Geschiedenis – Japan – Nieuwe podcasts

  • 古代より日本の文化の中心的な役割を担っていた福岡。その福岡の歴史と文化を掘り下げて伝えていきます。
    出演:坂田周大(RKBアナウンサー) 中島理恵(リポーター)

  • FDR's Fireside Chats: A Nation United Over Radio Waves In the throes of the Great Depression and World War II, America faced its darkest chapters. Yet, amidst the despair, a singular voice resonated from living rooms across the nation: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. More than just a president, FDR became a trusted friend, delivering his famous "Fireside Chats" directly through the magic of radio. These weren't mere pronouncements from on high; they were intimate conversations, Roosevelt speaking candidly as both leader and confidante. With his calm, reassuring tone and flashes of humor, he reminded Americans of their "hopes and values," the resilience woven into the very fabric of their democracy. The impact of these broadcasts was unprecedented. Aired around 10 pm Eastern on nationwide networks, they drew millions of listeners who gathered around crackling radios, united by Roosevelt's words. He invited them to write, to share their anxieties and aspirations, turning the White House into a giant town hall. Millions responded, their letters a testament to the profound connection forged over the airwaves. Roosevelt's Fireside Chats transcended the limitations of mass media. They became a beacon of hope, a shared experience that stitched a nation together during its most trying times. From the depths of economic despair to the horrors of global conflict, FDR used the radio to unite Americans, reminding them of their inherent strength and the future they could build together. More than just a historical footnote, the Fireside Chats stand as a testament to the power of communication and empathy. They demonstrate how a leader, speaking frankly and authentically, can inspire a nation to rise above adversity and find common ground. In the face of hardship, Roosevelt didn't just inform; he connected, offering solace and forging a collective spirit that continues to echo through the annals of American history. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Discussion of Roman fashion, style, and color and why it was important to Romans.

  • 水曜日のカンパネラ・詩羽がナビゲートする"愉快な歴史にバンザイ!森羅万象・カラフル歴史バラエティ!"

    歴史上の人物や出来事、現在注目される話題や人物など、この世界に存在する万物、事象には、驚くような、感動できる、バンザイしたくなるような物語でつくられています。詩羽の好奇心アンテナが向いた森羅万象をテーマに、知っているようで知らなかった愉快な歴史や情報、裏話をポッドキャストととしてお届け。さらに、詩羽らしいPOPなコーナー企画も毎週お届け。 / もちろん皆さんからのメッセージも募集しています。時間がゆるす限りお答えしていきます。

    このポッドキャストはFM ラジオJ-WAVE(81.3FM)にて放送中、水曜日のカンパネラ・詩羽ナビゲート『MASSIVE HISTORIA』のポットキャストverです。(J-WAVE では毎週土曜日 24 時00 分ON AIR)

  • Exploring the crimes & misdemenours committed in the West Country of England in bygone days, there causes, reasons and eventual outcomes., that affected families as well as communities for many years after the unspeakable events took place. These episodes cover murderous acts committed between 1900 and 1950.

  • The podcast delves into the intriguing story of Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley, and her alleged involvement in an affair with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. It explores the aristocratic background of Rose Hanbury, her connection to the British royal family, and the rumors that have surfaced regarding her supposed inappropriate closeness to Prince William. The article also touches on the potential implications of these rumors for the royal family and the public's fascination with royal scandals. Additionally, it highlights the lack of official statements from the parties involved and the media's role in perpetuating these speculations.

  • あの伝説の番組「シンクロのシティ」の人気コーナー「東京ハナコマチ」がAuDee限定で復活!かつて東京は江戸だった。江戸から現代まで、東京の土地の歴史にまつわる数々のエピソード、当時の人々の生き方やカルチャーを小気味良く紹介。過去から学び、現代を生きるヒントを放送作家2人が談義する、寄り合い茶屋プログラム。

  • 横浜にも日本の伝統文化である「芸者」の文化が、歴史を紡ぎ今もなお残っています。

  • 歴史の故地にまつわるストーリー、驚きの発掘秘話、仏像に関する目からウロコの知識などを各分野の専門家が分かりやすく解説。これを聴いて現地に行くと、当時を生きた人々の息吹を身近に感じられるはず。歩きながら歴史ロマンを楽しんでください!


