Kunst – Peru – Nieuwe podcasts
https://www.solgoodmedia.com Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad-free! Embark on a journey beyond the ordinary with our Sci-Fi podcast, where each day a new chapter unfolds from classic tales that defy the limits of imagination. Dive into worlds of mystery and adventure with timeless stories like "Anthem," "Around The World in Eighty Days," "Baron's Marvellous Underground Journey," "Flatland - A Romance of Many Dimensions," "Journey to the Center of the Earth," "Out of Time's Abyss," "The Door Through Space," "The Flying Inn," "The Gods of Mars," "The House of Arden," "The Invisible Man," "The Island of Dr. Moreau," "The Machine Stops," "The New Atlantis," "The Time Machine," "The War of The Worlds," and "Thuvia, Maid of Mars." Each chapter is a portal to a different universe, offering a fresh dose of excitement and wonder. Subscribe now and let your imagination soar as we transport you to realms unknown, one chapter at a time.
I love video games and I shall defend them๐
charlas y comentarios de actualidad
Bienvenida a los estudiantes
La comida sana y buena
Receitas veganas deliciosas e fáceis de preparar, para todos os gostos!
Peggy Guggenheim is like water: changeable, tenacious, ready to overflow when the banks become too much like an enclosure.
The works of art she collected over forty years and made accessible to all speak of a life that found its deepest meaning in the continuous pursuit of beauty. But Guggenheim was much more than that. She was a woman who anticipated the future—extraordinarily modern, relatable, and free.
This podcast, created for the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, is dedicated to Guggenheim’s life and her love for art.
‘I WANTED TO BE FREE’ is a podcast created and produced by Chora Media, in collaboration with the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
Written by Silvia Nucini and translated by Alex Valente
Editorial supervision by Sara Poma
Edited by Francesca Abruzzese
Sound and music supervision by Luca Micheli
Post production and sound design by: Emanuele Moscatelli
Project manager: Monia Donati,
Senior producer: Ilaria Celeghin
Postproduction coordinator: Matteo Scelsa
Sound engineer: Luca Possi
Recording engineer: Giacomo Zilio
With thanks to CATERINA SFORZA for playing the role of the main voice.
With thanks to ROSITA MARTIN for reading the excerpts from Peggy Guggenheim’s autobiography, Out of This Century: Confessions of an Art Addict (London: Andre Deutsch, 1979), and Michelangelo Muraro’s Invitation to Venice (London: Paul Hamlyn, 1963) -
El primer episodio de xinemo dia
Frankie talks
En este podcast de la daré ha conoser mis trabajos he información
El innovador programa radial Casa Dis, conducido por la destacada Dra. Margaret Diaz Muñoz. Este programa no solo entretiene, sino que también transforma vidas a través del diseño, ofreciendo conversaciones versátiles y dinámicas con una auténtica esencia caribeña.
Casa Dis se dedica a explorar las últimas tendencias en diseño de interiores y arquitectura, proporcionando a los oyentes ideas inspiradoras y prácticas para mejorar sus espacios. La Dra. Diaz Muñoz entrevista a expertos reconocidos en el campo, compartiendo sus conocimientos y experiencias para ayudar a la audiencia a crear ambientes más funcionales y estéticamente agradables.
Con su enfoque en la innovación y la creatividad, Casa Dis se ha convertido en un referente en el mundo del diseño, ofreciendo contenido de calidad. -
Suma y resta de pilinomios
Resumen del cuento el principito
Causas, desarrollo y consecuencias de la Revolución Francesa
Un podcast en el que dos escritores con experiencia hablan en detalle sobre los elementos de una historia, cómo escribirla, crearla y un largo etcétera, utilizando referencias populares como ejemplos. Si eres un escritor, o estás empezando en este arte, este es tu podcast.
Programa radial de la editorial independiente Baldíos en la Lengua, especializado en Literatura Ultracontemporánea de Argentina y el mundo. Conducido por los escritores argentinos Nicolás Antonioli y Sabrina Usach.
Locución: Jorge Gorostiza y Vladimiro Trolsky
Operación técnica: El Gato Grone.
Productor ejecutivo: Baldíos en la Lengua -
Recomendamos y hablamos sobre el libro “Carta de amor a los muertos” de Ava Dellaira ๐๐
En este breve podcast relató un poema que viene anexo en un libro que me gusto mucho: carta de amor a los muertos.
The First Epistle to Timothy is one of the three Pastoral Epistles, written by Saint Paul and part of the New Testament of the Bible. It consists mainly of counsels to Timothy regarding the forms of worship and organization of the Church, and the responsibilities resting on its several members, including episcopi (translated as "bishops") and diaconi ("deacons"); and secondly of exhortation to faithfulness in maintaining the truth amid surrounding errors, presented as a prophecy of erring teachers to come.
(Summary from Wikipedia) -
Bienvenidos a "Cuentos clásicos para No dormir". El podcast donde los clásicos cobran vida con un toque moderno y adulto.
Sumérgete en historias llenas de misterio, pasión y giros inesperados. Perfecto para los amantes de la literatura y aquellos que buscan una nueva perspectiva de los cuentos de siempre. - Laat meer zien