Geschiedenis – Finland – Nieuwe podcasts
Join Through the Church Fathers, a year-long journey into the writings of the early Church Fathers, thoughtfully curated by C. Michael Patton. Each episode features daily readings from key figures like Clement, Augustine, and Aquinas, accompanied by insightful commentary to help you engage with the foundational truths of the Christian faith.
Join Our Community: Read along and engage with others on this journey through the Church Fathers. Visit our website.
Support the Podcast: Help sustain this work and gain access to exclusive content by supporting C. Michael Patton on Patreon at
Dive Deeper into Theology: Explore high-quality courses taught by the worldโs greatest scholars at Credo Courses. Visit
Letโs journey through the wisdom of the Church Fathers togetherโdaily inspiration to deepen your faith and understanding of the Christian tradition.
Deep Dive into Art History will explore various time periods, movements, and artists throughout history.
The Ascent Archive Podcast features oral histories collected by the University of Utah and produced by the J. Willard Marriott Library, including the Rock Climbers Oral History Project and the American West Center’s Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project. You’re about to hear an oral history that is unedited. Please excuse possible interruptions, sound quality issues, potentially outdated or offensive terminology, and the occasional curse word.
En podd om olika yrkeslivs- och andra livsberättelser från förr.
A podcast exploring the saints of the church from every era and place.
A podcast about the beautiful hotel, the history of tourism in Imatra, and tales of what it’s like to live next to the unpredictable empire on the other side of the border.
Join us as we talk about rising tensions between India and China
The University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy on behalf of the Faculty of Arts and Science and in collaboration with IE University’s School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs, and Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs, curated a series of six live webinars on the history, politics and current conflict in the Middle East in spring 2024. These webinars have been adapted into a podcast format for on-demand listening.
The webinars provide viewers with intellectually challenging information on Middle East politics, the war between Israel and Hamas, and the broader history of the region. Moderated by a diverse roster of experienced journalists, each lecture panel features highly informed academic experts and reflects multiple positions with sensitivity and understanding. -
Stadin hissaa.
Gamla Stadin starbu, Esko Vepsä pamlaa Stadin historiasta.
Toimittaja: Olli "Ollibull" Aninkari.
Editointi: Seppo Julin.
Tuotannon mahdollisti: Hallå -hankkeen "sama på svenska" ja Lähiradio.
Podcast -sarja on osa "sama på svenska" hanketta jota tukee Svenska kulturfondet. -
Doug Boyd, director of the UK Libraries' Nunn Center for Oral History shares stories.
Good Scribes Only is a podcast featuring a novelist + venture investor (Daniel Breyer) and a novelist + founder (Jeremy Streich), who share an enthusiasm for literature. From classics to sci-fi, moderns to ancient philosophy, your hosts will ramble and banter about it all—particularly the topics they have no business discussing.
Each episode dives into the craft of writing as well as questions of plot, character, theme, and philosophy in a work. -
How It Started: A Brief History of Everything delves into the origins of various topics and events that shape our world. From the origins of the CIA to the history of World War 2, this podcast offers a unique perspective on how everything came to be.
Each episode explores a different topic in detail, taking listeners on a journey through time to uncover the key events, figures, and innovations that have shaped our world.
So tune in and join us on this journey through time and space as we explore the fascinating history of everything! -
We Are Secret Antenna
A podcast wherein Kallie and Michelle discuss modern history as a story of overlapping subterranean spy syndicates, clandestine government hangouts, and powerful propaganda machines that have shaped the cultural-political moment of present-day America.
New Secret Police, Same As The Old Secret Police -
Intohimoisesti historiaa harrastavat serkukset Peter Wancke (kuvassa oikealla) ja Peter Nyman (kuvassa vasemmalla) tuovat vuoronperään pöytään aiheen, jota ruoditaan faktojen ja tarinoiden kautta henkilökohtaisella tyylillä.
Dit zijn de verhalen waar je geschiedenisleraar nooit aan toe kwam! In deze podcast bespreken wij, Piet de Graaf en Gertjan Reus (en af en toe een gast) de hoogtepunten uit de wereldgeschiedenis. Soms gaan we serieus in op de onderwerpen, soms bespreken we alleen maar de roddels, de gore details en wonderlijke gebeurtenissen. Niet altijd even historisch correct maar wel altijd leuk en leerzaam!
Om vi var där, en unik historiepodd som tar dig med på en resa tillbaka i tiden. Varje avsnitt är en tidsmaskin som placerar dig mitt i olika historiska ögonblick. Från de våldsamma sjöslagen till slottens korridorer.
Programledaren August tar hjälp av experter OCH nördar när vi djupdyker i specifika händelser från den svenska historien. Det blir en blandning av skratt och allvar, musik och ljud-berättelser.
Lyssna på oss för en resa genom tid och rum, där du inte bara lär dig om historien - du upplever den. -
Kauraa ja kavioita - historiaa ja tarinoita hevosista.
Tule mukaan kuuntelemaan eri alojen ammattilaisten näkemyksiä aiheesta suku ja sukulaisuus. Sukututkimus on erittäin suosittu harrastus, mutta miten suku ja perhe näkyvät esimerkiksi suomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa, elokuvataiteessa, televisiossa tai vaikkapa museossa? Tämä podcast vastaa näihin kysymyksiin monen muun lisäksi. Podcastin juontaa sukututkija Juha Vuorela.
Jos olet viimeiset 500 vuotta unohtanut tutustua paremmin Suomen romaneihin, tee se nyt. Aiheina podcastissa on muun muassa arki, historia, holokausti, syrjintä, stereotypioiden kyseenalaistaminen ja tulevaisuuden haaveet. Kohderyhmää olet juuri sinä, olet sitten valtaväestöläinen, romani tai joku muu. Natasha Roth, Carmen Valerius, Dimitri Lindgren ja Janita Roth ovat podcastin tuottajat, käsikirjoittajat ja äänet.
Yhteistyössä Voiman kanssa. -
A rather skeptical look at conspiracies and mysteries. Each episode will examine conspiracy theories, most of which are not true, a few of which might be a little bit true and even a couple that turned out, in fact, to be true. This is the podcast that dares to look behind the curtain that’s behind the curtain. Episodes every other Wednesday.
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