Oekraïne – Nieuwe podcasts
Compartilhando minhas primeiras leituras literárias com amigos de todos os espaços...
Leitura Criança e família.
This podcast is about companies that were involved with the Holocaust and how they may or not recognize their past today. This podcast was created for HIS321, The History of the Holocaust, at Maryville College, a small liberal arts school in TN.
Introducing a new mythological god, monster, or story in just five minutes.
Sono storie tristi ma belle
A bunch of morons talk about a range of topics.
https://discord.gg/T3q3bq6 -
“Das Bleaching für deine Finanzen!” ist der ultimative Podcast für alle, die ihre finanzielle Gesundheit nicht nur erhalten, sondern strahlend hell leuchten lassen möchten. In jeder Episode taucht unser Finanzfacharzt tief in die Welt der Finanzen ein, um dir die besten Tipps und Tricks für ein gesundes Finanzleben zu vermitteln. Von der richtigen Anlagestrategie über das Vermeiden von Schulden bis hin zu effektiven Sparmethoden – hier bekommst du das komplette Rundum-Paket für dein finanzielles Wohlergehen. Ganz gleich, ob du gerade erst mit dem Sparen beginnst oder schon ein erfahrener Investor bist, dieser Podcast verhilft dir zu einem finanziellen Lächeln, das genauso strahlt wie frisch gebleachte Zähne. Lass dich vom Finanzfacharzt beraten und entdecke, wie du deine Finanzen auf das nächste Level heben kannst!
Humanity unified makes a difference. Humanity with education makes a difference. Humanity with equality and fair-play makes a difference.
Добро пожаловать на канал "Анатомия Рыбалки"! На этом канале я делюсь своим личным опытом из моей рыбацкой жизни. Ни одна история не выдумана, и в каждой истории есть много важной информации.
Ми дві подружки, говоримо про життя і лихословимо.
В першому епізоді розповідаємо про досвід залежностей, біполярку, депресії, РДУГ та медикаменти і творчість, що допомагають полегшити життя. -
Lindsay Hill and Calvin Armerding- co-founders of Travelers Rest Counseling Associates in Travelers Rest, South Carolina- discuss business, culture, and humankind. Topics include parenting, relationships, how to treat co-workers, film/music, and more. All issues are approached from the lens of Adlerian Psychology, the theory of 20th century psychotherapist Alfred Adler.
Check out Lindsay and Calvin's counseling practice at TravelersRestCounseling.com
"The Puzzlers" podcast dives into human experiences like identity, purpose, mental health, and faith. Tracy, Val, Catherine, and Sue share stories and insights around a metaphorical coffee table. Listeners are invited into the intimate conversations that unfold among these diverse voices. Through laughter, tears, and revelations, listeners engage in authentic dialogue and exploration, embracing shared humanity and diverse perspectives. Join them in unraveling life's mysteries, one conversation at a time. For Show Notes and more info go to https://thepuzzlers.transistor.fm
Ukrainian Art Dispatch is a podcast that shares stories from the forefront of the Ukrainian art scene. We will discuss major events and significant exhibitions taking place both in Ukraine and around the world. Each fortnight, we’ll bring you news and insider insights featuring special guests and experts. The podcast is hosted by Iya Stepanyuk, an art journalist and editor of [esthète] Gazette, an independent art newspaper based in Lviv, Ukraine, and Ihor, who operates Nomadische Boekenplank, an art media project focused on Ukrainian art and culture based in Amsterdam.
Неймовірні цікавинки!
Неймовірні пісні!
On the Evolving conversations podcast, Salina talks about spirituality, manifestations, self-development, law of attraction, self love and many more. Follow Salina on her journey in sharing what she’s learned and what has transformed her life. This podcast is to inspire and guide like-minded spiritual souls. You can find her on Social Media @salinamcollins
Yoga Workshops in Poltava in 2012 discovers the authentic Yoga Tradition
Join me on a journey to self-empowerment through self-discovery allowing us to heal from past wounds, create healthier relationships and embody self-worth.
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