Onderwijs – Spanje – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Welcome to the Wealth Building With Options Podcast with Dan Passarelli. This podcast is dedicated to making you a calm, consistent and confident options trader. Inside each episode, Passarelli, an options industry veteran, helps you avoid the common mistakes, pitfalls and misconceptions about options trading as a consistent wealth building activity. You will discover actionable strategies to build wealth using assets you may already own. With a primary focus on the traditional “Wheel Strategy,” Passarelli taps his 30+ years as a market maker on the Cboe floor and options educator for investment firms, traders and international governments to make the process simple, straightforward and effective. As a subscriber to the Wealth Building With Options Podcast you will gain the valuable insights only an experienced trader and educator can provide. You’ll discover the keys to making covered calls and cash-secured puts work for you as a consistent wealth building activity. Whether you are investing in an IRA, a fully funded trading account or are a hobby trader. This is the key to consistent income through options trading.

  • Join host Leo Pareja, CEO of eXp Realty, as hes dives into the world of real estate with top producers from around the globe. Each episode features in-depth interviews with industry leaders who share their journeys, strategies, and tactics for achieving success in their local real estate market and beyond.

    🔔 Subscribe to stay updated: Don't miss out on the latest insights and stories from the best in the business. Click the subscribe icon to get notified when new episodes drop.

    🎧 Listen on the go: Find us on your favorite podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and More.

    📢 Share with your network: If you find our episodes valuable, please share them with your colleagues and friends in the real estate industry. Let's grow and learn together!

  • Many of us have a messy relationship with conflict. Listen to Sam Ardery read his book Positively Conflicted and learn to fear conflict less and do it better.
    When confronted with conflict, our fight or flight response kicks in and we either rush into battle or back away. By defaulting into one of these options, however, we risk damaging ties to people we care about, opening ourselves up to future retaliation or allowing resentments to fester.
    Positively Conflicted invites us to re-examine our instinctive and often destructive reactions to conflict. With decades of experience in mediation Sam Ardery doesn't offer advice on how to win every fight, nor does he promise a one-size-fits-all solution to complex issues. Instead, he presents a different perspective - one that enables us to engage with conflict in novel and courageous ways.
    Here Sam reads his book Positively Conflicted, each chapter an episode.

  • Consejitos Anonymous – where advice meets chisme, and no topic is off-limits! Hosted by four friends who bonded through their passion for podcasting, we’re here to keep it real and have some fun. You asked us to come together, and now, we’ve delivered! Join us for unfiltered conversations, unsolicited advice, and a lot of laughs.

    Meet the crew:

    Ayden from Susto: Your go-to for Drunk Advice – it may get messy, but it’s always entertaining!
    Follow Ayden HERE

    Cristina & Carmen from Espooky Tales: Serving up Bad Advice on purpose – because sometimes, you just need to hear the wrong thing. Follow the Cuatas HERE

    Lanie from True Crime Cases with Lanie: Your forever Bestie Advice – supportive, honest, and always on your side. Follow Lanie HERE

    And don’t miss our special segment, Am I the Culera/Culero/Culerx? – a spicy take on the popular subreddit AITA. Share your dilemmas anonymously, and we’ll come together as a group to determine if you're the guilty party or not!

    Whether you're here for the solid advice or just the laughs, we’ve got you covered. So grab a drink, pull up a chair, and get ready for some spicy consejos!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/consejitos-anonymous--6343608/support.

  • Join comedians Alex Love and Siobhan Dodd in this new anti-lifestyle lifestyle podcast that is all about overcoming challenges in trying circumstances, plus stories about shitting yourself. Each episode will focus on a theme, before taking a high-brow turn as unfortunate incidents involving bowel movements are discussed in great detail.

  • Producers, editors and creators of English with Pete and Rebecca, Rebecca and Peter present to you their new launch: Spanish with Pete and Rebecca. 

    Designed for learners of Spanish, people living in Spain and even anyone  interested in the differences between both languages and cultures, these episodres will be jammed packed with fun, tips, skills and always a song here and there. 

    Please like, share, comment and subscribe. Feel free to contact us with any requests, petitions, tips or even feedback!

  • Un espacio para vivir a un ritmo más lento e intencional, donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes para crear una vida más alineada a tus pasiones y valores.

  • Un espacio donde exploramos estrategias, hábitos y perspectivas para alcanzar el crecimiento personal y profesional. Inspírate, aprende y construye la vida que siempre has deseado.

  • I'm Jude Jennison, Founder of Leaders by Nature, a leadership and team development company, developing leaders and teams through disruptive change. I'm a bestselling leadership author of three books and I specialise in non-verbal communication and behaviour.

    I work with a herd of horses to transform leadership and team behaviour. Results include an SME who grew from 25 to 38 employees in 9 months, a large recruitment company who turned a loss-making division into a profit in 3 months and an entrepreneur who made a breakthrough with sales, doubling her business in 6 months.

    For more information, you can find me on all the social media channels as Jude Jennison and check out my website at www.judejennison.com

    Take our Team Performance Scorecard: https://team-performance.scoreapp.com

  • Este es un espacio para  aprender. La actualización y la interacción con estudiantes y padres de familia es un reto para los profesores en la nueva era y en este podcast escucharemos a quienes nos enseñan a hacerlo de una mejor manera.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Quiero saber mas" es un proyecto que nace con la consigna de entregar en cada episodio un dato que haga crecer tus conocimientos en un corto periodo de tiempo y sin que tu tengas la necesidad de investigar tanto, eso dejamelo a mi. Como dijo Aristoteles, "todos los hombres desean por naturaleza saber", lo que pone de manifiesto la insaciable curiosidad del humano por conocer mas sobre aquello que le rodea; con eso en mente en cada episodio abordamos temas variados que pudieran ser tu interes, ya sea que te guste la historia, la filosofia, la mitologia, o estar informado del acontecer mundial, este es tu podcast.

