Onderwijs – Portugal – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Explore the transition from academia to industry with Voices of Life Sciences. This podcast shares authentic stories from professionals navigating their different life sciences career.

    Each episode combines testimonials with expert analysis and actionable advice, offering valuable tools to overcome obstacles and build a successful career. Perfect for aspiring talents and anyone passionate about science and innovation!

    Presented by Biopôle SA.

  • Lab Rat Foiler is not just a podcast; it’s a movement toward embracing a culture of innovation and creativity in foiling. The athletes we interview are continuously pushing the boundaries of foiling, and through their stories, we aim to inspire others to take risks, experiment, and become Lab Rats in this foiling experiment.

  • “Creative Writing от MALYAROFF RADIOLAB” – подкаст для начинающих и продвинутых писателей, сочетающий вдохновляющий сторителлинг с практическими советами по мастерству письма.

    Ведущий погружает слушателя в атмосферу творчества, делится теорией и примерами из литературы, а также предлагает оригинальные упражнения для развития писательского навыка.

    В выпусках подкаста - вдохновляющие беседы о писательстве, креативности и даже духовной стороне жизни автора.

  • Marhaba and how is it going?

    This is the Yuwab Podcast! Where wellbeing thrives

    If you're the kind of leader who is burned out or maybe confused on what to do next and wanting to transform your your current life or workplace, then you’re in the right place.

    I’m Saeed Alghafri, a passionate Emirati CEO and an executive wellbeing coach. I've supported professionals across the Middle East tackle major concerns, enabling them to transform themselves to lead with confidence and thrive in life and workplaces. My time as a family man, Entrepreneur with 2 startups, and a mindfulness teacher has given me a pretty unique take on work-life balance

    Let’s shake up the world together. You can find more by following me in LinkedIn or X

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saeedalghafri
    X/Twitter: https://x.com/saeedalghafri__?

  • Thank you for tuning into Courage Unlocked!

    Join me - Michele Waterman - each week for trauma-informed conversations around the intersections of mental health, addiction recovery, social justice and human rights where we will learn and grow together.

    Every episode promises to inspire, inform, and motivate you through the power of story by everyday heroes and thought leaders alike.

    Welcome to the place where it’s safe to face who you are, declare who you want to become and attend to that GAP like your life depends on it–because it does.

    The truth is that it takes truckloads of courage to face yourself and create lasting change. And the great news is that courageousness can be cultivated.

    Thank you for being here and being willing to open your mind and your heart to what is possible when you keep the oxygen mask on you and bet on yourself and your growth like never before.

    Join the growing Courage Unlocked community at www.MicheleWaterman.com.

    Let’s connect! Nothing lights me up more than hearing HOW you’ve embraced the courage to create lasting change! You can find me @michelewatermancoaching on Instagram and feel free to Dm me!

    In solidarity

    ~ Coach Michele

  • Серия подкастов от онлайн-лектория Синхронизация и ОТП Банка том, как грамотно мечтать, идти к цели через страх и сомнения и не сбиваться с пути 💚

    Сайт проекта: https://special.synchronize.ru/otpbank

  • Soy Shamti y quiero compartir contigo el profundo impulso de conocer la esencia y expresión de tu Ser. El Ser es como un amigo íntimo: te acompaña, te guía y te brinda luz en tu camino. Desde pequeña emprendí un viaje hacia mi interior. La vida me ha dado pruebas y experiencias que sigo atravesando y de las que continúo aprendiendo. He descubierto que el verdadero viaje es el del autoconocimiento y la transformación en el camino hacia la autorrealización.

    Quiero compartirte mis experiencias, ideas y herramientas que me han ayudado en este proceso de autodescubrimiento. Me he dado cuenta de que la sabiduría del universo es infinita y nos brinda mucho más de lo que imaginamos.

    Este espacio es para explorar dudas existenciales y aprender a guiarnos con la autenticidad. Aquí descubriremos raíces y conocimientos que han iluminado mi camino y que hoy quiero compartir contigo.

