Slovenië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Are you tired of wading through health and fitness advice that’s more hype than help? I’m Elena, and welcome to The Dump Your Diet Podcast, where I serve up real talk on health, fitness, hormones, and gut health—cutting through the noise to give you the straight answers you need.

    As a certified personal trainer, hormone specialist, and functional nutrition coach, I’m here to be your go-to resource for no-nonsense insights into optimizing your health. Whether you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances, frustrated by stubborn fat, battling afternoon energy crashes, or trying to heal your gut, each episode delivers actionable strategies and real-life success stories to empower our journey.

    I don’t sugarcoat the truth or subscribe to toxic positivity—here, it’s all about finding what actually works for your body and lifestyle. Whether you’re looking to take control of your health, boost your fitness, or even enhance your coaching skills, the Dump our Diet Podcast is here to provide the expert advice, evidence-based tips, and genuine support you need to achieve lasting results.

    Ready to take charge of your health? Tune in, and let’s get started.

  • The #1 place for actionable tips and insight on practical fat-loss. Hey I'm Nutrition-Al, DNA Fat-Loss Coach, helping Leaders SUSTAINABLY Lose 20lbs+ in 20 Weeks With My 𝘋𝘕𝘈 𝘍𝘢𝘵 𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 Program

  • A Day In History brings to you the unsaid, weird, and ugly parts of history that are not taught in textbooks, along with some more hopeful sections of our past. With so much misinformation everywhere, our aim is to shed light on some of history's most suppressed but factual events.
    Make sure you don’t miss a single revelation—hit Follow on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
    Don’t let these echoes fade: turn on notifications and leave us a 5-star review wherever you get your podcasts. 🎧
    For the full, unflinching visuals, head to YouTube:
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  • We're taking you to the heart of one of the most critical and underappreciated battles shaping our modern world: the rare earth element supply chain.

    Discover the high-stakes dynamics that are fueling international competition, from China’s commanding grip on processing, refining, and value-added production of rare earth elements to the industries and innovations that depend on these indispensable resources.

    Each week, we expose the geoscience, geopolitics, and economic forces behind the West's growing reliance on China—forces that are hidden in plain sight but impossible to ignore.

  • Gli approfondimenti di Radio Wellness su salute e benessere con confronti tra esperti di salute. Medici, farmacisti, nutrizionisti per rispondere a tutti gli ascoltatori, con un linguaggio semplice e ben comprensibile. Cerca qui il tuo podcast di salute e benessere ma anche musica e spettacolo.

  • Mach es dir gemütlich, nimm dein Lieblingsgetränk zur Hand und lass dich fallen in die Welt der Geschichten. FanFiction, Märchen oder Kurzgeschichten, such dir aus worauf du gerade Lust hast. Drücke auf Play und höre zu, wenn Bibis Mind Palace geöffnet wird oder Peony Krötfuß aka. Elen Furka zu erzählen beginnt.

  • WBGO Journal is a weekly news magazine that covers New Jersey and New York with in-depth features interviews and reviews.

    Check out the rest of our lineup at

  • A daily devotional from All Souls Church in Lexington, South Carolina. New releases every weekday. To learn more, visit

  • In a country more religiously diverse than ever, it is critical for people to understand the vital and inspirational knowledge—the traditions, the values, and the history—of religious and non-religious identities. What is the common knowledge that we all should know? Common Knowledge is a regular podcast featuring interviews and stories from leaders around the interfaith movement focusing on what we call “interfaith literacy”—the knowledge necessary to be a leader in a religiously diverse world.

  • Reel Victims – Where True Crime Meets Hollywood

    Hosted by Daniel Catullo and Justin Shepherd, Reel Victims pulls back the curtain on the most gripping true crime stories ever turned into films. We’re not just breaking down the movies—we’re bringing you firsthand accounts from the victims and those closest to the case, revealing what’s real, what’s fiction, and everything in between.

    Some episodes will be wild and fun, others deep and intense—but every single one will keep you on the edge of your seat. This is true crime like you’ve never experienced before.

