Wetenschap – Canada – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Baladodiffusion de l'Association des économiste québécois.
    Idée originale : Julien Mc Donald-Guimond

  • The Gray will explore the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, applied behavior analysis as a field, and dive into the question “What does it mean to be a good behavior analyst?”.

  • پادکست زیستن داره روایت علم رو تعریف می کنه از پیدایش جهان، پیدایش حیات و فرگشت انسان. البته همینطور که از اسم این پادکست معلومه تمرکز اصلیش روی خود زیستنه از تمام مواد و شرایطی که لازم بود تا زیستن ازش شکل بگیره تا خود آغاز زیستن و مسیر پرفراز و نشیبش تا به امروز. هر آنچه که علم تا حالا بهش رسیده و پیشبینی هاش برای آینده ی زیستن

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Relentless Tide: The Zebra Mussel's Invasion of North America
    In the remote and ancient Ponto-Caspian region, a rather unassuming creature has called the fresh waters home since time immemorial. The zebra mussel, so named for its striped pattern reminiscent of the iconic equid, is a humble bivavlve mollusk. Unextraordinary in virtually every regard, one would scarcely suspect that this diminutive organism was once poised to reshape the ecological landscapes of an entire continent. For untold centuries, the zebra mussel flourished within the lakes, rivers and inland seas that straddle the borders of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Its life cycle was finely tuned to the rhythms of this isolated aquatic realm - a portrait of symbiosis painted over millennia upon the evolutionary canvas. That profound equilibrium was discordantly shattered in the early 19th century by a most unlikely force - the rise of global maritime commerce and trade. You see, the zebra mussel reproduces by releasing immense volumes of microscopic larvae into the open waters to be carried away by currents. An ingenious survival strategy for saturating its endemic territory, but one that would soon facilitate the mussel's dramatic transcontinental journey. These mollusk progeny were drawn in through the intake vents of the very first wooden sailing vessels plying their trade across the high seas. The larvae made themselves at home, developing into mature mussels within the ships' enclosed ballast tanks used for stabilizing their hulls. With each port of call along trade routes, more mussel stowaways were admitted, merrily multiplying within their unlikely aquatic vessels. So it was that the unsuspecting ships discharged ballast water from across the Atlantic - water teeming with the larval vanguard of the mussel's North American invasion. When the first specimens found their way into the waterways of eastern Canada in the late 1980s, an environmental scenario of unprecedented proportions was set into motion. Prolific breeders, zebra mussels colonize any solid underwater surface available. In short order, they established dense droves spanning every submerged rock, log and man-made material they could find in the warm, inland waters of the Great Lakes - a rich, unfamiliar habitat to call their own. Each mature female is capable of producing upwards of a million larvae each year, turning the waters into a biological assault of mussel seed. Thus unfolded one of the most ecologically damaging invasive species catastrophes in modern history. Let me show you how this happened...
    Across generations, the zebra mussel siege pushed south, west, east, into every contiguous waterway they could reach. Nothing could impede their remorseless spread - lakes, rivers, tributaries, industrial pipes and infrastructure. The army of mussels collectively filters obscene quantities of water through their indiscriminate sessile feeding. Basking in filter feeding mode with shells open, zebra mussels rapidly strip nutrients, microorganisms and debris from water columns at astonishing rates. This upsets the natural balances of entire aquatic ecosystems by depleting the sustenance that larger native organisms rely upon for survival. Depleted plankton, algae, fish eggs and aquatic plant life have sent shockwaves through every habitat the zebra mussel has breached. Many of North America's freshwater species are wholly unprepared to withstand this systematic pillaging of their food web's primary energy inputs. Those unable to adapt and find alternative resources are simply starved of existence where the invaders persist. In the Great Lakes alone, zebra mussel impacts are believed to have caused major fishery workforce reductions, the nearcollapse of lake trout and whitefish stocks, a $500 million loss in tourism and industry, and accelerated declines of various bird and mollusk species. The ecological reverberations have been ruinous on both economic and environmental levels. The downstream impacts are only equally as sobering and severe. Clogging water intake and distribution pipes, zebra mussels cause operational disruptions and severe damage at power plants, municipal water facilities, factories, and all manner of infrastructure and industry dependent on surface waterways. Response efforts have been akin to bailing out a sinking ship with a leaky bucket. Facilities have resorted to using chemical molluscicides, mechanical removal methods like scrubbing and scrapers, and anti-fouling coating applications. But the costs for control solutions and infrastructure repairs to counteract zebra mussels run into the billions annually in the US. In desperation, biological controls were introduced into invaded habitats in hopes of finding a natural check on the mussels. A small fish called the roach was imported from the zebra mussel's native territory, as it is known to feed voraciously on their larvae. While roaches managed to marginally reduce local mussel populations in some areas, their consumption rates were ultimately no match for the sheer reproductive vigor of zebra mussels. Simply put, the mussels are too prolific and advanced too quickly for their introduction to prove an effective solution.
