Kunst – Finland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • ”Tinja Tontun puuroporinat – tonttumaista lämpöä ja joulun taikaa, ripauksella tonttuhuumoria!” Herää joulun taikaan Tinja Tontun kanssa! Tinja Tontun Puuro Porinat on joulukalenterityylinen podcast, jossa tonttujen maailma herää eloon lämminhenkisten, humorististen ja mielikuvituksellisten tarinoiden kautta. Puuro Porinat on enemmän kuin podcast – se on jouluinen kokemus, joka vie kuulijat tonttujen maailmaan, joulukuun jokaisena aamuna julkaistavien lyhyiden jaksojen myötä. Jaksot tarjoavat tunnelmallisen pakopaikan tonttujen arkeen, jossa hulina ja jouluvalmistelut kietoutuvat yhteen perinteiden, isojen tunteiden ja ripauksen taikaa sisältävän tonttuhuumorin kanssa. Podcast soveltuu niin lapsille kuin aikuisille ja kaikille joulumielisille. Anna Tinja Tontun sydämellisen kerronnan lämmittää mieltäsi ja tuoda iloa joulunodotukseen. Joulun taika voi jo alkaa!

  • We all know a place that feels like part of who we are. From the small sanctuary of a beloved back garden, to the velvet hills of rural Wales, join nature writer Kathryn Tann as she meets authors, poets, thinkers and friends in the spaces that tell their stories.Produced with support from Arts Council England. With music by Rob T and Danny Booth.


  • "Время праздновать" с Анной Черных - это подкаст-лекарство от обесценивания, суеты и дня сурка.Подкаст о том, как праздновать свою лучшую жизнь.

    Вместе мы будем праздновать творчество, будем праздновать красоту, будем праздновать потери, успехи и провалы — будем праздновать самое разное и вообще неочевидное.

    Будем говорить о праздновании как об искусстве завершать: проекты и задачи, любовные, дружеские и рабочие отношения, обыкновенные дни и целые периоды жизни. О праздновании большом и маленьком, ярком и тихом, радостном и горестном.

    Ведущая - блогер и писательница Анна Черных

  • Documentum is your podcast for in-depth conversations with thought leaders in the photography + NFT space. The Documentum team interviews everyone with an important seat at the PhotoNFT table, photographic artists, collectors, curators, writers, scholars, technologists, and key players of every stripe. Documentum is hosted by artist William Boling, Founder and Publisher of Fall Line Press. For deep dives on the photographic medium follow along with Bill's Substack - Patient Letters.

  • Two vaguely ethnic sisters giving unsolicited opinions about anything! We talk anything from family secrets to the MCU. NOTHING is off limits.

  • We wanted to bring stories to you about being immersed in your art. These are those stories.

  • kuva picture tableau

    When it comes to photography, the topic of absence is often discussed, as the things depicted in the image have already changed by the time. But what happens when the photograph itself is absent? Tatu Gustafsson’s exhibition at Hippolyte Studios explores the interface between photography and text, the translation of the visual into the verbal, which the photograph seems to stubbornly resist.

    Within the artistic context, the exhibition’s title kuva picture tableau functions as a general concept that encompasses various visual meanings, ranging from photographs to mental images, and prompts one to imagine something. As the use of AI programmes to generate images based on user instructions becomes more common, the act of creating an image has also extended into the realm of text. However, Gustafsson has chosen not to realise the artwork as a visual image; instead, it takes place within the listener’s imagination.

    Hippolyte Studio is empty, except for a single spotlight. In the space, Natalie describes a photograph. Natalie is the name given to one of the voices of a text-to-speech programme. It seems to hover somewhere between text and speech, as Ada doesn’t read, even though the voice is based on a real person. It is a blend of the machine and the person who provided their voice to the machine.

    The possibilities of a work happening in text felt limitless to Gustafsson, as it is not bound by the constraints of materials or the requirements of physical spaces. However, describing the artwork offered an unexpected grasp to reality, and the elements began to be found nearby rather than far away—at home, with family, and in familiar spaces. Gustafsson ponders whether the artwork, kuva picture tableau, allows the listener to discover something more as a form of artistic creation in the photograph or if it lacks all the elements that make a photograph interesting. Perhaps through the artwork, one can still hold on to the qualities of a photograph that make it a unique medium.

    Tatu Gustafsson (b. 1979, Salo) works with various mediums, including weather cameras, borrowed objects, and concepts. The starting points of his works often involve exploring technologies, common assumptions, and hierarchical relationships. Lately, Gustafsson has been particularly interested in unfolding an artwork at the textual level. Gustafsson completed his Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts at Turku Art Academy’s Photography Department in 2012, and his MFA at Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts in the department of time and space in 2015. He has previously held exhibitions at venues such as Huuto Gallery, Titanik Gallery, Mältinranta Studio, and Myymälä2 Gallery.

    kuva picture tableau is an audio artwork that can be listened to not only in the gallery but also through a podcast programs.

