Geschiedenis – Letland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Back in time when we would have fun. Also when we didn't have such a great time. Places, People, and things that we rememberd..

  • The 10th century medieval dynasty that started with Henry the Fowler, king of East Francia and rose to the imperial throe with Otto the Great left an indelible mark on europe in general and Germany in particular.
    This show follows their history in 22 episodes from humble beginnings to great victories and even sainthood,
    This show is a re-release of the first 22 episodes of the History of the Germans Podcast that traces the history of the Germans and of Germany from 919AD to reunification in 1991 in weekly 25-35min episodes.

  • A narrative history of the Salian Emperors and their epic struggle with the papacy in weekly 25-25 minute episodes.
    Note, this is season 2 of the History of the Germans Podcast republished as a separate podcast.
    The century of Salian rule from 1024 to 1125 is the crucial turning point not just for German, but for European history more generally. It is in this period that the Investiture Controversy pits Popes against Emperors. The dispute is nominally about the role secular powers play in the selection of bishops and abbots. But in reality, it is about much more than that. It is about whether the monarch acts as the representative of God, or as mere mortal, subject to Papal authority. It is about whether Europe becomes a coherent political entity ruled by an all-powerful emperor or whether it becomes a fragmented system of interlocking states, cities, and lordships under a parallel church infrastructure. It is about whether Europe becomes a uniform society or the diverse structure that will give birth both to endless warfare and misery as well as the Reformation, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment (to name just a few). move from the unexpected election of Konrad II to his son Henry III becoming the undisputed senior ruler in Western Europe. The backlash against the emerging command monarchy culminates in Emperor Henry IV kneeling in the snow outside the Castle of Canossa begging Pope Gregor VII to receive him back into the mother church.

  • Historical facts on the historical day of the Invasion of Normandy beaches

  • В рамках историко-культурного проекта "Мой край" профессиональные историки рассказывают о различных событиях отечественной и всеобщей истории. Вещаем интересно и с юмором, приятного прослушивания!

  • Жизнеутверждающий подкаст о том, как люди жили и не скучали во время эпидемий.
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  • «Прошедшее время» — подкаст об истории России и ее соседей. Здесь мы обсуждаем, как по-разному можно смотреть на события, про которые нам, казалось бы, все понятно с детства, и выясняем, что эти точки зрения значат для нашего настоящего и будущего. Ведущие — журналист «Медузы» Дмитрий Карцев и учитель истории Сергей Фокин.

  • Еженедельный подкаст, разбирающий главные мифы россиян о США и рассматривающий, как и почему Америка стала “главным врагом” России. Мы говорим об отношениях двух стран через призму истории, культуры и политики.

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    Instagram Саши Филиппенко: sashk_f

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  • Всем привет, это подкаст Фонда наследия русского зарубежья. Тут вы найдете самые интересные подкасты и лекции об истории эмиграции

  • Описание эпизода: «В те времена в США были разные проблемы, но все вели себя так, будто существует только одна угроза – большой медведь, которого завернули в железный занавес. Каким-то образом от него изо дня в день доносился запах красной угрозы».

    Подкаст «Анатомия пропаганды» – часть одноименного проекта о российской и мировой пропаганде. 10 эпизодов этого подкаста расскажут вам о тонкостях пропаганды в разных странах.

    Наряду с этим подкастом мы создали одноименный документальный сериал, который расскажет вам о тайнах российской пропаганды на протяжении последних ста лет.

    Посмотреть сериал «Анатомия пропаганды» можно на нашем YouTube-канале:

  • Napoleon Bonaparte, born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, emerged as a prominent figure during the French Revolution. His family, of modest means, ensured he received a good education. At nine, he was sent to study in France, where he excelled in military studies. By 1785, he was a second lieutenant in artillery.Napoleon's career advanced rapidly during the Revolution. He was promoted to captain in 1792 and earned fame by recapturing Toulon from the British in 1793, leading to his promotion to brigadier general.In 1795, his decisive action against royalist insurgents in Paris catapulted him to prominence. The following year, he married Joséphine de Beauharnais and took command of the French army in Italy, achieving remarkable victories.Napoleon's success continued in Egypt from 1798 to 1799, enhancing his reputation. Returning to France, he overthrew the government in a coup d'état in 1799 and established himself as First Consul. In 1804, he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I, marking a new era in European history.He initiated significant reforms, including the Napoleonic Code, reshaping civil law. His military campaigns, known as the Napoleonic Wars, dramatically altered European borders and global history. However, his ambition ultimately led to his downfall.The disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812 marked a turning point. By 1814, after successive defeats, Napoleon was exiled to Elba. He escaped in 1815, briefly returning to power before his ultimate defeat at Waterloo.Exiled again, this time to Saint Helena in the Atlantic, he died on May 5, 1821. The cause of his death has been a subject of debate, ranging from stomach cancer to possible poisoning. Napoleon's legacy is complex, characterized by his military genius, the spread of the ideals of the French Revolution, and the controversies his conquests brought.

  • Команда исследователей и журналистов квир-журнала "Призма" решила разобраться, могла ли однополая любовь менять общественные отношения и создать искусство, которое дошло до наших дней. Или все это было лишь очередной "крепкой мужской дружбой"?

    Все, о чем вам не говорили на уроках истории, литературы и искусства в школах, в этом подкасте.

  • Вместе со специалистами обсуждаем политику, экономику и историю стран Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки.
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  • Криминальная хроника, репортажи и материалы на страницах периодики 1920-х годов. Тру-крайм подкаст проекта «Тогда» и МИРА Коллекция

  • Friendly history specials, in which we discuss historical events, persons, books and why history is relevant today.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hosts Sarah T-M and Erin B K dive deep into all the weird and wild ways architecture can be "bad." In each episode, our hosts present two selected sites from around the globe related to a theme. Designed for death? Hotel from hell? Evil architects? Yes, yes, yes, and more! Then they wrap it up all up with a bit of "badass" architecture. It's bad, we know it.

    Find all the photos and research used in each episode over on the Bad Architecture Compendium!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Привет! Здесь я, Анастасия Кругликова, историк и преподаватель, рассказываю о людях и идеях, которые определяли русскую историю. Только 18 человек голосовали против развала СССР в Верховных Советах России, Украины и Беларуси. Их было мало, у них не получилось. И всё-таки они остались против. Против были декабристы, против были императоры и их великие реформаторы, пытавшиеся спасти страну от распада. Против были создатели новой, Советской России. Против выступили молодые студенты Академии Художеств, бросившие её и создавшие общество передвижников. Против оказались Дмитрий Донской и Иван III. Всегда быть против обещал нам Егор Летов.

    Восемнадцать против подкаст о людях России, которые боролись. Каждый за своё. И этим они создавали историю.

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  • The Paranormal Son covers all topics paranormal, fortean, mysterious, strange,and unexplained from the viewpoint of a lifelong seeker of knowledge. Each Episode JT will present the research and information he has gathered and leaves the verdict up to you.

    You can follow and support the program here

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A podcast about the history and geography of London.

    SideStreets will not attempt a narrative history of London. It will instead focus on out-of-the-way places, little-known people, and good stories. It will use them, I hope, to illustrate important patterns and principles in that history and maybe even in the history of all cities.