Kunst – Noorwegen – Nieuwe podcasts
The Poetry Spoken is a poetry recital channel for the live and appreciation of poetry, especially when spoken.
If you love poetry, this is the channel for you. With weekly uploads ranging from my original works to featured poets and collaborative works.
I'll read your poems if you want. Reach out to me on [email protected]
If you would like your poems read by me, I'm only an eMail away. Please reach out to me via email, [email protected]
Let's do this together. -
Psalm's Project
Two musicians and fitness coaches discuss strength, wellness and fitness in relation to musicians, artists and performance.
Welcome to The Theatre's Dragon Podcast! On this podcast, we will go into a deep dive into the world of modern theatre for young audiences at the longest-running children's theatre in the United States, the Nashville Children's Theatre. Hosted by Lytle Landers, we'll be talking about transitioning to performing and teaching primarily online because of the pandemic, the history of Nashville Children's Theatre, and much more! NEW EPISODES MONTHLY! Follow us on Instagram: @theatresdragon
Students and Children Perform Roles in Front of a Microphone. - Παιδιά & Θέατρο στο Ραδιόφωνο
Auf den Festen der märchenhaften reichen Familie Lauty taucht immer wieder ein rätselhafter uralter Mann auf, bei dessen Anblick es den Gästen kalt über den Rücken läuft. Niemand weiß, in welcher Verbindung der Greis zu der geheimnisumwittereten Familie steht.
Die Wurzeln des Geheimnisses liegen in der tragischen Lebensgeschichte des genialen Bildhauers Sarrasine, einer Geschichte voller Kunst und Musik, Liebe und Leidenschaft. (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus) -
Writing Break is an ad-free, award-winning podcast for writers. Take a break with America’s Editor and learn her best writing tips, catch up on the latest publishing industry news, and recharge with a fellow book lover who understands the plight of the writer.
En podcast om ting som har vært, og ting som er, og ting som kanhende vil komme.
Bli med oss på en reise gjennom Tolkien sitt Legendarium kapittel for kapittel. -
I podkasten Leselaget inviterer vi nokre av våre fremste forfattarar til å lese ein klassikar og snakke om den. Velkommen til Leselaget les Leskov!
Forfattaranes forfattar?
Forfattarane Linn Ullmann, Kathrine Nedrejord og Edvard Hoem er alle aktuelle med tekstar på Det Norske Teatret våren 2025. No har vi fått dei til å lese kortromanen Lady Macbeth fra Mtsensk frå 1865 av den russiske forfattaren Nikolaj Leskov.
Det blir sagt at Leskov er den mest russiske av alle russiske forfattarar. Ein språkets meister og blant de finaste forteljarane i russisk 1800-tallslitteratur. Men Leskov hamnar ofte i skuggen av dei store realistane som Dostojevskij og Tolstoj.
Dramaturg Ingrid Weme Nilsen er programleiar for Leselaget, og i løpet av podkastserien skal ho undersøke om det stemmer at Leskov er «forfattaranes forfattar». Bør vi alle lese Leskov?
Lady Macbeth frå Mtsensk er ei kort forteljing på ca. 60 sider. Men på desse få sidene får du ei uhyggeleg historie, full av stormande kjærleik, store svik og drap på rekke og rad. Og i sentrum av det hele står den unge, vakre kjøpmannskona Katerina Lvovna Ismajlova.
Bli med i laget!
Vi vil gjerne ha med deg i Leselaget også! Lady Macbeth frå Mtsensk er dessverre ikkje lengre mogleg å kjøpe på norsk i bokhandelen. Men du kan låne ho på biblioteket eller kjøpe boka på eit antikvariat. Ho ligg også gratis tilgjengeleg i digital versjon på Nasjonalbiblioteket sine nettsider: www.nb.no.