    The artist’s work has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), The Arts Council of Varsinais-Suomi.

  • Fiko’s Corner is a weekly podcast for artists and creatives. Here I share tip, tricks and philosophies I have picked up on my artistic journey that I think can be helpful to other aspiring artists and even to other working professionals.

  • We review and troll some of the...errr..."best" movies out there.

  • How and why does culture unfold?

    Covering subjects as varied as binge tv, £20 couture, fandom, cancer and Sex and the City, this series is a funny, fascinating and honest series featuring probing interviews by journalist Cat McShane with original, and often queer voices from across the arts and culture spectrum. What does it mean to be an artist when the big issues of the day, like wealth inequality, advances in technology and people-powered social movements are fundamentally altering the way culture is made, consumed and valued?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Мой дневник о том - что делать, если вам вдруг неумолимо захотелось писать книги.

  • 就是關於各種搞神秘的事物,故事,以及人。 每週三更新諮詢相關資訊請搜尋:IG: 胖普金搞神秘 https://www.instagram.com/pumpkinmysteryFB:胖普金實驗室 https://www.facebook.com/KC2find/(Music free provided by Pixabay: the-documentary-158082 3)--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Hitmakers is an exploration of cultural influence and how brands create it. Every two weeks, Ana Andjelic, a brand executive, and Rei Inamoto, a creative entrepreneur, talk about brands that made a dent in culture - through their product, aesthetics, content, business model, or technology - and unpack how they did it.

  • Korona-ajassa kaipasimme AVEKissa keskustelua audiovisuaalisen alan kanssa, jotta emme jäisi tyhjiöön, tai pahempaa - umpioon. AVEKlaiset kutsuvat kiinnostavia tekijöitä keskustelemaan ajassa liikkuvista aiheista.

  • Tässä podcastissa jokainen vuoden 2024 Finlandia-ehdokas kertoo vartissa, miksi hänen kirjansa on kirjoitettu juuri sinulle. Kuule tarinat teosten taustalla ja löydä oma Finlandia-suosikkisi!

  • https://www.solgoodmedia.com Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! "Thinkers Trove" is a collection where deep thought meets scholarly research. All episodes are now published, covering a wide spectrum of philosophical inquiries from ancient to contemporary thinkers. This podcast is a must for those who enjoy deep dives into critical thinking and philosophical analysis.

  • Rakennenautintoja on Selja Ahavan ja Emma Puikkosen kirjallisuusaiheinen podcast, jonka keskiössä on kirjoittamisen prosessi.

  • Sami & Jorma – viikon kuivin podcast makein maustein. Sami & Jorma -podcastissa Sami Sykkö ja Jorma Uotinen keskustelevat viikon (omasta mielestään) tärkeimmistä tapahtumista. Kaksikkoa puhuttavat myös muoti, kauneus, design, sisustus, matkustaminen ja erityisesti kulttuuri.

    Mitä paljastuu, kun Sami istuu Jorman rippituoliin? Mitä löytyy kulttuurikupposen pohjalta? Entä kaapin perukoilta? 

    Nyt ollaan kevyesti pinnalla, iloisesti miesten iholla ja syvällä sielun syövereissä - mitään kiertämättä tai kaihtamatta. Tässä podcastissa pannaan peliin miehen koko elämä.

    Sami Sykkö on toimittaja, LUT-yliopiston työelämäprofessori, ekonomi, Muodin Huipulle -ohjelman tuomari, tyyliniekka ja matkailija.

    Jorma Uotinen on professori, koreografi, laulaja, Tanssii Tähtien Kanssa -ohjelman tuomari ja kaikkien rakastama suomalainen. 






    Seuraa podcastia, jossa tunteet kiehuvat, ajatukset roihuavat ja miehet sauhuavat. Uusi jakso jatkossa aina keskiviikkoisin.

    Tuotanto: Asennestudio

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otavan julkaisemassa Miina Supisen kirjoittajakoulu -podcastsarjassa kirjailija ja kirjoittamisen opettaja Miina Supinen puhuu luovasta elämästä, kirjoittamisen haasteista, onnistumisista ja häpeästä Suomen eturivin kirjailijoiden kanssa. He jakavat parhaat kirjoitusvinkkinsä, ja jokaisessa jaksossa kuulija saa myös kirjoitusläksyn.