    Si te gusta el contenido del podcast, sigueme en mis redes:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to The Nectar of Life, where Rae Byrnes hosts heartfelt and honest conversations on self exploration & growth, motherhood, marriage, personal transformations, and more. Rae is a wife, mother to 3, Registered Nurse, Certified Lactation Counselor, and Doula. She helps women navigate their personal journeys into motherhood. To learn more, visit Raebyrnes.com

  • Aprende y mejora tu español con un pódcast fácil y divertido. Estudia español de una forma comprensible y aumenta tu vocabulario rápidamente. En este pódcast hablo de viajes, de cultura de España, de idiomas (especialmente español) y, por supuesto ¡de comida y bebida! Básicamente, te cuento mi vida.

    Para más contenido o tener clases personalizadas, visita spanishwithhector.wordpress.com o https://www.italki.com/en/teacher/8085142

  • Yo lo veo distinto es un espacio para esas conversaciones que solo compartes con pocos y rara vez tienes contigo mismo. Nina Páez (+30) y Sussan Pérez (+40), dos mujeres de generaciones distintas pero con miradas complementarias, te invitan a reflexionar sobre límites, prioridades, simplicidad y la importancia de soltar lo que no te hace feliz. Cada episodio te ayudará a cuestionar lo que siempre diste por hecho, abrir conversaciones necesarias y descubrir nuevas formas de ver la vida.

    🎧 Disponible ahora en Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Youtube y en las principales plataformas. Haz clic y únete a la conversación.

  • This is a podcast dedicated to exploring the profound, yet elusive True Tao (真道). Acknowledging that the essence of Tao is beyond traditional discourse and expression, this series seeks to demystify Taoist principles and adapt them for contemporary listeners. Each episode offers a blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, providing practical guidance for navigating the complexities of today’s world. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to the path, join us in discovering how the timeless wisdom of Tao can be lived out in the here and now.

  • The Meet Yourself Podcast is where Mindful Presence meets Powerful Living. Meet yourself with more clarity, connection, personal power, and peace. Hosted by Master Life Coach and Mindfulness Teacher - Noah Channing. Committed to helping you transform your life from the inside out - Noah helps you get to the heart of the matter, elevate your awareness, achieve inner alignment, and design a life that you love.

  • Juan Carlos Gómez es un apasionado psicólogo y astrólogo que cree en el poder transformador de integrar la sabiduría ancestral de la astrología con la comprensión profunda de la psicología humana. Su enfoque único te invita a explorar las conexiones entre tu carta natal y tus patrones de comportamiento, emociones y potencial de crecimiento.En su podcast, Juan Carlos te acompañará en un viaje de autodescubrimiento, desvelando los misterios de tu psique a través de la lente de los astros. Con su calidez y experiencia, te ayudará a:
    Interpretar tu carta natal: Descubre los arquetipos y símbolos presentes en tu nacimiento y cómo influyen en tu vida.Comprender tus patrones de comportamiento: Identifica las fortalezas y desafíos que te presentan los astros para alcanzar una mayor armonía interior.Sanar heridas emocionales: Utiliza la astrología como herramienta terapéutica para trabajar bloqueos y traumas del pasado.Desarrollar tu máximo potencial: Aprende a alinearte con las energías cósmicas para manifestar tus sueños y vivir una vida plena y auténtica.Si buscas un espacio donde la psicología y la astrología se entrelazan para brindarte una comprensión más profunda de ti mismo, ¡has llegado al lugar indicado! Únete a Juan Carlos Gómez en este fascinante viaje hacia el autoconocimiento y la transformación personal.

  • Un podcast sobre cómo llevar una vida plena y feliz basada en la razón y la objetividad, inspirándonos en las ideas de Ayn Rand.

    Ricardo Ibáñez es un Emprendedor intelectual, Presidente de Ricardo's Time.

  • A show about finding discipline through perseverance and personal growth to become a little better at something every day.

  • SOULFUL ist der Podcast für Frauen, die aus ihrer Einzigartigkeit mit Herz und Seele ein sinnerfülltes Leben und Business kreieren möchten.

    Es erwartet Dich Inspiration für Deinen Herzensweg und beflügelnde Impulse, wie Du Dein Leben & Wirken in eine beseelte Verbindung mit Deiner inneren Wahrheit bringen kannst. Ich unterstütze Dich dabei, Deine wahre Essenz mehr und mehr wahrzunehmen und auf allen Lebensebenen voll und ganz zum Erblühen zu bringen.

    Seit mehr als 15 Jahren folge ich als Coach, Lehrtrainerin und kreative Unternehmerin dem Ruf meines Herzens und kenne die zahlreichen Herausforderungen, Familie und Karriere unter einen Hut zu bringen, ohne sich selbst dabei zu verlieren. In all den Jahren habe ich vor allem eins gelernt: mir selbst und meiner Intuition zu vertrauen.

    In meinem Podcast nehme ich Dich mit in meine Welt und möchte Dich darin bestärken, wieder auf Deine innere Stimme zu hören, kreative Wege für Deine Herausforderungen zu finden und den Mut zu haben, Dein wahres Selbst zu leben.

    Ich begleite Dich dabei, Dein Leben aus dem Herzen heraus zu gestalten und voller Kraft und Vertrauen in Deine eigene Lebensvision einzutauchen. Dabei stelle ich Dir kreative Übungen vor, verrate Dir kraftvolle Coaching-Tools, nehme Dich mit auf meine eigene Lebensreise und lade inspirierende Frauen zum Interview auf einen virtuellen Kaffee ein.

    Von meinem inspirierten Herzen zu Deinem, Nina