Letland – Nieuwe podcasts
Привет всем!
Меня зовут Айнур и я автор и ведущая подкаста ”The Magic Pill - Волшебная таблетка”. В этом подкасте я и мои гости - врачи и эксперты в сфере медицины, говорим о здоровье и наших ежедневных выборах, которые на него влияют.
Небольшой дисклеймер - я не врач и не связана с медициной. Однако, несколько лет я изучаю тему оптимизации здоровья, экспериментирую и пытаюсь доказать, что волшебной таблетки не существует.
Наше здоровье - это результат нашей усердной работы и дисциплины. -
What started out as my attempt at seeking an outlet for sexual conversation has blossomed into this wonderfully silly and occasionally obscene ongoing conversation about all things BODY, SEX, SEXUALITY, GENDER, LOVE, MENTAL HEALTH and often times the POLITICS that effect our lives, our genitals and our minds. Expect plenty of run-on sentences, laughs, honesty about mental health, unedited belching, toilet humor and special guests with mostly made-up names.
Planning your wedding? The Hitched Podcast is your essential companion for expert advice, real-life stories, and top tips to help you plan your perfect day. Hosted by wedding expert and Editor of Hitched, Zoe Burke, each episode explores everything from budgeting and trends to relationship advice and big-day hacks.
With special guests, industry experts, and plenty of inspiration, we’re here to make your wedding planning journey as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. Whether you're newly engaged or putting the final touches on your plans, tune in for fresh insights, relatable stories, and practical guidance.
Subscribe now and start your planning journey with Hitched.
How is technology changing culture? From exhibition design to the performing arts, we invite leading curators, researchers, artists and cultural experts to explore how technology is shaping the future of cultural experiences and sparking new opportunities in the process.
The Culture & Technology Podcast is a virtual salon — hosted by the Vienna Business Agency together with Severin Matusek. Each conversation pairs Viennese creatives with an international expert to discuss a topic, entertain a thought and share their knowledge through conversation.
The future of cultural experiences is up to us to create. We hope you’ll join us by subscribing to The Culture and Technology Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. -
Welcome to "Artificial Intelligence Exposed" 🤖🎙️
Are you ready to explore the secrets behind the AI revolution? 🌟 From groundbreaking breakthroughs to the ethical challenges we face, every episode reveals the hidden forces driving the future of technology.
🚀Get ready for an exciting journey where we uncover how AI is transforming industries, shaping our lives, and unlocking new possibilities. Whether you're a beginner or a tech enthusiast, you'll find insights that will leave you thinking about the world differently! 🌐💡 -
The podcast where I tell the world about crazy things that happened in my theater. Longer episodes coming.
Welcome to the Payments Strategist, the show where we explore the world of online payments, the strategies driving payments innovations, and the experts leading the way.
In every episode we invite top payment professionals to share their insights and experiences. -
Raidījumā ilggadējie ”Delfi” sporta žurnālisti Jānis Bendziks un Almants Poikāns nepiespiestā un dinamiskā gaisotnē apspriež karstākās tēmas Latvijas un pasaules sportā, ļaujas prognožu divkaujai par vēl gaidāmajiem notikumiem, kā arī aicina uz sarunu aktuālu pašmāju sporta pasaules viesi.
Raidījumā „(ne)Diplomātiskās pusdienas” turpinām stāstīt par ārpolitiku neierastā un interesantā veidā.
Raidījuma mērķis ir pievērsties dziļākai analīzei par problēmām un jautājumiem, kuri dažādu iemeslu dēļ tiek uzskatīti par mazāk aktuāliem, kuri tiek pieklusināti vai nepietiekami atspoguļoti, vai arī tādām tēmām, kuras jau ir, vai tūlīt būs aktuālas starptautiskajā politikā.
Ja iepriekš mēs apskatījām valstu vēsturi, politisko un ekonomisko situāciju, tagad runāsim arī par neērtām un strīdīgām tēmām.
