Onderwijs – IJsland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • The podcast comes from the Education for Sustainability (EfS) Master’s degree at LSBU. We have developed this learning space to share and discuss key concepts that are central to the course. We are exploring alternative learning platforms whereby the EfS teaching team, students and alumni share their experiences and knowledge of EfS and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) theory and practice.

  • Welcome to the BH Drum Pod, presented by BH Drum Academy. www.bhdrumacademy.com This is a podcast where you can come and learn everything about drums! Whether you are brand new to drums, working on developing your skills, or want to take your drumming to the next level, this podcast will have something for you! We talk about everything that will help you learn how to be a "good" drummer. We'll talk basic drumming vocabulary, tips on what to do, lots of how-to's, fixing common problems in drumming, we'll talk to local musicians and other drummers to share their ideas and experiences, and so much more! Join me on the BH Drum Pod, presented by BH Drum Academy, an online place for learning about drums. Check it out at bhdrumacademy.com

  • Wenn du dir mehr Nähe, Wahrhaftigkeit, erfüllenden S*x & Leichtigkeit in deiner Beziehung wünscht, bist du hier genau richtig. 

    Bei uns geht`s um alle Themen, die einem als Paar in einer Partnerschaft begegnen: 
    - Ehrlichkeit und Wertschätzung
    - Streit- und Konflikt-Lösung
    - erfüllende körperliche Intimität
    - Leidenschaft und Romantik
    - gesunde Beziehungsdynamiken
    - emotionale Nähe
    - Umgang mit Enttäuschung & Misstrauen 
    und vieles mehr

    Wir sind Susanne und Felix, 37 und 40 Jahre alt und seit 10 Jahren ein Paar. Wir unterstützen Paare dabei, mehr Frieden, Wahrhaftigkeit und Freude in ihre Beziehung zu bringen. Unser Ziel ist, durch ganzheitliches Wissen, praktische Tipps, ehrliche Erfahrungsberichte, Selbstreflexion und Amore, einen Beitrag zu mehr Liebe zu erschaffen. 

    Link zu unserer Website:


  • Fred Campos, @FullCustodyDad on Twitter, shares his unique experience of winning a paternity suit and being full custody, of his then 4-year-old daughter. As a non-attorney but a male parent, he shares unique ideas on how to be a better parent and ultimately win a child custody suit. Fred's goal is to help good parents caught in the complicated process of divorce or child custody. This show has parenting and custody tips as well as attorney interviews from state to state.

  • Rien n’arrive par hasard « Il faut savoir provoquer sa chance .. » suis ce podcast pour t'aider à gravir les échelons et arriver à la meilleure version de toi même !

    Ici, on parle de tout ! discipline, comment se créer des habitudes saines, sport, développement personnel de réel conseil pour réussir cette ascension fulgurante !

  • Welcome to the Christian Work from Home Mom Podcast!

    Hi, I’m Amy J. Arthur, Certified Life Breakthrough Coach, and I’m on a mission to empower Christian moms to discover work-from-home opportunities that align with their family and financial goals.

    Ever feel overwhelmed searching for legitimate work-from-home jobs, sacrificing precious family time in the process? What if you could follow a simple roadmap to start making money quickly? That’s precisely what this podcast is about!

    In each episode, we dive into the world of flexible work-from-home options, side jobs, and effective strategies to boost your income. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom with small kids or navigating the school-age season, there’s a path for you.

    Join me on the Christian Work from Home Mom Podcast, where we explore the intersection of faith, family, and freelancing. Let’s unlock the secrets to balancing your role as a mom with a rewarding and flexible career.

    Ready to embark on this journey together? Let’s do this!

    Amy J. Arthur

    👉 Did you enjoy this podcast? Stay connected!
    🌐 Join my Facebook group: Christian Work-from-Home Mom
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  • Welcome to the podcast! If you're ready to say goodbye to burnout and reclaim a life that truly feels at peace & with purpose , you're in the right place. Tiffany, who's been through burnout herself and has guided thousands of women feeling tired and ready for a change, is here for you. Tune in each week as we dive into topics that help us break up with burnout and rediscover the joy of feeling alive.

    Lets Connect:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/tiffany.leader
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiffanyleaderlcsw
    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/tiffany-leader-lcsw-5b8b4b75

  • This podcast is about Amelia Earhart. The first female pilot to fly over the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Si vous essayez de réfléchir à l’apprentissage du polonais, vous vous trompez.

    Apprenez le polonais comme vous avez appris le français : en en entendant énormément. (Avec au moins une vague idée de ce que cela signifie !)

    Des milliers de phrases en polonais, ainsi que les traductions en français, présentées directement à votre cerveau : du pratique au philosophique en passant par le flirt.