    As has played out many times through ecological history, human intervention opened a Pandora's box of unforeseen, catastrophic consequences once the mussels gained a foothold within virgin territory. They rapidly capitalized on their new ecological opportunity, advancing relentlessly across the continent's interior waterways. For the zebra mussel, North America represented a biological New World to claim dominion over, free from the ecological restraints and biological controls that kept their numbers in check back home. No longer confined to the marginal Ponto-Caspian region, they leveraged their evolutionary r-selected breeding strategy to devastating effect: reproducing with exponential speed and ferocity, then dispersing mature colonies through current-dispersed larvae to establish new territorial footholds. While nature's colonization events often take millennia to run their course, the zebra mussel invasion played out in mere decades given the advantages of human transport and the lack of competition over the freshwater continent. The mussel's systematic exploitation of the virgin territory left scorched earth and disrupted ecosystems in their wake, as native species were simply unprepared for such an aggressive and thorough dismantling of their established resource base. By stripping out the bedrock components of aquatic food chains - the algae, plankton, and microorganisms performed by zebra mussels - diversity crashes, collapses of keystone species follow, and entire ecosystems are gutted from the bottom-up. Of course, total ecosystem collapse in the wake of the mussel tide was mercifully averted by nature's propensity for adaptation. Still, the post-invasion equilibrium comes at tremendous costs in native biodiversity, fishery impoverishments, ecosystem service disruptions, and the need for costly ongoing control efforts. These events illustrate how human activities inadvertently act as accelerants for massive ecological chain reactions once invasive species gain purchase in new environments. By breaching the formidable biogeographical barriers that historically compartmentalized species distributions, the groundwork is laid for invasive opportunists to run roughshod across vulnerable continents like wildfires through unburnt forests. Through an evolutionary lens, the invasive capacity of the zebra mussel over North American waterways is simply astounding - a triumph of their life history strategy in the face of no ecological opposition. Stripped of the limiting factors that molded their evolutionary path within the Ponto-Caspian region, a global superspecies-to-be was uncorked in the virgin territory.
    Humanity must learn difficult lessons from these still unfolding events, which stand as stark reminders that the most seemingly innocuous organisms can trigger environmental chain reactions that ripple across ecosystems in ways we scarcely comprehend until it's too late. Once invasive species embark on runaway, exponential growth phases spurred by introductions into novel ecosystems, they become biological forces of nature like wildfires or floods that cannot be easily extinguished nor contained. The cascade of unforeseen domino effects stemming from deceptively minor ecological disturbances are why prevention is so critically paramount. With time and commitment, some semblance of ecological equilibrium is restored in regions impacted by runaway invasions, but only after tremendous costs have taken their toll and the novel distribution pattern represents a new environmental normal. In the case of zebra mussels, the hard lessons of prevention came far too late - a biological awakening erupted from a most unassuming vector when ballast water from a seemingly innocuous trade ship discharged the first mussel larvae into the welcoming waters of the Great Lakes. From these humble petri dishes of invasion, an ecological storm was unleashed that rapidly overwhelmed the continent's freshwater basins in ways that continue to impact both economies and ecosystems to this day. The relentless tide of one of history's most ecologically transformative invasions serves as both an ominous cautionary tale as well as a profoundly humbling lesson about the fundamental forces of nature we are realizing we can no longer afford to disregard. Thanks for listening. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Steeped Tea With Elsayed follows Dr. Elsayed Elbeshbishy as he talks with other professors, industry experts, and influential figures within the environmental sector. Through invigrating conversations, Dr. Elsayed Elbehbishy works through the most important aspects of their lives, how you can join the industry, their best advice for post-graduate students, and your burning questions! Make sure to join us every other week to learn more about the environmental sector!

  • Juste pour vivre

    Louis-Philippe Renaud

    Ce balado s’intéresse aux différentes manières de concevoir le vivant et aux impacts des types de relations que nous entretenons avec lui. Les personnes interviewées partagent leurs savoirs et leurs réflexions avec générosité et sensibilité. Chaque épisode permet de mieux saisir la valeur du vivant et de la biodiversité pour l’habiter consciencieusement.

