Wetenschap – Nieuwe podcasts
Hosted by Scott Ertz and Avram Piltch, F5 Live: Refreshing Technology is a livecast covering the worlds of gadgets, gaming, internet, and media. Each weekly show airs live on Sunday nights at 9p eastern time at http://www.f5live.tv/joinus, allowing the audience to chat with the hosts live on the air and ask questions about the topics discussed on the show. After each episode goes off the air, the audio and video are then uploaded and are available for download through any number of services by Monday morning. The crew also travels the country to cover special events and conventions from the International CES to Star Wars: Celebration. Special shows air throughout the week of the events and can be found in this feed as well as the PLUGHITZ Live Special Events feed. F5 Live: Refreshing Technology is a proud member of the Tech Podcast Network and is part of the PLUGHITZ Live Family. For more information, inquiries or if you'd like to have F5 Live appear, cover or produce content at your event, please visit http://www.f5live.tv or reach out to contact@plughitz.com.
Hosted by Avram Piltch, Editor-in-Chief of Tom's Hardware, and moderated by Scott Ertz, The Piltch Point is a livecast covering news, reviews, and previews of devices and components. Avram showcases new technology, gadgets, and concepts, as they are announced or released. Review products include smartphones, smartwatches, wearables, laptops, and tablets.
The space where communication, education, and technology intersect is not only my passion, but it's where this podcast brings conversations with ideas and solutions directly to you. Whether it's AI, synthetic media, or whatever comes next, I believe technology when used well has the power to make us more human.
Cey Anlatıyor kanalına hoşgeldiniz. Tarih, bilim ve birçok konuda derlenmiş anlatımları bir bardak kahve eşliğinde dinleyin. Firavunların hikayesini herkes bilir. Roma'nın büyük bir imparatorluk oluşu daha önce anlatılmıştır. Peki o zamanlarda yaşayan ve günlük işleri yapan insanların hayatlarını dinlediniz mi? Korsanların nasıl bir yaşantısı vardı? Vikingler nasıl beslenirdi? Druidler kimlerdi? Gladyatörler nasıl ortaya çıkmıştı? Uzay yarışı nasıl başlamıştı? Kanala abone olun ve tarihteki en küçük anlardan, bilimdeki devasa fikirlere kadar dünyanın şekillenişine tanık olun.
“El amanecer terrestre” es un podcast de entrevistas a científicos y académicos interesados en la investigación enfocada desde el punto de vista más amplio. Esta aproximación al conocimiento ha sido denominada Big history, o Gran historia en castellano, y comprende el intento de englobar, desde un punto de vista unificador e interdisciplinar, la historia del cosmos, la Tierra, la vida y la humanidad. Bajo esta mirada, se intenta conseguir una mayor eficacia a la hora de enfrentar los complejos problemas tanto ecológicos, como económicos y sociales, del siglo XXI. Ante el hecho de que la especie humana debe resolver estos problemas para su propia supervivencia usando, más que su inteligencia, su sabiduría, esta manera de entender el conocimiento (científico, tecnológico, cultural y artístico) puede ser de gran ayuda para lograr alcanzar las mejores soluciones. La Universidad de Oviedo, desde el año 2013, realiza trabajos de investigación, docencia y divulgación en este campo. Olga García Moreno, profesora titular en el Dpto. de Geología, encabeza un amplio grupo de docentes e investigadores de esta universidad procedentes de diversas especialidades trabajando conjuntamente en estas actividades. Será la encargada de dirigir y plantear las entrevistas a un gran elenco de investigadores de distintas instituciones y nacionalidades para, a través de estas, acercar al público general una visión actualizada y basada en la ciencia, de toda la historia del cosmos y el lugar del ser humano en él.
Dive into the cosmic connection between celestial movements and earthly events. Explore Western Astrology, decode the stars, and unravel the mysteries of the universe.
Welcome to Bow Down! a podcast by The Cohere Collective that discusses esoteric and empowered feminism every week.
Join Therapist, Coach, and TTRPG Enthusiast Dennis Carlson, and Writer, Coach, and Witch Reese Brown every Friday for conversations ranging from personal narratives to philosophical manifestos all about the same topic: The Terrifyingly Beautiful Divine Woman.
Be a part of the Collective and tune in to Bow Down! every week.
