Onderwijs – Denemarken – Nieuwe podcasts

  • En podcast serie om, hvordan vores immunforsvar egentlig virker, og hvilken rolle vores immunforsvar har for vores krop og vores sundhed.

    Hvorfor bliver vi ikke altid syge, hvis vi skærer os, og der kommer bakterier ind i kroppen? Og hvordan virker vacciner egentlig?

    I denne podcastserie vil immunologerne Jan Pravsgaard og Martin Kongsbak-Wismann forklare nogle af detaljerne bag immunforsvaret, og hvordan vi fx bekæmper mikroorganismer, der prøver at gøre os syge. Og lad os komme med en advarsel: Dit immunforsvar er en krigszone, og derfor vil du i serien møde agenter, røgkanoner og dræberceller. God fornøjelse.

  • In this episode, we learn about the Aztec Temple of the Feathered Serpent, an ancient temple located in Mesoamerica.

  • Charles Darwin is one of most famous scientists of the nineteenth century, but what was he like as a child, a father and a husband? How did his emotional response to the world affect his scientific theories? And how widespread is his influence today? This album looks at Darwin's rich and complex legacy. Ruth Padel, one of his direct descendants, offers a series of unique insights into Darwin the man, through recollections of childhood conversations with her grandmother, readings from family letters and her own cycle of biographical poems. Within the scientific world, Darwin remains an inspirational figure both for evolutionary biologists and for many other practitioners. The Nigerian scientist, Sheila Ochugboju, reveals how influential Darwin has been on her own career, and Professor Colin Pillinger of The Open University compares the voyage of the Beagle with his recent mission to Mars. The album concludes with a visit to the Grant Museum of comparative biology at UCL in London, which is dedicated to Robert Edmond Grant, a professor of biology who was an important early influence on Darwin.

    The tracks on this album were produced by The Open University in collaboration with the British Council. They form part of Darwin Now, a global initiative celebrating the life and work of Charles Darwin and the impact his ideas about evolution continue to have on today’s world. © The British Council 2009.

  • We will be discussing the mountain range of k2

  • Velkommen til podcasten, hvor vi dykker ned i skiløbets mangfoldige univers og åbner døren til de største oplevelser med sne under plankerne. Uanset om du er til alpint skiløb, langrend, snowboard, telemark (eller sågar snowblades) – er dette en podcast for dig.

    Vi inviterer spændende personligheder fra både det danske og internationale skimiljø til at dele deres historier, erfaringer og kærlighed til sporten og den livsstil, der følger med. Derudover får du guides til destinationer, træning, udstyr og meget mere, alt sammen med den erfarne skiløber Nikolaj Salomon Vang som din engagerede vært.

    Første sæson zoomer ind på skiløb som børnefamilie, men bare rolig – der er masser af inspiration og spændende indhold for dig, selvom du ikke har børn. Podcasten er produceret af Danmarks Skiforbund og udkommer ugentligt i vintersæsonen. Så hop i bindingerne og lad os tage afsted!

  • Insider tips on how to help your child do well in a system that might otherwise fail them.

  • Oplev et spændende forløb hver tirsdag kl. 18.00 i Wakf med Ustadh Ahmad Ghofran – eller som podcast for dem, der ikke kan deltage fysisk, eller gerne vil genlytte.

    Forløbet fordyber sig i islamisk etik og adfærd gennem værket “Adab Al Mufrad” af Imam Al-Bukhari. Denne hadith-samling fremhæver de etiske og moralske standarder, som vi som muslimer bør stræbe efter i vores forhold til os selv, Allah, vores familier og samfund.

    Uanset om du er ny i troen eller søger at styrke din forståelse, er dette forløb en unik mulighed for at få indsigt i principper, der kan berige dit daglige liv. 🌙✨

  • Welcome to Three Chords & The Truth - your daily dose of inspiration, affirmation and wisdom from the high priests, philosophers and thinkers of country music, both past and present.

    'Cruise' with us, and be inspired to 'take a chance while you got a chance'

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to From Stuck to Started, the podcast for ambitious ADHDers, perfectionists, and over-thinkers who are ready to achieve their goals without burning out. Join your host, Sarah Lovell, an executive function and ADHD coach, as she shares strategies to help you understand your brain, break down big tasks, and build systems that work for you. Each episode is packed with actionable tips and real-life inspiration to help you tackle hard things and make progress that feels good. Tune into From Stuck to Started and unlock the secrets to working with your brain.

