Wetenschap – Italië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Pop corner è il talk-show di Geopop dove le scienze incontrano personaggi di altri mondi, come spettacolo, cinema, sport, cultura, arte e molto altro.

  • Appuntamento con la sostenibilità. Con Focus ESG Marco Marelli analizza le tematiche legate alla finanza sostenibile e offre spunti di riflessione per accelerare verso una società più equa e giusta.

  • Shark Week, an annual event dedicated to these fascinating apex predators, has become a cultural phenomenon since its inception. Launched by the Discovery Channel in July 1988, Shark Week was designed to demystify sharks and address common misconceptions, showcasing their importance in marine ecosystems. Over the decades, it has grown into one of the most anticipated television events of the summer, combining education with entertainment to captivate audiences worldwide. The inaugural Shark Week in 1988 was a modest affair, featuring just a handful of documentaries and specials. Yet, it struck a chord with viewers, drawing attention to the often misunderstood and vilified creatures of the deep. Early episodes focused on shark behavior, biology, and the conservation efforts necessary to protect them from human threats. The blend of scientific insight and thrilling underwater footage helped lay the foundation for what would become a yearly tradition. Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Shark Week's popularity soared. The introduction of high-definition cameras and advances in marine technology allowed for unprecedented footage of sharks in their natural habitats. Shows like "Air Jaws," which captured great white sharks breaching the water's surface in pursuit of prey, became iconic. Celebrities and shark experts began to host specials, adding a layer of star power to the already compelling content. A core mission of Shark Week has always been education. The series has significantly contributed to public awareness about shark conservation. By highlighting the critical role sharks play in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems, Shark Week has helped shift public perception. Instead of viewing sharks solely as fearsome predators, audiences have come to understand their importance in the ocean's food web and the threats they face from overfishing and habitat loss. As technology advanced, so did the ability to study and film sharks. The use of drones, submersibles, and satellite tracking provided new insights into shark behavior and migration patterns. Shark Week specials often feature groundbreaking research and discoveries, from the deep-sea habitats of rare shark species to the social behaviors of known ones. These technological advancements have not only enhanced the viewing experience but also contributed valuable data to the scientific community. This year, Shark Week, starting on July 7, 2024, and hosted by John Cena, promises a thrilling lineup of new content. One of the highlights is the return of "Belly of the Beast: Bigger and Bloodier," featuring marine biologist Dr. Austin Gallagher and cameraman Kina Scollay as they create the largest shark feeding frenzy ever recorded. Another anticipated show is "Monster Hammerheads: Species X," which explores the possibility of a new hammerhead shark species. Other exciting specials include "Jaws vs Leviathan," delving into the ancient rivalry between sharks and whales, and "Makozilla," investigating a massive predator terrorizing the California coast. These programs not only provide edge-of-the-seat entertainment but also shed light on the latest research and discoveries in marine science【66†source】.
    Over the years, Shark Week has transcended its origins to become a global phenomenon. It is broadcast in over 70 countries, making it a truly international event. The series has inspired countless shark-related documentaries, books, and even merchandise. Its impact on popular culture is evident, with references appearing in movies, TV shows, and social media.The success of Shark Week has also led to the creation of similar themed weeks, such as National Geographic's SharkFest. These events further amplify the message of shark conservation and education, reaching even wider audiences. Despite the awareness raised by Shark Week, sharks continue to face significant threats. Overfishing, bycatch, and the shark fin trade have led to dramatic declines in shark populations worldwide. Conservation efforts are critical to ensuring the survival of these apex predators. Shark Week has played a pivotal role in supporting these efforts by partnering with marine biologists, conservation organizations, and advocacy groups. Programs often emphasize the importance of marine protected areas, sustainable fishing practices, and international cooperation in shark conservation. By showcasing success stories and ongoing challenges, Shark Week inspires viewers to take action and support conservation initiatives. As Shark Week looks to the future, its mission remains clear: to educate, entertain, and inspire. The integration of new technologies, such as virtual reality and interactive experiences, promises to take the series to new heights. Additionally, expanding collaborations with scientists and conservationists will ensure that Shark Week continues to contribute valuable knowledge to the field of marine biology. In an era of environmental uncertainty, Shark Week serves as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of the natural world. It underscores the need for collective action to protect our planet's oceans and the incredible creatures that inhabit them. One of the driving forces behind the enduring popularity of Shark Week is the continuous incorporation of cutting-edge technology. High-definition cameras, drone footage, and underwater submersibles have revolutionized the way we see and understand sharks. These technologies allow viewers to get up close and personal with these magnificent creatures, witnessing their behavior in ways that were previously impossible. For instance, the use of satellite tagging has provided unprecedented insights into shark migration patterns. By tracking the movements of individual sharks, scientists have discovered previously unknown migration routes and breeding grounds. This information is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies, as it helps identify critical habitats that need protection. Drones have also played a significant role in Shark Week's success. They allow filmmakers to capture aerial footage of sharks in shallow waters, providing a bird's-eye view of their hunting and social behaviors. This perspective has not only enhanced the visual appeal of Shark Week but also contributed to our understanding of shark ecology.
    Shark Week has not only entertained millions but has also significantly contributed to shark research and conservation. The program has funded numerous scientific studies, helping researchers uncover new information about shark behavior, physiology, and ecology. This research is vital for developing effective conservation strategies and ensuring the survival of these apex predators. One of the notable contributions of Shark Week is its role in debunking myths and misconceptions about sharks. For decades, sharks have been portrayed as mindless killing machines, instilling fear and misunderstanding in the public. Shark Week has worked to change this narrative by showcasing the true nature of these animals. Viewers learn about the critical role sharks play in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems and the threats they face from human activities. Shark Week's appeal extends beyond scientific and educational content; it has also become a platform for community and celebrity involvement. Over the years, numerous celebrities have hosted Shark Week specials, bringing their star power to the cause of shark conservation. These celebrity hosts, ranging from actors to athletes, help draw attention to the importance of protecting sharks and their habitats. Additionally, Shark Week has partnered with various organizations and initiatives to promote shark conservation. Events such as beach clean-ups, educational programs, and fundraising campaigns are often organized in conjunction with Shark Week, engaging the community and encouraging active participation in conservation efforts. In the digital age, Shark Week has leveraged social media to engage viewers and expand its reach. Hashtags like #SharkWeek trend globally, with fans sharing their favorite moments, discussing new discoveries, and participating in online challenges. This online presence helps keep the conversation about shark conservation alive year-round, fostering a global community of shark enthusiasts and conservation advocates. Interactive content, such as live Q&A sessions with marine biologists and virtual reality shark dives, has further enhanced viewer engagement. These experiences allow fans to interact with experts, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the subjects presented during Shark Week. This level of interaction helps bridge the gap between scientists and the public, making shark research more accessible and relatable. Shark Week's influence extends beyond the screen, with a wide range of merchandise available for fans. From clothing and accessories to educational toys and books, Shark Week-themed products are popular among viewers of all ages. A portion of the proceeds from these sales often goes towards funding shark research and conservation projects, allowing fans to contribute to the cause while celebrating their love for sharks. Fundraising efforts are also a significant aspect of Shark Week's impact. Partnerships with non-profit organizations and conservation groups help raise money for critical research and protection initiatives. These collaborations ensure that Shark Week's legacy continues to support the conservation of sharks long after the broadcasts end.