  • 🎙️ Finos & Imperiais 🍺O podcast onde a descontração é o prato principal!Imagina-te num bar com amigos, cerveja na mão 🍺, e uma conversa que flui naturalmente, cheia de risos 😄. Queremos ser curiosos, falar de tudo e de nada, sem julgamentos e sem complicações.Seja com um fino, um imperial ou a bebida que preferires 🥃, aqui a única regra é brindar à boa conversa 🥂. Cada episódio traz histórias únicas, opiniões sinceras e momentos que só poderiam nascer num bar.Relaxa, abre uma cerveja e junta-te a nós nesta experiência autêntica. Vem brindar connosco e entra na conversa! 🍻

  • Ao acompanhar o “Com a tua imagem, TU PODes” irás ter acesso, todos os sábados, a conteúdos diferenciados acerca da Imagem e como ela pode ser uma forte aliada para te diferenciares e posicionares.
    Eu sou Carla Maria e serei a tua cúmplice na construção da tua identidade.

    Dúvidas, sugestões e questões, envia por aqui.

  • Join the 100K podcast to learn practical tools to start and grow a purpose-driven business, reaching $100K in profits as a solopreneur, without investment.

  • Two gringas who became friends while living in Chile, help you to practice your intermediate to advanced English skills, by sharing their interesting, funny, and awkward experiences of adjusting to a new culture, language, and country. 

  • Whether you’re moving to Portugal or just visiting the country, learning these useful phrases has many advantages

  • Decidi criar o "Musipod" para partilhar convosco a minha experiência como professora, cantora e artista. Para além disso, é um espaço onde posso ser eu mesma e partilhar o que me inspira, na música e na vida. Este é um lugar seguro, leve e descontraído, por isso, sejam muito bem-vindos!
    Musicanto Inês Graça

  • 🌟 Bem-vindos à "Jornada da Mudança"! 🌟 Prepare-se para uma viagem transformadora, onde Gloria Santos partilha a sua visão única sobre o poder da mudança pessoal e profissional baseada no poder da experiência. Neste podcast intimista, Gloria explora experiências, desafios e oportunidades que moldaram a sua vida, convidando-o(a) a refletir sobre as suas próprias jornadas.
    ✨ Em cada episódio, encontrará não apenas os testemunhos inspiradores de Gloria, mas também conversas enriquecedoras com convidados especiais que trarão novas perspetivas e insights valiosos. Juntos, iremos descobrir como a mudança pode ser a chave para desbloquear o potencial máximo.
    ✨ Se procura inspiração e ferramentas práticas para navegar nas complexidades da vida, este podcast é para si! Junte-se a nós nesta jornada de autoconhecimento e evolução. Cada episódio é uma nova oportunidade de aprender e crescer!

    🛜Edição, produção e distribuição: MPORTELA.LIVE

  • Marketing mentorship for every step along the way. Your host is Justin Watkins of Native Digital.

  • Welcome to a slow-talked podcast to help you learn European Portuguese in a easy-to-follow way.

    I'll explore essential vocabulary, grammar tips, pronunciation, and everyday phrases to help you with life in Portugal or simply connect with the language and culture.

    I speak slowly and clearly, making it easier for you to understand and practice. Plus, I’ll answer your questions and respond to listener requests to make sure you’re learning what matters most to you.

    If you want you can buy me a coffee and get the transcription of every episode! https://buymeacoffee.com/slowportuguesewithmaria

  • Um podcast que reúne coaches de renome para partilharem as suas experiências, conhecimentos e as melhores e mais úteis ferramentas de Coaching com os ouvintes. As conversas com Madalena Sutcliffe vão dar a conhecer ao público o que é o Coaching;​​ vão explicar a eficácia e a aplicabilidade do Coaching em diversas áreas da vida e vão demonstrar os benefícios do Coaching através de exemplos concretos fornecendo evidências científicas

  • Welcome to 'Beyond Hope Project,' a beacon of inspiration in the podcast world. Join Jason Tharp as we embark on a transformative journey, exploring stories that awaken the will to start anew and find the strength to rise from setbacks.

    'Beyond Hope Project' is about lighting the way to your starting line, not dictating your path. We delve into narratives that foster optimism and belief in a future where dreams become achievements. Each episode is a tapestry of positivity, enthusiasm, and comforting support, resonating with the essence of hope.

    This podcast goes beyond storytelling; it's a movement of positive change rooted in authenticity and transparency. We provide real tools for real journeys, infusing more hope and joy into the world. 'Beyond Hope Project' stands as a testament to the transformative power of hope and the limitless potential of the human spirit.

    Join us in transcending boundaries and breaking barriers. Here, we prove daily that what seems impossible today is within reach tomorrow. 'Beyond Hope Project' invites you to a path of self-empowerment, where every new beginning holds endless possibilities.

    Experience living 'Beyond Hope, Beyond Limits™.