Onderwijs – Zweden – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Hur du skapar din drömträdgård från vision, genom planering, design, anläggning till skötsel.

  • Samtalsterapeuten Helena Harrysson reflekterar över lyssnarnas frågor om livet och relationer.Har du frågor till Helena? Maila: [email protected]

  • Cosmic Tickle is a show for sensitive, intuitive & empaths who want to stop overthinking, stressing and embody an authentic life of purpose, using and sharing their gifts, and do it on their terms. This means embracing all your uniqueness and magical humanity... and creating more authentic, sustainable ways of being and working.

    Here you can expect stories, anecdotes, and insights about our perfectly messy minds, our unique path, living in flow, self-love, empowerment, and deep fulfilment.

    Me and my guests will explore how to move from the stage of trying to control life and arrive at a space of nourishing, confident wisdom; growing and creating in harmony with all that is.

    Highly sensitive people (HSP), intuitive people, INFJ personality, introverts, empaths and gifted people will find here ideas and new perspectives on navigating their challenges.

    Gosia's page:


    Work with me:


  • Burksamlaren som var god för många miljoner. Hör den spännande historien om Burk-Curt i fem delar.

  • Discover "Mindful Parenting: Daily Tips for Raising Calm Kids," where we delve into the latest industry news and insights. This podcast offers essential guidance for nurturing calm, confident children through mindful parenting techniques. Explore expert advice, innovative parenting strategies, and up-to-date developments in child psychology. Perfect for parents seeking practical tips to foster a peaceful family environment and enhance their parenting journey, one mindful moment at a time.

    For more info go to

    Check out these deals https://amzn.to/48MZPjs


  • Restoring the body & mind back to wellness through Human Design shadow work, trauma education & nervous system regulation. We’re here to disrupt your boring, regularly scheduled life to bring you a purposeful existence. Finally heal your shit and align with your truest self through your darkest self.

  • Welcome to the Self Expansion Podcast, hosted by Ra of Earth. Every week, we delve into conversations that challenge the boundaries of our understanding and expand the concept of self. The guests come from various fields, each bringing a unique perspective on what it means to be human—and beyond.

    The discussions are not just talks; they are pathways to integrating profound insights into your daily life, enhancing your well-being, and exploring the depths of your spirit. You can even take part in the live discussion and ask questions or make comments within the Self Expansion Community. found at www.raofearth.com

  • En podcast för medvetna män som är dedikerade att leva i sin fulla potential och lämna ett positivt avtryck på sina närstående och världen.

    Inom varje man finns en hjälte. Inom de flesta ligger han och sover och väntar på att du ska ha modet att väcka honom.

    Träffa inspirerande män som trots att deras förutsättningar inte har varit perfekta har vågat väcka sin hjälte och därigenom gjort sina liv legendariska.

    Här kommer du få höra vad som hänt under utan, historierna som inte är berättade, få konkreta verktyg du kan använda för att skapa resultat i ditt liv.

    Bara du vet din väg. Hjältens Resa hjälper dig att gå din väg med mod, styrka och fokus.

    Är du redo att bli den hjälte du är menad att vara?

    Hjältens Resa drivs av Mannens Väg som guidar medvetna män att frigöra sin autentiska kraft, skapa meningsfulla liv och ge sina gåvor.
    Läs mer här https://www.mannensvag.se/

  • Hi buds 🌱 Here to plant the seeds for your self growth journey. On this weekly podcast, Gigi chats about figuring out life in her 20's - mental health, fitness, money, motivation, relationships, social media...it's a lot, isn't it?Consider each episode the fertilizer for your self growth journey as she spills the chai and gives advice on becoming the best you. If you like personal development, psychology, statistics, motivational quotes and guest interviews, welcome to the greenhouse! Follow to grow🌻Love, GigiYoutube, IG & Tiktok: @itsgivinggrowth

  • This podcast is for real people who want to make changes but don’t know how to start. If you feel like positive change is overwhelming or elusive, or building the life you want seems far away, I will help you create easy and practical steps toward success. If you don’t have time to sift through thousands of hours of podcasts, hundreds of books or centuries of advice, let me do it for you!

    I will help you start with small steps in categories like productivity, self-help, health, technology or best practices. Each episode of my podcast will be posted in a blog format on my webpage, so you’ll always have the resources and links.

  • In a world full of distractions, have you ever wondered what’s quietly draining your focus and pulling you away from meaningful connections?

    Men in their 20s spend 3-4 hours daily on social media, leading to 70% more procrastination, a 50% drop in focus, and weaker relationships. This podcast will help you to overcome these issues.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:
    1) Create a Digital Detox Plan to reduce screen time.
    2) Boost your focus and productivity with proven strategies.
    3) Strengthen real-life relationships by balancing your digital and offline life.

    Join us and share with a friend!

  • Hosted by Matt Barone, The Curious Dimension Podcast is about Sacred Geometry. Esoteric Texts, UFOs, Ancient Civilizations, and more. Join me on this fascinating journey through the mysterious of the Universe.

  • Välkommen till podden där vi utforskar hur du kan skapa ditt drömliv!

    Här pratar jag om kraften i det undermedvetna, att övervinna rädslor, frigöra din fulla potential och bygga upp en stark inre dialog. Jag dyker djupt ner i nervsystemets roll, våra känslor och hur vi kan släppa taget om det förflutna och omfamna vår sanna kraft.

    Genom inspirerande samtal och praktiska verktyg hjälper jag dig att ta kontroll över ditt liv och skapa en framtid där du lever i linje med dina drömmar och mål. Det är dags att bli fri från allt som håller dig tillbaka och nå din fulla potential!