  • デザイン系Podcast、初のグッドデザイン賞受賞!の【農業デザイン!アグデザ】で番外編として配信していた歴史回がいよいよ番組化!!!|デザイナーである角田誠(つのだまこと)がデザイン目線で語る歴史番組|歴史を通してデザイン・ブランディング・マーケティング・経営など、今を生きる知恵をお話したい!|でも最近は物語としての面白さに没頭中|未来は過去を知ることで見える!!|毎週月曜6:00配信!
    ●メッセージ・リクエストはこちらから▶[email protected]

  • Explore true stories from rock climbing and bouldering's modern history with host James Howell as he introduces you to the people, events, and incredible places that shaped our sport.

  • Quand on vous dit « Japon », vous pensez sans doute aux carrefours bondés et aux néons de Tokyo, ou encore aux geishas, ou peut-être aux temples de Kyoto ? Bien sûr, il s’agit de scènes incontournables du pays du soleil levant, mais le Japon ne se limite pas à ce cliché « entre tradition et modernité ».

    On trouve aussi, tout au sud du Japon, une région mal connue : la préfecture d’Okinawa. Vous en avez peut-être entendu parler pour ses plages paradisiaques que les Japonais comparent à celles d’Hawaï. Ou bien peut-être que vous avez déjà tenté le fameux « régime d’Okinawa », censé faire des merveilles pour allonger l’espérance de vie. Là encore, j’aimerais vous emmener au-delà de ces images d’Épinal.

    Dans « Fascinant Okinawa », vous allez plonger dans l’histoire mouvementée d’Okinawa, en particulier du XVIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. J’aborderai ainsi la colonisation du royaume de Ryūkyū par le Japon, la bataille d’Okinawa, ou encore l’occupation américaine. Je vous ferai également découvrir les secrets de la culture okinawaïenne. Vous aurez l’occasion de découvrir les spécificités linguistiques, architecturales, religieuses, ou encore gastronomiques de cette région subtropicale à la croisée des influences japonaises, chinoises et américaines.

  • Welcome to Empire-Builders, the podcast all about the rise and fall of the world’s imperial civilizations. We will take for the object of our investigation those civilizations which have something to teach us about what happens when human societies with distinct cultural traditions, histories, and mythologies converge, even if only for a single page in the story of mankind. And we will start from the beginning, when the very concept of civilization was only just ripening, for make no mistake — empires have been with us from the start. Before man was, empire awaited him. 

  • Listen to Wyoming's West come alive with untold stories researched by Wyoming native and historian, Clay Gibbons. Learn a new appreciation for the people and places that made up Wyoming's western history.

  • ■産経ニュース「丸」特集ページはこちら(リンク

    ■「発掘 太平洋戦争」とは:先の大戦で苛烈な戦闘の最前線に立った人々はどんな体験をし、何を感じたのか。彼らが昭和の時代に書き残し、月刊「丸」(潮書房光人新社)に掲載された「証言・昭和の戦争」からセレクトした手記を音声化しました。歴史の真相を後世に語り継ぎます。


    ■産経Podcast おすすめの歴史番組

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  • 毎回、この街でご活躍されている方が登場。




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  • Why hello! I'm Simone O. Elias and I've been in media & podcasts for well over three years now.As for the podcast, I've collaborated with Internet Archive for an interview series with the fantastic people who work at the Internet Archive to discuss their careers, work, and favorite collections and stories. You’ll learn why public knowledge is so necessary and why these people have devoted their careers to keeping the past alive.

  • This is the tale of a man and his relationship with Japan which started at the age of two. His story ends with his sentencing to a Japanese Labor Prison. This project will give an inside account to his personal story.

    We will get into the court process for a foreigner charged with a serious crime, And imprisonment.

    This story spans from the swamps of Mississippi, and takes you across the world to Tokyo. From California to Amsterdam. Train travel, bus travel, plane travel, road trips. Travel and learning cultures is arguably the best form of education you can receive,