  • "What are UFOs really? It's incredible how people from all walks of life have witnessed phenomena that truly boggles the mind. You'll hear these amazing accounts and more reported by individuals who were truly astonished by what they witnessed. Follow or subscribe on your favorite podcast app and share the show with others!"

  • Planet Jupiter: Exploring the Giant of the Solar SystemWelcome to "Planet Jupiter," the podcast dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the largest planet in our solar system. Join us as we journey through the fascinating world of Jupiter, exploring its massive storms, iconic Great Red Spot, and intriguing moons. Each episode features interviews with leading astronomers, planetary scientists, and space mission experts who share their latest findings and insights.

    Stay informed about the newest discoveries, scientific missions, and technological advancements that help us understand Jupiter's complex atmosphere and magnetic field. Whether you're a space enthusiast or a curious learner, "Planet Jupiter" offers a captivating and educational experience. Subscribe now and embark on a journey to explore the wonders of Jupiter.

    FOr more info https://www.quietperiodplease.com/

  • Planet Saturn: Discovering the Wonders of the Ringed GiantWelcome to "Planet Saturn," the podcast dedicated to exploring the majestic ringed planet and its many mysteries. Join us as we delve into the stunning beauty and scientific intrigue of Saturn, from its magnificent rings and unique atmospheric phenomena to its fascinating moons like Titan and Enceladus.

    Stay updated with the newest research, space missions, and technological advancements that help us understand Saturn’s complex system. Whether you're a space enthusiast or a curious learner, "Planet Saturn" offers an awe-inspiring and educational experience. Subscribe now and embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the solar system’s second-largest planet.

    For more info https://www.quietperiodplease.com/

  • “Research Ethics Reimagined” is a podcast created by Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R), hosted by Ivy R. Tillman, PRIM&R's executive director. Here, we talk with scientists, researchers, bioethicists and some of the leading minds exploring new frontiers of science. This season, we are going examine research ethics in the 21st century -- and learn why it matters to you.

  • The ABC of Relativity clearly and engagingly explains Einstein's Theory of Relativity to the layperson. It is considered to be a significant contribution to the popularization of science. Its author, Bertrand Russell, was an acclaimed British mathematician, philosopher and logician. Please note that in a few of the chapters, diagrams are included which clarify the author's discourse. The listener may wish to consult a published text to refer to these diagrams.

  • Plongez au cœur d’une micro enquête portant sur les pêcheries du Saint-Laurent! Christian Bégin démystifie les grands défis de l'industrie des pêches au Québec en dressant le portrait de 5 espèces comestibles du Saint-Laurent. Informatif, mais non sans humour, le balado vise à sensibiliser les Québécois·es à l'importance de connaître (et défendre!) les ressources du Saint-Laurent tout en levant le voile sur l’industrie parfois houleuse des pêches au Québec.  

    Christian Bégin

    Guillaume Tellier

    Alexis Boulianne et Catherine Lefebvre 

    La Petite histoire

    Benoît Tardif

    Par le collectif Mange ton Saint-Laurent! (http://www.mangetonsaintlaurent.com). 

    Avec la participation financière du Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation.
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • CancerSpeak is a podcast from CANCER, an interdisciplinary international journal of the American Cancer Society. Since 1948, CANCER has published high-impact, peer-reviewed original articles and solicited content on the latest clinical research findings. Each issue of CANCER strives to be comprehensive, spanning the breadth of oncology disciplines and providing something for everyone involved in cancer research, risk reduction, treatment, and patient care.

  • Sometimes, the biggest Fiascos, make the greatest stories.

  • A bi weekly episode of all things paranormal by the founder of The Canadian Haunting and Paranormal Society. TAPS Family team for Ontario Canada

  • This podcast is a reflection of the day-to-day difficulties of mental health as experienced by a university student who has endured struggle throughout their entire life. We will dive into coping mechanisms, openly discussing the challenges one encounters when battling mental illness, including episodes of depression, anxiety ranging from moderate to severe, and persistent thoughts. Moreover, we will explore the variety of individual struggles that surround mental illness.

  • Talk Climate Change to me is a podcast exploring the systematic issues behind climate change from a Latinx and Navajo point of view.

  • Explore the heart of BC's forests with the UNBC Forestry Club Podcast! Join us for insightful discussions on sustainable forestry practices, biodiversity, and the beauty of nature. We also dive into life at the University of Northern British Columbia, sharing student experiences and stories. Whether you're an environmentalist or simply love nature, come journey with us through the landscapes of British Columbia and beyond

  • All the science, humor and good times that you’re kid needs to have a heathy lifestyle.