Turkije – Nieuwe podcasts
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Podcast by RuPaul's After Party
The Video Editing Guru is the ultimate podcast for creators looking to produce and edit high-quality videos like a pro! Hosted by professional video editor Dustin Elkin, this show dives deep into the art of video editing—covering best practices, creative techniques, and game-changing tips to take your content to the next level.
From mastering the fundamentals of editing to harnessing the power of AI tools to enhance your videos, each episode is packed with valuable insights for beginners and pros alike. Whether you’re a YouTuber, filmmaker, or digital marketer, you'll learn how to craft stunning visuals and streamline your workflow with cutting-edge technology. -
İki popüler kültür meraklısı, İlker ve Alican, 2004-2009 yılları arasında yayınlanan Avrupa Yakası'nın sadece komik sahnelerini değil, dizinin Türkiye'nin sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel dönüşümünü nasıl yansıttığını tartışıyor. Sütçüoğlu Apartmanı'nın kapısını her bölümde farklı bir temayla aralayarak, Gülse Birsel'in yarattığı bu eşsiz dünyaya yeni bir gözle bakıyorlar. Nişantaşı'ndan Etiler'e, organik dondurmadan Makbule'nin çiğ köftesine, 2000'lerin İstanbul'unun tam kalbinden bugüne uzanan bu yolculukta, Avrupa Yakası'nın neden hala en çok konuşulan dizi olduğunu anlamaya çalışıyorlar.
Welcome to Insights where host Ben Segal engages with industry leaders about their unique paths to success. Our goal is to leave you with one or two nuggets of knowledge after listening to each episode.
Everyone’s financial journey is different. We believe that when you have access to education, tools and professional guidance, everyone wins. We empower you to build healthy financial habits so you can take more control of your financial future.
Türkiye’nin ilk kalkınma ve yatırım bankası TSKB (Türkiye Sınai Kalkınma Bankası) tarafından hazırlanan Kalkınma Basamakları’nda, Tülin Özen ve Yetkin Dikinciler’in sunumuyla, kalkınmanın dönüştürücü gücüyle yarattığı değerin ekonomiye, çevreye, insana ve topluma katkılarını keşfedeceğiz.
Daha yaşanabilir bir gelecek için Kalkınma Basamakları’nı birlikte çıkalım.
In this podcast I will teach about woodworking
Ünlü tabloları inceliyoruz😻
Sounds created with a tuned barroque guitar string wave.trying to create illusion and sound.mystic sounds.lets see man.
Join Joel and Angus from New Expectations, as they ramble on for half an hour about creative industries, and pretend they know what they're on about.
Cuenta Tu Peli es un Podcast de Cine donde nos gusta ir al meollo de las películas de la mano de nuestros invitados.
Cada invitado o invitada elige una película que haya sido importante para él o ella por el motivo que sea.
No tiene por qué ser la mejor película que haya visto en su vida, simplemente tiene que ser especial por algo.
Ese es el punto de partida para empezar la conversación y hacer un análisis a fondo de la película.
Aviso: ¡¡Contiene Spoilers!!
Síguenos y danos feedback sobre el podcast en:
Instagram #Cuenta tu Peli
Twitter @CuentaPeli
Facebook - Grupo Cuenta Tu Peli
Ivox -
Muhtelif filmler üzerine bir podcast
Oral arguments before the Supreme Court of Florida.
Dublin City Council Meetings, made available as podcasts.
Die DenkBar - Dein Ort für ein erfolgreiches Leben mit Psychologie.
Wir reden darüber, wie Du im Alltag, in deinem persönlichen Leben und als Führungskraft durch einfache Psychologie mehr Leichtigkeit und Erfolg erzielst.
Hier werden nicht nur tiefe Gespräche in lockerer Atmosphäre serviert, sondern auch handfeste Tipps und Erkenntnisse, die deinen Horizont erweitern.
Als Denker und Entscheider findest du in jeder Episode wertvolle Impulse, die dich sowohl im Privatleben als auch in der beruflichen Führungsposition weiterbringen.
Egal, ob du die Geheimnisse effektiver Kommunikation erkunden, deinen Führungsstil verfeinern oder einfach nur in spannende Denkweisen eintauchen möchtest.
Also - Zieh dir einen Stuhl heran, nimm Platz und lass uns ins Gespräch vertiefen.
In der DenkBar ist jeder willkommen, der wissensdurstig ist und bewusster handeln möchte.
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florianlaukner.de -
TNWID celebrates and amplifies the wisdom of people who've managed seemingly unrelated multiple careers in one lifetime. It also explores what it means to be a living ancestor.
Subscribe for a weekly dose of genius from entrepreneurs and experts in the tech, matchmaking, entertainment, social impact, branding, fitness, creative, beauty, and wellness industries! - Laat meer zien