Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Finland – Nieuwe podcasts
Welcome to the 'Mindful Leadership and Development' Podcast, hosted by Jørgen Larsen. This channel dives deep into the heart of leadership and team dynamics in the modern digital era. Each episode is a journey through insightful topics that resonate with today’s leaders and team builders.
What We Offer: Innovative Perspectives, Team Dynamics Explored, Leadership Insights, etc.
Who Should Listen:
Whether you're a seasoned leader, a budding entrepreneur, or part of a dynamic team, this podcast offers valuable insights and practical tips. It's perfect for those who aspire to lead mindfully and develop teams that are not only high-performing but also adaptive and resilient in a digital world.
Join Us:
Subscribe to the 'Mindful Leadership and Development' Podcast for your regular dose of inspiration and guidance on navigating the complexities of leadership and team building in the digital age. Let's unleash human potential together!
Yahoo Finance has teamed up with former Congressman Patrick Murphy and veteran investor Dan Kunze for Warrior Money, a new show dedicated to uplifting the financial well-being of military veterans transitioning to civilian life. Each week, an array of guests—from everyday vets to high-ranking government officials—offer insight on successfully making the leap from service to business.
New episodes Fridays at 12:30pm ET. -
Dive into the ever evolving world of AI for Business, where we bring you the latest AI News and AI Tools in 5 minutes.
You'll learn everything you need to take advantage of the opportunities in AI and stay ahead of the competition.
Whether you're an entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, or simply curious about the future, stay up-to-date with the fast paced development of artificial intelligence in a quick and easy format.
Welcome to the 'Software Development Insights' Podcast, hosted by Jørgen Larsen on PX7 Digital. This channel is a treasure trove for software development enthusiasts, from seasoned professionals to those just starting their journey in the tech world.
What We Offer: Agile Methodologies, Leadership in Software Development, Knowledge Utilization, Adaptive Methodologies, Product Development, etc.
Who Should Listen:
Our podcast is perfect for anyone in the field of software development, whether you're managing teams, coding, or involved in product design. We cater to those who are keen to stay ahead in the dynamic world of tech, offering perspectives that blend technical know-how with innovative leadership.
Join Us:
Subscribe to 'Software Development Insights' for a regular dose of enlightening discussions and expert insights. Stay updated with the latest trends, methodologies, and best practices in software development. Let's navigate the exciting world of tech together!
The Sustainability Omnibus Podcast, presented by journalists Moriah Costa and Simon Nixon, is your guide to understanding the complex nuances of the EU simplification agenda on sustainability reporting. At a time when transparency, stability and certainty is needed more than ever, we’ll be talking to experts who will help you untangle what’s happening and why. Brought to you by Green Central Banking, which publishes independent news and opinion on financial regulation and sustainability. Listen to episodes on
Finanssiflikat käsittelevät sijoittamista ruohonjuuritasolla erityisesti flikkojen omien kokemusten kautta. Jaksoissa aiheita käsittelevät joko Inderesin omat Finanssiflikat keskenään tai vaihtuvan vieraan kera.
Disclaimer: Arvopapereihin ja rahastoihin sijoittamiseen liittyy aina riski. Inderes ei ole vastuussa esitettyjen tietojen paikkansapitävyydestä taikka mistään menetyksistä tai muista vahingoista, jotka johtuvat siitä, että katsoja luottaa tämän sivun sisältöihin tai tällä sivulla viitattuihin kolmansien osapuolien sisältöihin. Tämä sisältö on tarkoitettu vain tieto- ja viihdekäyttöön -
Verse of the Day is an aid for daily prayer and meditation on the Scriptures. It provides a short Scripture reading and exposition for each day of the year from a book in the Bible. It is our hope and prayer that each listener will be better equipped to understand, apply and meditate on God’s Word for personal spiritual growth and maturity.
To support us and keep us putting out content please consider joining our club at a monthly price of $2.00. The link is below -
Mitä tuottajavastuu tarkoittaa ja koskeeko se myös meidän firmaa? Siinä kaksi yleisintä kysymystä tuottajavastuusta. Pakkausalan tuottajayhteisöjen palveluyhtiö Rinki Oy:n Tuottaja vastaa! -podcastissa selvitetään perusteellisesti ja ymmärrettävästi, mitä tuottajavastuu tarkoittaa pakkausjätteitä tuottavien yritysten kannalta. Millaisia toimenpiteitä tuottajayhteisöön liittyminen vaatii, mihin tuottajavastuu liittyy – ja miksi vastuullisuus on myös hyvää bisnestä.
Tuotanto: F-tuotanto Oy -
#UN specialized #health agency collaborating with partners towards #HealthForAll in Nepal 🇳🇵
Sukella Pelirajaton-toiminnan sydämeen. Podcastissa kerromme Pelirajaton-toiminnan taustaa ja ajattelumallia sekä työmme tärkeimmistä puolista, kuten vertaisohjaajista, rahapelaajien läheistyöstä sekä kokemusasiantuntijuudesta. Nyt puhuu Pelirajattoman työntekijät ja heidän haastattelemat vierailijat.