Follow The Cohere Collective:
For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com
Er du lei av podcaster som prøver litt for hardt å holde deg våken? Lengter du etter en beroligende, meditativ reise inn i… elektrisitetens verden? Da har du kommet til riktig sted.
Velkommen til Sov Med Strøm—en podcast der høy spenning møter lav energi, og der tankene dine sakte driver av gårde mens vi snakker om transformatorer, vekselstrøm og kraftnettets stille poesi.
Programleder Kjartan Kopren, Noovas Chief Sleep Specialist, har laget en podcast som både er informativ og dypt, dypt… kjedelig (på den aller beste måten). -
What is the future for global health policy? How are the old paradigms being replaced by new ones? What are the key issues in the new globalised world? Ilona Kickbusch reviews the rapidly changing world of global health. In the past there were relatively few organisations involved and there was a hard dividing line between the public and private spheres. Today there are many more players and the issues are much more complex. In our rapidly shrinking world, where modern technology and infrastructure are able to compress time and distance, it is ever more important to have strong global health policies. How, though, will all the different parties, both local and international, public and private, find a way to co-operate most successfully? K311 Promoting public health: skills, perspectives and practice.
In these episodes, I will be exploring the subject of forensic science as well as the many different aspects of it.
Join me Martin Lunn MBE while I take you on a journey around the solar system. If you need to contact me please email me at; lunn_martin@sky.com
The Neuro Times is a neuroscience and psychology blog dedicated to bridging the gap between scientific research and public understanding. By making cutting-edge discoveries accessible, relatable, and easy to read, The Neuro Times empowers readers to explore the complexities of the human brain and behavior in a way that is both engaging and informative.
Microorganismos y conocimiento al alcance de un poadcast. 🤓🔬👨🏻🔬
Se habla sobre el magnetismo y la energía
ATTD is the ultimate forum to discover the latest diabetes research, devices, therapies and developments worldwide. This show, “ATTD Conference Catch-up”, will use AI podcasting to extract key insights from expert presentations and research discussions, transforming them into short, easy-to-digest episodes for busy healthcare professionals like you. So if you’re a diabetes specialist, researcher, or industry leader, this podcast is made for you.
Hit subscribe, and let’s explore the future of diabetes treatment, one breakthrough at a time. -
Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels und des anhaltenden Fachkräftemangels werden ältere Beschäftigte immer wichtiger. Sie zu halten, zu motivieren und gesund bis zum Ruhestand zu beschäftigten, erfordert eine besondere Betrachtung relevanter HR Faktoren. Der Later Life Workplace Index (LLWI) erfasst betriebliche Faktoren für einen erfolgreichen Umgang mit alternden Belegschaften und bietet diesbezüglich ein übergreifendes Framework über betriebliche Maßnahmen. Unternehmen werden in die Lage versetzt, sich selbst entlang dieser Maßnahmen hinsichtlich des Umgangs mit dem demografischen Wandel im Vergleich zu anderen Organisationen einzuschätzen und Handlungsoptionen abzuleiten.
Eine Podcastreihe mit Professor Dr. Jürgen Deller und Bastian Schöttler
unterstützt durch den Goinger Kreis e.V. und die Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Eine Produktion der SCHÖTTLERMEDIEN -
Gondolkodtál már valaha olyan kérdéseken, amikre nincsenek egyszerű válaszok? Olyan érzéseken, amik megmagyarázhatatlanul ismerősek, vagy gondolatokon, amik elég mélyek ahhoz, hogy napokig veled maradjanak?
Ez itt a Cogito, egy podcast, ahol a világot egy másik szemszögből vizsgáljuk. Én Hajnóczki Mátyás vagyok, aki szeret elveszni a nagy kérdésekben.
Ebben a műsorban elmerülünk az emberi gondolkodás rejtelmeiben, olyan témákat boncolgatva, amelyek hatással vannak ránk, még ha nem is mindig tudatosan. Néha vendégekkel, néha egyedül, de mindig őszintén és mélyre ásva.
Ha szereted azokat a beszélgetéseket, amik nem csak a felszínt kapargatják, akkor tarts velem!
📲 instagram.com/podcastcogito
✉️ cogitomagyarorszag@gmail.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A Fővárosi Vízművek podcastja.
Penting untuk kita sadari bersama bahwa spirit "kajian ekologi" Seharusnya tidak hanya berhenti pada kerongkongan saja, melainkan pada aspek konkret yang sistem nilainya dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan kita.
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