Egypte – Nieuwe podcasts
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss my personal experiences with life and relationships. I will be lifting up my Coffee King’s and Queen’s up in the Lord. My podcast is for those who sense a royal calling on their life. Seeking righteousness and learning to hear God’s voice in the waiting season. In each episode, we will discuss ways to grow closer to God in everyday life and discuss ways to start a new beginning
Welcome to "Voices of the Divine Feminine," a weekly podcast hosted by Julien DuBrow, founder of the Divine Feminine Network. Join us as we explore the realms of poetry and wisdom, delving into the power, resilience, and beauty of the divine feminine. Each episode combines insightful discussions and enchanting poetry, offering a captivating journey into spirituality, empowerment, and self-discovery.
Subscribe now to join Julien DuBrow and the Divine Feminine Network on this transformative exploration. Embrace the timeless wisdom and poetic beauty that lie within the heart of the divine feminine, and deepen your connection to the sacred feminine with each uplifting episode. -
Spark your spiritual imagination through these interviews with theologians, entrepreneurs and investors who've thoughtfully integrated their spiritual and professional identities, lives and practices.
If you are somebody who feels lost navigating their religion and need guidance cultivating the life you feel called to live this podcast is for you and I am so happy to have you come along this journey with me. I am Deb and this the Dig. The spirituality podcast where we dig deep on all things limiting beliefs so you can live an authentic, empowering, and expansive life. This season we will be deconstructing Religious Limiting beliefs. Beliefs acquired through fundamentalist religions and the limits it puts on the way we live our life. Welcome to the Dig.
Ich erzähle beim Spazierengehen, liebevolle Geschichten und Erfahrungen aus meinem Leben. Was mich berührt und beschäftigt. In Vetrauen, Verbindung und Vollendung, mit Allem.
The baby teeth podcast is a space for collective wisdom to arise through spiritually grounded conversations held in the all encompassing reality– love. Hosted by zander cole.
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brought to you in collaboration with the Sacred Community Project, find out more at -
Taking you further than you've gone before.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
مرحبًا بكم في بودكاست قنصلية الثروات، حيث نناقش مواضيع متعلقة بالثروة والشركات والقادة والسياسات الحكومية المالية، في اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. تم تصميم البودكاست ليكون موجز ومحدد الهدف. انضم إلينا لنستكشف عالم الأعمال المزدهر
Welcome to the Wealth Consulate podcast, where we discuss topics related to wealth, corporations, leaders, and government financial policies, in both Arabic and English. To save your time, the podcast is designed to be concise and targeted. Join us as we explore the thriving world of business -
Zu jeder Ausgabe des MIttelPunkts, dem Mitglieder- und Kundenmagazin der Vereinten Volksbank, gehört der VolksbankTalk. Hier sprechen Menschen aus Dorsten, Bottrop und Kirchhellen über Themen der Region. Und besonders häufig über Dinge, die (noch) nicht in den Schlagzeilen waren.
King Henry IV, Part 1 by William Shakespeare is a verifiable show that investigates power, resistance, and self-improvement. The play follows the political turmoil during Ruler Henry IV's rule, as he faces a resistance drove by Hotspur (Henry Percy). In the mean time, the lord's child, Ruler Hal, invests his energy in bars with the wicked Sir John Falstaff, avoiding imperial obligations. Hal's change from a lighthearted youth to a mindful pioneer is key to the story. As pressures rise, Hal in the long run faces Hotspur in fight, killing him and demonstrating his value to his dad. The play differentiates Hal's way to development with Hotspur's recklessness, mixing political interest with subjects of honor, steadfastness, and the intricacies of authority. Summary by Dream Audiobooks
بودكاست حواري، يستضيف المبدعين والمهتمين بالثقافة والفنون، للحديث عن فلسفتهم الخاصة في أسلوب حياتهم وما يقدمون من محتوى، فكل حلقة تناقش الآراء والمفاهيم العميقة للشخصيات، وذلك عن طريق أخذ المستمعين في رحلة هدفها اتساع المدارك، الارتقاء بمستوى الوعي وتبادل المعرفة والأفكار، مسافرين لعوالم جديدة ترتبط بالتجارب الشخصية والنظرة الذاتية للمواضيع في إطار المجال الإبداعي والثقافي.
هاي فايڤ هي إحدى شركات fiftyfive
تختص شركة fiftyfive بتطوير العلامات التجارية، التواصل الاعلامي ،الحملات الدعائية وإستراتيجيات التواصل بلمسة إبداعية فريدة وتفاصيل لافتة. -
This Side of Paradise is the debut novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Published in 1920, and taking its title from a line of the Rupert Brooke poem Tiare Tahiti, the book examines the lives and morality of post-World War I youth. Its protagonist, Amory Blaine, is a wealthy and attractive Princeton University student who dabbles in literature and has a series of romances that eventually lead to his disillusionment. In his later novels, Fitzgerald would further develop the book's theme of love warped by greed and status-seeking. (Summary from Wikipedia)
الفن والجريمة دايماً مشتبكين في بعض، تحقيق فني يمزج بين الجريمة الوضيعة والفن الراقي. في كل حلقة نتقصى جريمة أو لغز يحيط بقطعة فنية مشهورة، من الموناليزا اللي اشتهرت بعد ما سرقت، اللوحة فان جوخ اللي لقوها تحت أرضية مطبخ، من سراقين محترفين يخططون سنوات، لسرقات فوضوية بدون تخطيط. مزورين قدروا يخدعوا أفهم الخبراء الفنيين بلوحات مزيفة ما ليها قيمة. ندخل في عالم البصمات، والتحقيقات والشرطة المتنكرة وعالم الجريمة السفلي.
نستفتح بهذه الترنيمة التي سجلها لنا الأستاذ والمعلق الصوتي الفذ عصام سيف في مبتدىء رواة قبل أكثر من ثمانية أعوام
Just a podcast on things related to literature courses I teach at Bethel.
Chapter by chapter analysis of the epic novel BLOOD MERIDIAN by Cormac McCarthy. Co-hosts critic JVH and artist Candy Minx discuss everything Blood Meridian.
An analysis of Brave New world
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, was a French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature. Among Molière's best-known works is Tartuffe or The Hypocrite, written in 1664. Though Tartuffe was received well by the public and even by Louis XIV, its popularity was lessened when the Archbishop of Paris issued an edict threatening excommunication for anyone who watched, performed in, or read the play.
Tartuffe, a pious fraud who pretends to speak with divine authority, has insinuated himself into the household of Orgon. When Orgon announces that his daughter Mariane is to marry Tartuffe instead of her fiance Valère, the rest of the family realizes the extent of Tartuffe's influence over Orgon. Tartuffe tries to seduce Orgon's wife Elmire, who traps him into revealing to Orgon his intentions toward her. Orgon throws Tartuffe out of the house, Tartuffe returns with an order of eviction for the family, and at the final moment the tables are turned and the play ends happily. (Summary by Wikipedia and Laurie Anne Walden) - Laat meer zien