Infortal Worldwide we work with our clients on Solving Risk Before It Starts™. In this podcast series, Infortal founder and CEO Candice Tal and her team will explore how companies can mitigate risks to their business, employees, and assets while maximizing operational success. 


    Der Podcast rund um Organisationsberatung.

    Ein Podcast von CHRISTIAN RIECKMANN perspektive zukunft.
    Ich bin Organisationsberater und begrüße Sie zu meinem Podcast ORGA CONSULT.

    Die Frage, was Organisation ist, wie man mit ihr umgehen kann, was diese für uns bedeutet und welchen Einfluss die Allgegenwart von Organisationen auf unser Leben und Arbeiten hat, beschäftigt mich seit meiner Jugendzeit.
    Als Organisationsberater bin ich Coach, Facilitator, Projektmanager und nicht zuletzt einfach Berater zu Herausforderungen in und mit Organisationen. Was bedeutet das? Wie geht das? Was tut man da, für was ist das gut und wem nützt das?
    Ich möchte Sie als diejenigen, die ein Unternehmen gründen, die Eignerinnen und Eigner sind, die in Führungsrollen ihren Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen, also Organisationen gestalten, ansprechen.
    Aber auch für Berater und Beraterinnen aus unterschiedlichen Professionen soll es ein Forum des Austausches, des Lernens, der Reflexion oder einfach nur eine gute Unterhaltung mit fachlichem Hintergrund rund um das Thema Organisationsberatung sein.

    Um es gehaltvoll und praxisnah zu gestalten, werde ich mit versierten Praktikern, Wissenschaftlerinnen, Beratern und Anwenderinnen sprechen.
    Genau wie die Arbeit an und mit Organisationen werden die Gespräche dialogisch, diskursiv, interviewend oder vielleicht auch manchmal referierend sein. Letztendlich ist es eine Forschungsreise zu der Frage: Was ist Organisationsberatung, wofür ist sie gut und wie kann man sie gestalten.

    Wenn Menschen sich organisieren, können Sie Berge versetzten und damit gestalten wir Zukunft. Deswegen ist die Perspektive Zukunft immer mein Fokus als Organisationsberater.

  • REVENUE RX is a winning prescription for optical store / optometrist owners, where the focus is on making more money!” We uncover new ideas and useful insights as we explore OPTICAL STORE WINS!

    The podcast is for eye care professionals (ECP) who want to grow and build their business but don’t know where to start, have run out of ideas & don’t have the time.

    Discover how an entrepreneur owned and ran 2 successful optical stores for 16 years and worked only 2 days a week! Understand the difference of working ON the business as opposed to IN the business. Be enlightened knowing that Trust is your biggest expense. Follow me every second week in this 'Revenue RX, Optical Retail Wins' podcast and find new ways to think about your Optical Retail business and take action and be the entrepreneur you always wanted to be.

  • MoneyGirls connects the rising generation of smart, motivated women with the knowledge, tools, and network they need to confidently and capably run their own money. We’re on a mission to empower every woman to maximize her influence and independence by taking control of her financial life.

  • Tips, tactics, and best practices to help entrepreneurs grow their empires through business acquisitions.

  • Empathy has disappeared from our society. Our politics, economy, environment and society do not embrace the need to show empathy. Exploring the need for empathy in our lives, a diverse range of guests from across the world join host Andrew Phipps to discuss and debate why we need empathy unbound.

  • M&A Perspectives is a podcast by Eaton Square. Tune in as we share insights on mergers and acquisitions and capital raising from industry leaders and our international team.

  • Welcome to the Total Money Management Podcast with Steve Moriarty, Tom Hill and Jacob Senior.

    In each episode we discuss all things investing including Stocks, Property and Bonds.

    We take a contrarian approach to investing and want to make you a better investor through education!

    Please remember nothing in this podcast should be considered financial advice and is for educational purposes only.

  • Don't Blame the CRM is a podcast dedicated to helping B2B sales, marketing, and revenue ops people to succeed in their jobs through company data. We talk about CRMs, data enrichment, lead management, company data, prospecting, data analysis, segmentation, and many other topics. Manual data entry, irrelevant data, lack of data, or incorrect data are all problems data professionals in B2B marketing and sales are facing. We don't want anyone to blame their CRM; the challenges can be fixed.