  • Get cozy pull up a chair, find your favorite spot to relax, grab your journal and your favorite beverage. It’s time for self reflection with Donna. Here we look at ways to reflect on our past, while projecting joy and happiness in our future.

  • The commentators provides a blend of literal accuracy and religious insight on the "Bhagavad-Gita". "Bhagavad-Gita" is universally renowned as the jewel of India's spiritual wisdom. Spoken by Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His intimate devotee Arjuna, the "Gita's" 700 concise verses act as a guide to the science of self-realization. It explores revelations of man's essential nature, his environment and, ultimately, his relationship with God.

    This is more like a conversation between two people with rea life examples. You have to listen to LOVE IT!!

    This commentary is an attempt to bring the profound wisdom of Bhagavad-gita to life through a conversational format. It’s a humble effort to provide a glimpse into the timeless teachings of Srila Prabhupada. Please note that this commentary is in no way a replacement for the original text. It's intended to supplement your study and encourage deeper reflection. We encourage you to read the original text to fully appreciate its depth and richness.

  • New Age Informative Show Where We Take A Dive Into Deep Waters Concerning Politics, Culture, Race And of Course Your Personal Life. Hosted By Me Speaker (Eric Allen)

  • "The Lonely Queers" podcast by ASH serves as a gentle but powerful reminder of our inherent power and unlimited potential.

    In a world full of noise and disconnection, join ASH – a Danish spiritual medium, mother, queer, sex therapist and a woman – on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery.

    From skeptic to spiritual guide, ASH shares raw experiences of loss, supernatural encounters, and profound transformation.
    Explore the true meaning of loneliness, break free from limiting beliefs, and discover what lies beyond our everyday reality.

    Through sharing her life experiences ASH is here to empower you to embrace your true potentials, your sensuality and your creativity as to remind you to remember and honor your true values as a queer or as a sensual being living a human life.

    Through meditation, mindfulness and inspiration, and an authentic storytelling, learn how to manifest a fuller, more abundant life and be inspired to trust your own intuition.

    Whether you're feeling disconnected, searching for deeper meaning, or simply curious about the unexplained and perhaps the paranormal, The Lonely Queers Podcast offers a unique perspective on spirituality, empowerment, intuition and and finding your true home within yourself.

    Welcome to your awakening.
    The Lonely Queers Podcast – Where the extraordinary becomes reality.

  • Practical Halacha shiurim that provide a clear and rich understanding of many areas of Halacha.

  • Welcome to Tesoro Danish!

    Tesoro is the world's simplest language learning system. Just listen, repeat what you can, and watch your Danish skills grow. You'll be amazed how far just listening can get you.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/tesoro-danish--6451518/support.

  • The Lyell readership in bibliography at Oxford University is endowed by a bequest from James Patrick Ronaldson Lyell (1871-1948), a solicitor, book collector and bibliographer. Each year since 1952, a distinguished scholar has been elected to deliver the lectures, usually six in number, on any topic of bibliography, broadly conceived.
    J.P.R. Lyell lived in Oxford and (on his retirement) in Abingdon from 1927 until the end of his life. Even as a young man he was interested in collecting early printed books, and he made a study of early book illustration in Spain. In the 1930s he began collecting medieval manuscripts, eventually accumulating some 250 of these, of which one hundred were bequeathed to the Bodleian Library. A further series of some 65 manuscripts, mostly post-medieval, were bought by the Library from his executors. The first Lyell lectures, for the academic year 1952-3, were delivered by Neil R. Ker, university reader in palaeography and fellow of Magdalen College.

  • Overvejer du at udvide familien med en killing? Hvordan forbereder du dig på livet som
    katteejer? Er katte egentlig så stædige og selvstændige, som rygtet siger? Hvad sker der
    med din lille nuttede pelsven, når den bliver teenager? Og hvordan undgår du, at katten
    hvæsser klør i sofaen og hænger i gardinerne?
    Det er blot nogle af de ting, som Puk Elgård sætter spotlight på sammen med en række
    eksperter. For i denne her podcastserie skal vi vende alle kroge af livet som katteejer og
    blive meget klogere på vores fantastiske firbenede venner. Lyt med og få svar på mange af
    de spørgsmål, der melder sig, når man har kat – eller som katten siger ’når man har en kat
    som hersker i hjemmet’.
    Rigtig god fornøjelse!

    Medvirkende: Katteekspert Karina Dillon, Puk Elgård, Lotte Evers og Dyrlæge Mogens
    Produceret af PODADS for Agria dyreforsikring www.agria.dk