    Juste des phrases, pas de remplissage !

    Allez bien au-delà des bases de la langue polonaise non seulement pour communiquer, mais aussi pour devenir une personne intéressante en polonais.

    En tant qu'outil audio uniquement pour apprendre le polonais, c'est un excellent compagnon pour conduire, marcher ou faire les tâches ménagères.

    Ce podcast est le complément parfait pour vos études de langue actuelles, que vous utilisiez une application comme DuoLingo ou que vous soyez inscrit à un cours de polonais.

    Si vous êtes débutant, nous vous recommandons d'utiliser cet outil en complément d'un bon cours d'introduction au polonais.

    L'accélérateur d'apprentissage du polonais est créé par des amoureux des langues et des voyageurs du monde entier, par amour de la langue !

    Chaque épisode a des sous-titres disponibles. (Si votre lecteur de podcast le prend en charge.)

  • Intermediate or advanced. Enjoy the real Spanish listening to the conversations between students and native speakers, with dinamic interviews. Thorough these interviews the student of Spanish practice the language in a significant way preparing the questions for the guest to the podcast. The topics are variated and always learn not only the language but also the culture of Spanish people from differents backgrounds. Read the free transcription for each episode in the web https://rollinglessons.com/

    ¿LISTEN MORE EPISODES? Subscribe on Spotify

  • Í hlaðvarpinu Í alvöru talað! tölum við um allar hliðar mennskunnar með dass af fíflagangi. 

    Stjórnendur hlaðvarpsins eru vinkonurnar Lydía og Gulla. Miðaldra mæður að láta móðan mása.  Lydía er sálfræðingur og jógakennari en Gulla er förðunarfræðingur, áhugaleikari og tískudrós.

    Markmið hlaðvarpsins er að gera gagn í samfélaginu með því að skapa rými til þess að sameinast í mennskunni. Við tölum um allar hliðar manneskjunnar og samfélagsins. Um það sem er erfitt og það sem er auðvelt, um það sem er skemmtilegt og það sem er minna skemmtilegt í bland við það að hlæja hátt. 

  • Velkomin í Skipulagt Chaos! Við erum Steinunn og Selma, nýlegar besties að skríða yfir tvítugsárin með mikla lífsreynslu á bakinu. Hér í Skipulagt Chaos ætlum við að fjalla um bæði allt og ekkert, en mun margt vera tengt sjálfsvinnu, sjálfsást og alltaf mjög stutt í húmorinn. Hér tökum við engu alvarlega og vonum að þið njótið. Disclaimer: Við getum ekki lofað að við náum að halda okkur 100% við efnið í hverjum þætti. 

    Fylgið okkur á instagram: @skipulagtchaos

  • A podcast that travels the USA interviewing uniquely inspiring people, uncovering big stories and ideas that inherently celebrate our differences

    In My Big Story with Christopher Swan, Christopher is literally on a plane, train, or automobile, traveling the USA, uncovering stories from the voices often not heard, crossing boundaries of diversity, differentness, and beliefs. These thought-provoking conversations are with people that have taken chances and carved out uncommon paths. Through these interviews and stories Christopher discovers dreams, ideas, and truths — and in turn, his big story unfolds — to create a world where everyone belongs.

  • Each week on Good Story, speaker and teacher, Kirsten King will connect with her listeners as she shares a true story and gospel truth. Listen and be inspired by a woman who has a passion for God’s Word and its transforming power. By the end of each episode, you’ll be saying, “good story”.

  • We are solely dedicated to improving the awareness, care, education and support around Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Chronic Prostatitis. This podcast is for patients, their loved ones and clinicians with an interest in male pelvic pain.
    In each episode Karl Monahan and Tim Beames (founders of Pelvic Pain Matters) will unpack key topics around this life altering, debilitating, poorly understood condition.
    We want to create hope and understanding for all of those who face the challenges of this condition. Recovery is possible despite what much of the medical world tell patients.

  • A podcast brought to you by the Epic Restart Foundation, a UK charity that rebuilds lives after gambling harm. Join Richie and his guests as they tell their story and share their tools for recovery.

  • Fuglasöngur er flókið tungumál sem fuglar nota til að tjá ýmsar mikilvægar upplýsingar um sig sjálfa. Í þessari þáttaröð er fjallað umfuglasöng frá bæði líffræðilegum og menningarlegum hliðum. Hvað hafa fuglar að segja og hvað eigum við manneskjur sameiginlegt með fuglum þegar kemur að samskiptum?

    Umsjón: Hlynur Steinsson.

    Ritstjórn og samsetning: Gígja Hólmgeirsdóttir.

    Tæknimaður: Lydía Grétarsdóttir

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.