Līdzīgi kā raidījumā „Diplomātiskās pusdienas” bija ieraksts, arī „(ne)Diplomātiskajās pusdienās” būs „starteris”, kurā iepazīstināsim ar izvēlēto tēmu, „galvenais ēdiens”, kurā diskutēsim un uzklausīsim ekspertu domas par izraudzīto raidījuma tēmu, un „deserts”, kurā kādi nedaudz vieglāki aspekti un fakti par jau aplūkoto problēmu.
Šo raidījumu Latvijas Radio veido kopā ar Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūtu. -
Mūziķis, komiķis un reizēm arī mācītājs Ralfs Eilands, brīžos, kad īsti nav, ko darīt un ir vēlme padarīt ko lietderīgu, ir nolēmis kavēt laiku ar saviem draugiem vai cilvēkiem, kuri viņam šķiet interesanti. Ja Tu esi jaunava bez interneta vai arī sīkais, kuram vēl nav 16, tad šis podkāsts varētu nebūt piemērots Tev.
Kļūsti par podkāsta atbalstītāju: https://www.patreon.com/RalfsEilands -
Welcome to The LA Poker Roundup! The place for recent news and events in the LA poker community, with a focus on tournaments. This show will go over events happening the following week, the pros and cons of different events along with the opinions of your hosts.
Please subscribe! -
Финансовый аналитик с 9 летним стажем успешной торговли на валютном и фондовом рынках.
Join Britney on Cognito's GCSE Physics podcast, where she simplifies complex physics concepts into clear, exam-focused episodes—ideal for GCSE science revision and exam preparation. Each episode is packed with curriculum-aligned content in an engaging, easy-to-understand format. Covering topics from forces and motion to energy, electricity, and waves, this educational podcast series is designed to help you master key GCSE physics concepts. Part of Cognito's extensive GCSE resources, offering comprehensive science support for OCR, AQA, Edexcel, and more. Visit Cognito for interactive quizz
Are you stuck in your burnout? Tried it all but not getting better?
In this podcast I’ll give you tactical ways to stop the fatigue and get more energy, get rid of the brain fog, overcome the dizziness, ease stress related pain like back pain and neck pain and get stress relief for your brain and nervous system. I’ll share how I healed from severe burnout with neuro science and nervous system regulation. I’ll share the methods I used that took me from staying at home with brainfog, memory loss, dizziness, nausea and fatigue, to living the life I want. I’ve healed, and so can you! -
Подкаст психологов о жизни, дружбе и отношениях.
"Transcend Into Wellness" is a podcast that explores the interconnectedness of spirituality, mind, and body, and provides practical tips and insights for elevating your life. Join host Meenu Ananthh, as they delve into topics such as mindfulness, self-care, personal growth, and more, with thought leaders, experts, and everyday people who share their own transformative journeys and experiences. Whether you're looking to deepen your spiritual practice, heal your mind and body, or simply live a more fulfilling life, this podcast will inspire you to transcend beyond your limiting beliefs and embrace the infinite potential of the human spirit. So, come along and join the journey towards wellness and discover the power of transformation and personal growth.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Logan (who grew up with the show) and Joey (who's never seen it) watch every episode of House of Anubis.
https://twitter.com/HouseofAnoobis1 -
Мы — Диана и Маринэ, две мамы, прочувствовавшие на себе всю соль материнства без помощи. Наш подкаст — пространство поддержки и тепла всем мамам: бывшим, будущим, многодетным и потерявшим.
Среди бешеной погони за идеальное материнство, навязанное обществом, мы захотели создать свое небольшое уютное место, где можно не бояться выдохнуть, пожаловаться, расслабиться, посмеяться, выплеснуть чувства и обменяться опытом.
Собственно, это мы и делаем.
Иногда мы унываем, иногда — даем бой обстоятельствам, иногда — делимся важным, и за всем этим вы можете наблюдать в этом подкасте.
Хочется взять тебя за руку, дорогая, и провести через тьму. С тобой все нормально. Твои чувства нормальны.
А самое главное, знаешь, что? Всё обязательно будет хорошо.🫂
Обнимаем, твои Диана и Маринэ. - Laat meer zien