Kaaoskorjaamo on Kortesjärven Ylikylän Nuorisoseuran ja Kauhavan Nuorisovaltuuston yhteinen podcast, jossa kuuluu nuorten oma ääni.
Conversations with some of the world's best asset managers. AUM explores what it takes to generate outstanding investment outcomes in modern financial markets.
A.U.M. is a FinChat Podcast. FinChat is a stock research platform that provides complete financial data on all companies globally.
Welcome to the B2B Legends Show!
A podcast by Oneflow, where we dive deep into the inspiring career journeys of B2B legends.
In each episode, we talk with industry leaders, uncovering the stories behind their successes, the challenges they've faced, and the lessons they've learned.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration or practical advice, these conversations will offer a glimpse into what it takes to succeed in the world of B2B. -
In-depth topic discussions with the most successful executives and artists in my network. Sharing their experiences about what they’ve learned along the way and what it takes to crank it up to the next level ... with Talent Discovery and Development expert, Corinne Winter-Rousset of CWR Talent.
She’s a Headhunter with a Twist. It’s all about the Talent and we’re here to Pass it On.
A CWR Hospitality and Entertainment Podcast. All Rights Reserved. -
Toimittaja Jenni Pääskysaari johdattaa Vaikuttavan opettajan vierellä -podcastissa kuulijat opettajan arkeen ja nostaa koulutyön tarinat valokeilaan. Sarja pohjautuu Otavan teettämään Opettajan arki -tutkimukseen, joka käsittelee kouluarjen iloja, haasteita ja tulevaisuuden suuntaviivoja. Ääneen pääsevät niin opettajat kuin asiantuntijatkin. Podcast on tehty opettajien tueksi ja inspiraation lähteeksi. Sen aiheista ja tarinoista moni opettaja löytää itsensä – ajatusten kanssa ei tarvitse jäädä yksin.
Welcome to the CTSS Academy podcast, where we explore the latest trends, insights, and stories in the world of software and technology. Each episode, we bring you expert discussions, practical advice, and inspiration to help you grow in your career and stay ahead in the fast-paced tech industry. Whether you’re an aspiring developer, QA engineer, or tech enthusiast, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge you need to thrive in the digital world. Tune in and start your journey toward success with CTSS Academy!
Lentopäiväkirjat on ilmailuaiheinen podcast, jossa lentäjät, matkustajat ja alan ammattilaiset jokaiselta osa-alueelta jakavat ainutlaatuisia kokemuksiaan niin taivaalla, kuin maassakin.
Podcastissa keskustellaan rennosti ilmailusta, urasta ja matkasta kohti ilmailua.
Mukana niin arjen tarinoita kuin uskomattomia seikkailuja eri puolilta maailmaa.
Tutustutaan siis jokaisen vieraan omaan lentopäiväkirjaan.
Lisäksi tavoitteena on pyrkiä luomaan ilmailusta kaikille helposti lähestyttävä asia ja helpottamaan esimerkiksi lentopelosta kärsiviä, kun esimerkiksi lentäjät, lennonjohto sekä matkustamohenkilökunta pääsevät ääneen.
Tervetuloa mukaan!
2024 brought on numerous forces that have impacted our economy and markets in unprecedented ways. AI boom. Shifting Fed policy moves. And when we gather this fall, the outcome of a heated US presidential election will be front and center for investors globally. The combination of these macroeconomic trends, tech breakthroughs and a new administration will bring a lot of unanswered questions for investors.
Yahoo Finance Invest 2024 brings to life our promise to the investing community: Behind every great investor is Yahoo Finance. Join us November 12 at SECOND in New York City to meet and engage with executives from some of the world’s largest corporations, thought leaders, and policy makers through conversations moderated by Yahoo Finance’s editorial team, plus interact and network with an influential audience of passionate, insight-driven professional and retail investors.
Early confirmed speakers include:
Marc Rowan, Apollo Global Management Co-Founder and CEO
Michel Doukeris, Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO
Arvind Krishna, IBM Chairman and CEO
Tony Spring, Macy's Chairman and CEO
Rick Rieder, BlackRock Chief Investment Officer of Global Fixed Income
Neel Kashkari, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President and CEO
Judy L. Shelton, Independent Institute Senior Fellow
Brian Schimpf, Anduril Industries Co-Founder and CEO
Michael Mager, Precision Neuroscience Co-Founder and CEO
Deena Shakir, Lux Capital General Partner
Christopher Licht, CNN Worldwide Former Chairman and CEO
Sponsored by tastytrade -
Investor insight about opportunities in Bulgaria, a developing economy with pool of talents employed in the IT sector and strong manufacturing industry. Join us to hear about the favourable conditions that support the interest of foreign investors in the past 10 years, get access to details about successful foreign investment projects and be among the first to learn about exciting news from the ecosystem, such as the Plovdiv Tech Hub. Each episode is between 40-60 minutes and covers the most important topics for an investor. Largest cities in Bulgaria: Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas and Ruse.
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