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Wugabo a rôzni hostia. 20% Business 80% Blbosti
En este podcast, personas comunes de todo Latinoamérica contarán sus encuentros reales con lo paranormal. Conociendo de primera mano a los protagonistas y sus historias.
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Podcast Štúdia SITA o zahraničnej politike s bývalým ministrom zahraničných vecí, Miroslavom Wlachovským z Globsecu.
Quiero compartir contigo mis experiencias mis vivencias y las herramientas que me han ayudado a hacer cambios en mi vida que me han llevado justamente a lo que siempre he anhelado
The podcast where ordinary people discuss current events and are challenged to find the middle ground.
En este espacio encontrarás devocionales de intimidad y conexión con Dios para nutrir el alma, fortalecer el espíritu y guiarte en la oración diaria. Hazlo tu lugar secreto de encuentro con Jesús, acompañada por la Pastora Sofy.
Let’s talk transportation, traffic, transit and what’s driving you crazy as you try to get from here to there, no matter how you do it. Longtime Denver traffic expert Jayson Luber looks at the big issues in transportation, traffic, transit and whatever is driving you crazy. Come join us on the road well traveled!
Omatoimisen kävelykierroksen varrella bongataan ääniopasteen avulla Kallion kaupunkielämän historiallisia sekä tämän hetken merkityksellisiä paikkoja. Kävelykierros tallentaa Kallion julkisia ja puolijulkisia tiloja toisena koronamylleryksen keväänä 2021. Kaupunginosaa katsotaan arkkitehdin ja kaupunkisuunnittelijan, mutta myös Kallion asukkaan silmin.
Escucha las series de mensajes para la vida cotidiana basados en la Palabra de Dios por el Pastor Victor Huerta de la Iglesia Dios de Pactos.
國際小鎮在雲林~International Town In Yunlin
Let’s Travel、Let’s Talk
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搜尋~國際小鎮在雲林,就可以收聽囉! -
Vzrušujúci pohľad do histórie. Fascinujúce príbehy, ktoré zmenili svet. Objavy, ktoré sa nezmazateľne zapísali do dejín ľudstva. Podcast, kde sa stretáva história a veda.
O čom sa doma pri varení rozprávajú zahraničnopolitická analytička a expert na obranu, ktorí sú zhodou okolností aj manželia? Čo sa deje v kuchyni medzinárodnej politiky, diplomacie a obrany, prečo sa to deje a čo to pre nás všetkých znamená? A čo na to žaby v hrnci?
Kuchynské diskusie dvojice Kobzová - Valášek o tom, čo sa deje v zahraničnej politike, vám pravidelne prinášame s chuťou, ale bez zápachu. -
American Law Cafe: Exploring the Foundations of Law
Welcome to the American Law Cafe, your go-to podcast for breaking down the basics of fundamental law courses. Whether you're a current law student preparing for exams or a legal enthusiast eager to dive into the world of law concepts from contracts to criminal procedure and torts, this podcast simplifies complex legal principles into clear, engaging discussions. Join us each week as we unpack landmark cases, key doctrines, and real-world applications, making the law accessible and interesting for everyone passionate about justice and the rule of law.
Disclaimer: This podcast features originally owned content created by a human, generated with the assistance of AI tools, and carefully reviewed and edited by a human to ensure accuracy and quality. This content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you need legal advice or assistance finding a lawyer, the Tennessee State Bar Association offers free lawyer referrals. You can find more information here: the show? Consider becoming a supporter! Click this link for more information:
🌍 你不需要商學院的教科書,你也不需要有行走的USB - 你只需要各種不同的人生筆記!Bryan(老布) 曾在緬甸、西班牙生活,現在落腳荷蘭創業,身邊的朋友遍布全球——有人在倫敦的國際大公司、杜拜的管理顧問、非洲的NGO組織,甚至是深諳緬甸政治與商業環境的專家。📌 在這裡,你會聽到:🌏 異地職場與創業故事 – 各地打拼的台灣人如何適應不同文化?🎓 出國留學與生活的真實價值 – 出國讀書到底值不值得?畢業後的現實如何?🧳 旅行、歷史與文化衝擊 – 異地生活的甘苦談,探索全球化的視角。🎧 戴起耳機,準備好聆聽「行走的 MBA」,讓自己獲得旅行、生活、追夢的養分!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
This podcast was created for those of you trying to answer this question: how do I build my career to have a bigger impact on my community, allow more time and geographic freedom, AND make money to support me and my family?
Meredith Noble and Alex Lustig, co-founders and besties, break down these important questions in a way that is inspiring, and at times, a bit woo-woo! These scrappy little 5 foot nothin’s are disrupting the old school world of grant writing. Whether you are interested in grant writing or not, you are sure to find the show your magical stopping point for motivation. - Laat meer zien