Våren 2025 speler Det Norske Teatret framsyninga Lady Macbeth, basert på teksten til Nikolaj Leskov.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Book of Tea was written by Okakura Kakuzo in the early 20th century. It was first published in 1906, and has since been republished many times. - In the book, Kakuzo introduces the term Teaism and how Tea has affected nearly every aspect of Japanese culture, thought, and life. The book is noted to be accessible to Western audiences because though Kakuzo was born and raised Japanese, he was trained from a young age to speak English; and would speak it all his life, becoming proficient at communicating his thoughts in the Western Mind. In his book he elucidates such topics as Zen and Taoism, but also the secular aspects of Tea and Japanese life. The book emphasizes how Teaism taught the Japanese many things; most importantly, simplicity. Kakuzo argues that this tea-induced simplicity affected art and architecture, and he was a long-time student of the visual arts. He ends the book with a chapter on Tea Masters, and spends some time talking about Sen no Rikyu and his contribution to the Japanese Tea Ceremony. (Summary from Wikipedia)
Journey through the ancient tales of "The Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria," exploring the myths and legends of these mysterious civilizations. This book delves into the fascinating lore and historical speculation surrounding these lost worlds.
The story revolves around Carter Brent, an alcoholic and gambler who had struck gold many times in the Yukon, but gambled and drank it away in Dawson; and Snowdrift, the half-breed who had spent her life with a wandering band of Indians in the frozen north country. Snowdrift had been raised by Wananebish, yet never knew who her father was, and yet Wananebish had somehow been able to send her to be schooled at a nearby mission.
The paths of this unlikely pair would cross in the barren lands of the Yukon where Brent had hopes of finding more gold, but it was well known that there was no gold in the region between Dawson and the MacKenzie. But Brent had that certain knack for striking gold, and due to his way of life, also had a certain knack for gambling and drinking it away. Plenty of action follows, while Brent performs his search with little or no money, runs across Snowdrift, and while a band of fellow gamblers who know of his luck follows closely on his trail, he must get his prize back to Dawson. (Introduction by Roger Melin) -
Hva er egentlig litteratur? Hvorfor leser vi den? Finnes det universelle mønstre som går igjen på tvers av tid og sted? Hvorfor det er interessant å se på litteraturen i et bredere perspektiv enn bare enkeltverk og forfatterskap? Disse og flere spørsmål utforskes i «Litteraturens mønstre»: en podkast om tendenser, temaer og troper i litteraturen.
Gjennom samtaler med litteraturforskere fra Universitetet i Agder (UiA) og fra andre universiteter retter litteraturstipendiatene Oda Sagebakken Slotnes og Helle Marie Vatne et skråblikk mot de mønstrene som har etablert seg i litteraturen – både i samtiden, og gjennom litteraturhistorien. Podkasten retter seg mot litteraturinteresserte, studenter og det litteraturvitenskapelige fagmiljøet.
Sadie guides her friend Lily through the wild world of Twin Peaks
Rick Wakeman is one of the greatest musicians of all time, with 50 million record sales under his own name and countless millions more playing with Yes, David Bowie, Cat Stevens and many, many more.
He's a bona fide rock star who's seen it all, done it all and now, wants to talk about it all.
The Myths & Legends of Rick Wakeman. With regular episodes starting Jan 31st 2025.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Vinforum er Norges første og fremste vinmagasin og har vært utgitt siden 1986.
Programledere i vinpodkasten vår er sommelier Tommy Andresen og redaktør Eirik Sand Johnsen, som begge skriver om vin i bladet. Vi inviterer noen av de dyktigste folkene i bransjen som gjester, og deg som lytter, inn i et dypdykk i vinens verden!
Har du spørsmål, kommentarer eller innspill? Ta gjerne kontakt med oss på [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Critical thinking
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fashionbytes is a multimedia platform designed to help & nurture new, emerging and established design talent flourish through a mix of live educational events, industry news and a vibrant community. We fill the gap between education and what happens in real life. fashionbytes brings together the necessary elements to support individuals and businesses. We provide the structure for talent to flourish and have the foundation to encourage the greatest chance of success.fashionbytes chat is a series providing practical & useful industry insights.
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