    Hit follow, turn on notifications, and get ready to see the real stories behind the silver screen.

  • When in STEM is your go-to podcast for exploring the world of science, technology, engineering, and math through the eyes of those who live it. Hosted by Marie, each episode features conversations with professionals from across the STEM landscape, sharing their experiences, challenges, and the breakthroughs shaping the future. Whether you're a student navigating your path or a professional looking to elevate your career, When in STEM offers practical advice, inspiring stories, and the unfiltered truth about what it's really like to work in these dynamic fields. Tune in for a dose of motivation

  • Conversations that make your shame melt away + root you back into love. The episodes are perspective ripening from global guests of all different backgrounds and ways of viewing the world. So you can gain a deeper understanding within and with others through authentic conversations that invite you into your heart. Starving the stigma, so you can live liberated! Giving you real life toys and tricks to to experience more magic and uncovering the secrets of the spiritual world. You will feel like you're getting a warm snuggle.

  • Short podcast stating a few reasons why you should start cooking

  • Blažev odtis je podcast, kjer se prepletajo barvite zgodbe iz vsakdanjega življenja in zanimivi pogledi na svet, z osebnim pečatom. Vsaka epizoda prinaša mojo strast do kulinarike in edinstvene poglede, od okusnih receptov do navdihujočih dogodkov, ki bogatijo vsakdanje življenje. S sloganom "Okusno barviti čvek" skozi svoje izkušnje, mnenja in nasvete ustvarjam prostor za sproščene pogovore, polne ustvarjalnosti, okusa in mojega osebnega odtisa.

  • Follow along on the journey of owning a cash-based physical therapy practice. Expect to hear about lessons I'm learning along the way, rehab tips and tricks, and health related content that I find helpful in my own life!

  • The Rehab Blueprint is your guide to unlocking human potential through the lens of rehabilitation, biomechanics, and strength. Hosted by Brogan and Luke from The Rehab Professionals and Giles from OMT Training, this podcast bridges the gap between science and practical application.We dive into cutting-edge research, evidence-based rehab strategies, and real-world insights to help you elevate your practice. Whether you're a physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath, exercise physiologist, strength coach, or healthcare professional, The Rehab Blueprint delivers actionable tools, expert interviews, and deep discussions on injury recovery, performance, and movement optimization.

    Join us as we break down complex topics, challenge outdated rehab models, and provide the blueprint for better patient outcomes.

  • This is about breaking barriers and talking about all the things that matter..Teaching,understanding, respecting different views..Simply keep it real.

  • The Vortex is an unpredictable, raw and unfiltered podcast that covers topics ranging from spiritual alignments to intergalactic philosophy. Diving into ideas that expand the mind and call consciousness to constant awakening exist as the purpose of the Vortex. Creating a space that allows safety for full exposure of soul. Hosted by Shayna, founder of The Earth and Eye.

  • Kjer se energija sreča z besedo

    Dobrodošli v podcast, kjer intervjuji niso le pogovor, ampak globoko raziskovanje misli, čustev in neizgovorjenih zgodb. V tem prostoru s pomočjo intuicije, videnj in energije gostov razkrivam več kot le besede – odklepam njihove resnične misli, občutke in nevidne plasti njihovega bivanja.

    Vsaka epizoda prinaša poglobljene pogovore o zelo intimnih temah, ki jih raziskujemo skozi osebne izkušnje gostov. Brez olepševanja, brez filtrov – le iskrena deljenja zgodb, ki lahko odprejo nova razumevanja in povežejo poslušalce na globlji ravni.

    Moji gostje bodo vedno znova tisti, ki svet doživljajo na svoj unikaten način – delijo svojo resnico v varnem prostoru, kjer se energija, intuicija in iskrenost prepletajo v nepozabne pogovore. Naj vas učijo njihove zgodbe, naj vam pomagajo čez težke dni, naj vam dajo veter v jadra.

    Če iščeš podcast, ki presega površinsko, odpira nova spoznanja in te poveže z globino človeških izkušenj, potem si na pravem mestu.