    As Shark Week continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies and audience interests, its core mission remains unchanged: to educate, entertain, and inspire. The legacy of Shark Week is one of increased awareness, scientific discovery, and a deeper appreciation for one of the ocean's most misunderstood creatures. By combining thrilling footage with educational content, Shark Week has transformed the way we view sharks and underscored

  • Welcome to "On A Tangent", where we tell the stories behind the mathematics. In each episode, we meet a different early career mathematician from Mathematics Münster, and learn about their research, their path towards mathematics, and their hopes for the future. We explore the many different shapes that mathematical research can take, the early memories that led people towards the subject, and try to understand a little bit better the voices that make the mathematical community of today.

    Hosted by Simone Ramello, produced by the science communication team of Mathematics Münster
    Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay
    Graphics by Melina Aggelidakis

  • Da poco più di mezzo secolo conosciamo bene i canti delle balene, ma un po' meno i clic dei capodogli: quelli che emettono e con cui riescono a toccarsi, attraverso le distanze oceaniche. Come ci riescono?
    Sonar è un documentario in forma di podcast: si ascolta, e si interroga sull’ascolto. 
    È un podcast del Post che prova a capire come i suoni creino la realtà e le società, per gli animali umani e non umani. Lo ha scritto Nicolò Porcelluzzi, scrittore e editor del Tascabile (Treccani), autore di podcast e co-autore della newsletter MEDUSA, che dopo avere letto i libri sui capodogli, ha iniziato ad ascoltarli.

  • Assunto: Como funciona o universo e a formação dos planetas.

