Litouwen – Nieuwe podcasts

  • I've seen a lot things in my many years of providing therapy. And I have a lot of stories. I share thoughts on topics present in mental health, and bring up funny and sometimes more serious stories to look into various issues. I will be looking at stats to understand trends and behaviors better, and we'll follow some how-to’s on managing issues. We'll also be having some guests on for Fireside chats - story time with knowledgeable insight, intertwined with casual banter about our daily lives.

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  • Душевный подкаст от мужчин в самом расцвете сил! Говорим о играх, технологиях, графике и о чем будет интересно вам и нам, даже если мы в этом что-то не понимаем! Встречайте! Джокер и Александр!

  • Magical Myths & Mysteries is a show for anyone who has imagination! We take a myth or a mystery, magnify it, and understand it! See our site at:

  • This podcast discusses true crime cases. Some of the material is not intended for a younger audience.
    It gives information such as: timelines, history and evidence of each crime.
    All of the opinions expressed are my own, based on my knowledge and interpretation of the available information and evidence.

  • A neurosurgeon's take on stuff.
    Grow a bit smarter everyday.
    Your brain is a biologic machine designed for survival: Fine tune the machine.
    Your mind is the software of consciousness: Transcend the mundane.

    Dr. Marc Arginteanu served as President of the New Jersey Neurosurgical Society, Associate Clinical Professor in Neurosurgery at Mount Sinai in New York City and Adjunct Instructor in Psychology at Florida International University in Miami

    Best Selling Nonfiction Author
    Award Winning Fiction Author

  • Подкаст-поддержка для женщин, которые сталкиваются с вызовами нового времени. Говорим с героями и профи о женском здоровье, беременности, воспитании детей, бизнесе, отношениях с родными и коллегами, дружбе, финансовой грамотности, самореализации, духовном развитии и других темах.

  • This podcast recounts our trips as a family of three and then as a family of four. We will also go over tips we learned during our trips, recommendations, itinerary inspiration, and what we learned in our travels.

  • Three Men in a Boat (To Not express anything of the Canine) by Jerome K. Jerome is a funny record of three companions — J., George, and Harris — alongside J's. canine, Montmorency, as they leave on a drifting excursion along the Waterway Thames. The book blends funny misfortunes in with clever perceptions on human instinct, deviations about verifiable milestones, and reflections on the idiocies of daily existence. The triplet faces funny difficulties like exploring the boat, preparing feasts, and camping out, frequently entangling straightforward undertakings with their ungainliness. Albeit expected to be a movement guide, the novel develops into an ironical depiction of Victorian culture and human indiscretion, downplaying the ordinary battles and eccentricities of life while keeping a feeling of experience and fellowship all through. Summary by Dream Audiobooks

  • Our Friends from Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing of the Dog, are back. In this funny sequel to Three Men in a Boat J., George, and Harris are out of the boat and on the land riding their bikes. Their lives are too stressful and they need a break from the daily mundane, so they put their heads together and come up with a brilliant idea they decide to travel through the Black Forest of Germany on a bicycling tour. Since two of our friends are now married it seems they will also have to convince their wives that this is a good idea without getting each other into trouble! Meant to be a traveling book, but of course is anything but, let's go along on their journey and see for ourselves what kind of antics and fun our three old friends get caught up in. This book was published eleven years after the original "Three Men in a Boat". (Summary by Terra Mendoza)

  • The Tandem Talk Show is a podcast dedicated to providing women with the latest and most effective strategies on how to lose fat and keep off in a healthy and sustainable way all without experiencing guilt, shame, or feeling deprived.

    You’ll learn the best fat loss strategies we use with our very own TONE UP Clients and even hear from a few of them and the things they’ve learned throughout their own programs. You’ll also have the opportunity to get to know each of our Tandem Coaches on a much deeper level and have the ability to ask them questions in each of their areas of expertise.

  • Islam Essentials serves as a beginner’s guide to understanding Islam through short and easy-to-consume episodes that make learning about Islam convenient for listeners of all ages. Whether you’re new to Islam or just need a refresher on the fundamentals, this show is for you.

    Hosted by Abdullah Al Maawali and Hatim Al Abdessalaam, and produced by Oman FM.

    Follow Oman FM on Instagram

  • ‘The Write with Nachofalafel Podcast’ focuses on the craft of creative writing and utilizes a scaffolded technique to allow writers to begin building confidence in their writing by focusing on the core elements of storytelling.

    Whether you’re a seasoned-writer or new to the craft, come join my craft discussions and begin refining your creative skills.

    Each episode will focus on a different element of storytelling and will include concrete examples, as well as discussion about common misconceptions and pitfalls.

    Keep scribbling....

  • Imagine you are sitting at a table with two folks who have a lot of a opinions and perspective on some of the new stuff coming down the pipe with marketing, sales, and other adjacent business and technology topics. Now imagine, these two folks are Mike Grinberg and Garrio Harrison. Mike and Garrio will cover the most interesting and impactful marketing adjacent current events, campaigns, and business dealings that are happening every week, and they will also add a good amount of their own perspective on the trends they are seeing themselves in their work.

    Get ready for spicy topics, and takes, plenty of bloopers, and disagreements, as Mike and Garrio wrestle with many of the topics everyone is thinking about, but maybe not deeply enough.

  • Stay informed about feminist news and culture, the easy way.

    This podcast is a labour of love -- support our work via Patreon or hit the Paypal button on our Soundcloud:

    Theme song by Alejandro Mosso:

    Subscribe to our newsletter via the link below:

    Brought to you by Rina Grob and Madhvi Ramani

  • Pastors & friends, Jonathan & Dan, share a dose of wisdom for disciples, dudes & dads who're maturing in manhood.

  • Подкаст о здоровом питании с доктором Светланой Кизик.

    Здесь мы, Ира Волощук и доктор Светлана Кизик, обсуждаем вопросы о питании, пищевых привычках и эффективных стратегиях снижения веса, развенчиваем популярные мифы и отвечаем на вопросы, которые наши слушатели присылают нам.

    Мы говорим на разные темы, которые касаются здорового питания, например, какие продукты должны быть в вашем рационе обязательно, действительно ли нужно что-то исключать из рациона, чтобы снизить вес и может ли плохой сон мешать снижению веса.

    Пишите нам волнующие вас вопросы, которые могут стать темами для следующих выпусков!

  • A slice of Lex & Terry you don't wanna miss every day! From Q105.1 Rocks!