Geschiedenis – Letland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Развлекательно-познавательный подкаст, в котором рассказывается о самых интересных событиях, праздниках или исторических личностях, связанных с текущей датой

  • Подруги и журналисты Катя Муравьёва и Маша Зайцева рассказывают, как любовь меняла ход истории и культуры. Сплетни из личной жизни обеспечены!

    В конце каждого эпизода ведущие гадают на Таро или открывают калькулятор совместимости, чтобы выяснить, насколько правдивы предсказания в историческом контексте.

    Спорим, заслушаешься?)

    Подпишись на нас на стриминговых сервисах и в соцсетях, чтобы не пропустить реальные истории о нереальной любви! А также розыгрыши крутых подарков от ведущих подкаста 🎁

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    По вопросам сотрудничества и рекламы: [email protected]

    Подкаст «Поцелуй Афродиты» — резидент молодежного лейбла подкастов «Погружение» студии ARSA Production.

    * продукт Meta, эта организация признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории России.

  • Questa serie podcast, curata da Giulia Delogu e Antonio Trampus, è nata come laboratorio didattico all’interno del corso History of Global Relations (a.a. 2023/2024) della laurea triennale PISE dell’Università Ca’ Foscari, con l’idea di esplorare la Repubblica di Venezia nella prima globalizzazione d’età moderna (XV-XVIII secolo).
    È parte del progetto Riflessi mediterranei Venezia mito e modello tra Sette e Ottocento (PI: Giulia Delogu), finanziato dalla Regione Veneto (L.R. 39/2019) presso il Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati.
    Gli episodi scritti e registrati dalle studentesse e dagli studenti analizzano le reazioni di Venezia ai processi di integrazione globale e alla crescente competizione dell’età moderna.
    L’apertura delle nuove rotte oceaniche ridimensionò l’importanza dei tradizionali circuiti commerciali che univano l’Europa e l’Asia, circuiti nei quali la Serenissima aveva da secoli avuto un ruolo centrale. Tuttavia Venezia, cuore pulsante di uno stato a forte proiezione adriatica, fu in grado di reagire e di sopravvivere (restando indipendente fino al 1797) e di inserirsi attivamente nei nuovi scenari globali.

  • Una cronistoria dell'Unione europea

    Scopri i momenti, le personalità e i traguardi più significativi che hanno contribuito alla nascita dell'Unione europea. Questa serie di podcast racconta le storie di uomini e donne che, con il loro coraggio e la loro lungimiranza, hanno aperto la strada all'UE come la conosciamo oggi.

    Potete ascoltare altri podcast su Europarl Radio, la radio online del Parlamento europeo.

  • Welcome to Reddit Stories, where anonymous tales from the depths of Reddit come to life. Join us as we delve into the intriguing, humorous, and sometimes heart-wrenching confessions shared by the vast and diverse community of Redditors. From secret crushes to wild escapades, each episode unveils a new story, providing a raw and unfiltered look into the lives of people around the world. Subscribe now to embark on a journey of shared secrets, genuine emotions, and the unexpected twists that make the human experience so uniquely compelling.

  • The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish: With an Account of the Royal Libraries of Nineveh

    A short monograph devoted to the Babylonian flood myth and the Epic of Gilgamesh (Standard Babylonian version), dating from the 7th century BC, as found on the clay tablets of the Royal Library of Ashurbanipal at the ancient site of Nineveh, capital of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The book includes a description of the library and an account of its discovery. The narratives are conveyed through a combination of verbatim translation and paraphrase. The text contains eighteen illustrations. - Summary by Kazbek

  • In the age of AI and decentralized education, technology empowers us to learn more than ever before. This podcast channel aims to make East Asian studies accessible to everyone, leveraging AI and innovative tools to deliver knowledge in new and engaging ways. Join us as we explore the rich history, culture, and insights of East Asia—made easier and more accessible for all.

    Key Words:
    East Asian Studies podcast
    Chinese history podcast
    Tibetan Studies podcast
    Japanese culture podcast
    Korean studies podcast
    Southeast Asian studies
    Inner Asian Studies

  • A look at politics from the most indebted and disenfranchised generation in history.

  • Kamala Harris is the 49th Vice President of the United States, making history as the first woman, first Black woman, and first person of South Asian descent to hold this office. Born in Oakland, California, to immigrant parents from India and Jamaica, her upbringing instilled a commitment to civil rights and public service. After studying at Howard University and earning her law degree, Harris became the first woman and person of color to serve as San Francisco’s District Attorney and later California's Attorney General. Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2016, she focused on justice reform, healthcare, and climate action. In 2020, she joined Joe Biden's ticket, and upon their election, she was inaugurated as Vice President. Her groundbreaking role and dedication to equality continue to shape American politics.

  • A Humanities tour from a Biblical world view. Soli Deo Gloria.

  • Добро пожаловать на научно-популярный канал, где мы говорим о неизвестных фактах из жизни известных людей и событий.

    По вопросам сотрудничества пишите: [email protected]

  • Clare Bucknell and Colin Burrow attempt, over twelve episodes, to chart a stable course through some of the most unruly, vulgar, incoherent, savage and outright hilarious works in all of English literature. What is satire, what is it for, and why do we seem to like it so much?

    Clare Bucknell and Colin Burrow are both fellows of All Souls College, Oxford.

    Episodes will appear once a month throughout 2024, on the 4th of each month.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Your weekly mission briefing for all things intelligence, counterintelligence, and espionage. We will discuss spies and spying in pop culture, history, and current events.

    Your host, Justin, is a 17 year Intelligence Community veteran and spy enthusiast. He is joined by a rotating cast of co-hosts, special guests, and interviewees.

    Theme Music: Pop Goes the Weasel by Kevin McCleod. Licensed under Creative Commons.

  • Подкасты по на исторические темы.

    Эксклюзивные интервью и авторские материалы.

    Мы рассказываем о людях, чьи судьбы подобны сюжету романа. Говорим о минувших эпохах, дерзких поступках и большой любви.




  • Это аудио-записи YouTube-канала Плохой сигнал. Политическая история и историческая политика: подробный разбор антисоветских мифов. Найти расшифровки, разные тексты, источники озвученной информации, а также поддержать труд автора вы можете ЗДЕСЬ.

  • "Jeffrey Dahmer" is a chilling podcast that delves into the disturbing life of Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the most notorious serial killers in history. Over six episodes, we explore his early life, the horrifying details of his crimes, and the psychological factors that led to his monstrous acts. Featuring expert analyses, survivor testimonies, and in-depth research, this series seeks to understand the darkness that fueled Dahmer's gruesome actions and the lasting impact on his victims' families and society.