  • Willkommen bei MatthiasX – KI, Neuroscience und Langlebigkeit

    Wenn du wie ich genug von irreführenden Gesundheitsinformationen und übertriebenen Behauptungen hast, bist du hier genau richtig. Bei MatthiasX erkunden wir Konzepte und Ideen, die unsere Zukunft gestalten werden – auf eine Weise, die sonst niemand bietet. Jede Woche tauchen wir in heiße Themen wie KI, Langlebigkeit und Neurowissenschaften ein und nähern uns ihnen aus einzigartigen Blickwinkeln – spirituell, künstlerisch, emotional und intuitiv.

    Meine Mission ist es, gleichgesinnte Menschen zu versammeln und eine der zukunftsorientiertesten Gemeinschaften zu schaffen.

    Das kannst du von MatthiasX erwarten:
    Deep Dives: Tiefgehende Erkundungen der neuesten Trends und Durchbrüche in den Bereichen KI und Langlebigkeit.
    Experteninterviews: Gespräche mit führenden Wissenschaftlern, Innovatoren und Vordenkern.
    Praktische Tipps: Umsetzbare Ratschläge zu Stressmanagement, psychischer Gesundheit und Langlebigkeits-Techniken.
    Verbinde dich mit mir auf https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthiaswittfoth/ für weitere Einblicke und um mit einer Gemeinschaft von Gleichgesinnten in Kontakt zu treten, die leidenschaftlich daran interessiert sind, ihr bestes Leben zu leben.
    Drücke auf den Abonnieren-Button und begleite mich bei MatthiasX.

  • Conversations about Eco Sustainability from the Perspective of different voices driving the  environmental sustainability agenda hosted by Grace Eron; a positive change enthusiast on the quest to establish 'WHY' eco preservation, restoration and conservation are fundamental to human kind and the role people, businesses and community play to achieve the balanced growth of people, planet and profits for present and future generations
    you can watch our episodes and much more on youtube at  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS62qGnGnMCpSVFslqnceJg

  • Spazio, scienza, astronomia e tante curiosità tecnologiche

  • ¡Noticias! Sobre los eventos astronómicos más importantes que están por ocurrir o que ya pasaron y que no te puedes perder.

  • Il fact checking di ANSA in versione podcast, uno strumento dell’Agenzia per combattere la disinformazione. Ogni settimana verifichiamo una notizia diffusa in rete per confermarne la veridicità o smascherarne la falsità.

  • Cromatica, storia e chimica del colore
    Un podcast di Daniela Tedone e Eva Munter

  • Hacemos conciencia de lo importante que es el cuidado del ambiente

  • Chi Cubo approda al Festival Un Grado e Mezzo!
    Per garantire all’umanità un futuro più equo, sano e felice è necessario contenere a massimo 1,5°C l’aumento della temperatura media globale della Terra entro la fine di questo secolo. Come si può rispondere alle sfide della crisi climatica? Lo abbiamo chiesto alle relatrici e ai relatori del festival su clima e ambiente realizzato dall'Associazione CentroScienza Onlus a Torino dal 24 al 26 Maggio 2024.

  • I guerrieri del cambiamento climatico è un podcast di Avvenire, a cura di Laura Silvia Battaglia e degli studenti praticanti del biennio 2021-2023 Scuola di giornalismo dell'Università Cattolica di Milano, che racconta le piccole grandi storie di chi ha fatto la storia dell’attivismo climatico, e perché ha deciso di battersi per un pianeta migliore di quello che rischia di diventare.
    Donne e uomini, giovani e non, figure note e meno note.

  • There is a boy named Rudresh who used to be in the air, but fell on earth. He doesn’t know anything and has to live and has to survive in the wild forest with creeps! Let’s see what he can find there and how will he survive. BY THE WAY I GREW UP MAKING THESE AS YOU HEAR MY VOICE…

  • Qui parliamo di animali, ambiente, capitale naturale e di come noi uomini interagiamo con tutti questi elementi. Talvolta con attenzione, altre senza avere né rispetto, né considerazione per un mondo fantastico, che forse conosciamo poco e che, per questo, è molto bello da raccontare.
    Senza dimenticare che gli animali e l'ambiente sono spesso al centro di traffici loschi e di crimini, che devono essere combattuti e raccontati e di questi parlerò negli "speciali" che hanno l'immagine dello scorpione e del suo artiglio velenoso.

  • Eva Mathieu investiga sobre temáticas de su interés y las comparte a la comunidad