    Boka ett kostnadsfritt mål- och visionssamtal med mig eller någon i mitt team:

    Delta gratis på min kommande masterclass:

  • Join Katrin and dive into the absolute basics of the Swedish language! If you're into stiff teaching, heavy on the grammar, and outdated language and examples, this podcast is not for you. Katrin offers a fun, relaxed way of learning modern Swedish, the way Swedes actually speak.

    To access study materials, such as transcripts, vocabulary lists, and exercises, join Katrin on Patreon for only $10 per month: https://www.patreon.com/slowswedish

  • Välkommen till en podcast om det som skrämmer, det som är obehagligt på gränsen till fasansfullt.
    Jag tror att vi måste möta våra rädslor för att bli den bästa versionen av oss själva.
    Välkommen till Fasansfullt med Oscar Dahlqvist

    [email protected]
    Instagram: occulus_potential

  • Noam Chomsky Early Life and Education Avram Noam Chomsky was born on December 7, 1928, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His parents, William Chomsky and Elsie Simonofsky, were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Chomsky's father was a Hebrew scholar, and his mother was a teacher. This academic environment fostered Chomsky's early interest in learning, particularly in linguistics and politics.Chomsky attended an experimental elementary school where he was encouraged to develop his own ideas and interests. He later attended Central High School in Philadelphia, known for its rigorous academic standards. In 1945, Chomsky entered the University of Pennsylvania, where he initially studied philosophy and logic. His interest in linguistics was sparked by meeting Zellig Harris, a leading linguist, who became his mentor.Academic Career and Contributions to Linguistics Chomsky's academic career began in earnest at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he started teaching in 1955 and remained for the majority of his career. His groundbreaking work, "Syntactic Structures" (1957), revolutionized the field of linguistics by introducing the theory of transformational-generative grammar. This theory proposed that the ability to generate and understand sentences in a language is rooted in an innate, universal grammar shared by all humans. Chomsky's theories challenged the prevailing behaviorist views of language acquisition, which posited that language learning was based on habit formation and environmental stimuli. Instead, Chomsky argued that humans are born with an inherent ability to understand the structure of language, a concept he termed the "language acquisition device." His subsequent work, including "Aspects of the Theory of Syntax" (1965) and "The Minimalist Program" (1995), further developed his ideas on universal grammar and syntax. Chomsky's contributions to linguistics have had a profound impact on the field, influencing not only linguistics but also cognitive science, psychology, and philosophy. Political Activism and Criticism In addition to his work in linguistics, Chomsky is renowned for his political activism and criticism of U.S. foreign policy. His political engagement began in earnest during the Vietnam War, when he became a vocal critic of U.S. involvement. His 1967 essay, "The Responsibility of Intellectuals," argued that intellectuals had a moral duty to speak out against government actions that they believed to be wrong. Chomsky's critiques extend beyond specific policies to a broader critique of power structures and propaganda. In "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" (1988), co-authored with Edward S. Herman, Chomsky developed the propaganda model of media, arguing that media serves the interests of elite groups in society. Throughout his career, Chomsky has written extensively on issues such as imperialism, capitalism, and human rights. His books, lectures, and interviews have made him one of the most prominent and controversial public intellectuals of his time. Later Work and Ongoing Influence Chomsky retired from MIT in 1996 but continued to write and speak on both linguistic and political issues. In 2017, he joined the University of Arizona as a laureate professor in the Department of Linguistics and the Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment and Social Justice. Chomsky's influence spans multiple disciplines. In linguistics, his theories continue to be foundational, while in political science and activism, his works remain widely read and debated. He has received numerous honors and awards, including the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences and the Helmholtz Medal. Personal Life Chomsky married Carol Doris Schatz in 1949, and they had three children together. Carol, who was also a linguist, passed away in 2008. In 2014, Chomsky married Valeria Wasserman. Despite his advanced age, Chomsky remains active in both academic and public spheres. He continues to lecture, write, and engage in political discourse, maintaining his status as a vital and influential figure in contemporary thought. Recent News In June 2024, false reports about Chomsky's death circulated widely, prompting his wife, Valeria Wasserman, to clarify that he is very much alive. These rumors highlight the ongoing interest in Chomsky's life and work, as well as the challenges of misinformation in the digital age. Noam Chomsky's life and work have left an indelible mark on multiple fields, from linguistics to political science. His theories on language revolutionized our understanding of human cognition, while his critiques of power and media have reshaped political discourse. As both an academic and an activist, Chomsky's legacy is one of profound intellectual rigor and unwavering commitment to social justice. Thanks for listening and remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • شب سراب نوشتۀ ناهید ا. پژواک با صدای: ح. پرهام ادیت وفنی : ح. عزت نژاد گ. جاسمی موزیک: م. سلطان پور Nahid Pejvak

    ایمیل ما: [email protected]

  • Own Damn Guru Podcast is about the soul's journey through the human experience. The host Sanna Waxin explores topics both in solo episodes and with interesting guests. The intention is for you make more sense of your existence and your healing journey, spark your curiosity, instill hope and taking steps towards becoming your own damn guru. Topics that are covered in the podcast are things such as inner child healing, how to BEcome your authentic self, what impacts us the most throughout our journey and how to heal that.

    For more follow @owndamnguru on Instagram or visit www.owndamnguru.com

  • I den här serien gräver vi djupare i pedagogik och språkinlärning. Samtalen utgår ifrån programmet "Spanska på 30 dagar". Du som lyssnar får bland annat lära dig vad forskningen säger om inlärning av ord, grammatik och om motivationens betydelse.

  • Monthly Numerology/Energy forecasts for each Life Path number: 1-9, 11, 22, 33; as well as Personal Month 1-9 Forecasts. Also, various other episodes related to Numerology and energy work. For a list of current services offered and to book a personalized reading, please visit my website at KimberlyBeauchemin.com . Thanks for being here! XO