Onderwijs – Kroatië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Ditch the book reviews, embrace AI insights! 🤖 Émission delivers unbiased book recommendations personalized for YOU. We analyze plot, characters, and style to match you with your next literary obsession. No spoilers, no bias, just pure reading joy. ✨

    #AIbooks #BookRecommendations #PersonalizedReading #BookTok

    🔍 DISCLAIMER: This content is generated with the assistance of AI tools for analysis and discussion purposes. While we strive for accuracy, AI systems may occasionally misinterpret, hallucinate, or misrepresent details from source material. We strongly recommend:

    Cross-checking claims with the original text or publisher-verified content.Not treating AI analysis as definitive—it is a tool for exploration, not a substitute for reading the work itself.Understanding that dates, quotes, or interpretations may contain errors.

    This channel does not guarantee the absolute accuracy of AI-generated insights and assumes no liability for misunderstandings or unintended misrepresentations. All analyses are provided "as is" for informational purposes only. The original copyrighted material belongs to its authors/publishers; we claim no ownership or endorsement.

    Respect for Rights Holders:If you are the author, publisher, or rights holder of any material referenced here and have concerns about its use, please contact us immediately . We are committed to addressing legitimate requests promptly, including content removal or correction.

  • Join us on an enlightening journey through "The Body Keeps the Score" podcast - a comprehensive exploration of trauma, healing, and human resilience. Over three carefully curated seasons, we delve into Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's groundbreaking work, examining the intricate connections between mind, brain, and body in trauma recovery. From neuroscience to practical healing methods, discover transformative insights to understand and heal from trauma's lasting impact.

  • What’s the Rusch is a podcast about finding stillness and shedding the armor we wear to reveal the masterpiece within. Hosted by Rebecca Rusch—a seven-time world champion, Hall of Fame athlete, celebrated endurance icon, Emmy winner, and founder of the Athlete Operating System—the show takes listeners on a transformative journey with some of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Known as the "Queen of Pain" for her unmatched grit, Rebecca shifts the spotlight to a deeper truth: the most profound growth often comes not from what we achieve, but from what we let go of. 
    Inspired by Michelangelo’s insight in creating the statue of David by chiseling away everything that wasn’t David, Rebecca champions the art of shedding: shedding fear, baggage, and the armor we build to protect ourselves. Each episode delves behind the scenes of high achievers, exploring what they’ve had to lose to become whole. What identities have they outgrown? What vulnerabilities have unlocked their greatest triumphs? And what lessons can we take from their private battles to shed what no longer serves us?
    With conversations navigating ancient wisdom, modern science, and personal revelation, What’s the Rusch redefines the boxes we’re put in, revealing the hidden versions of who people are and the powerful truths they carry. Rebecca’s own path—marked by extreme challenges and moments of vulnerability—sets the tone for uncovering the humanity behind the headlines.
    This is more than a podcast—it’s an explorer’s guide to becoming your own masterpiece by pausing and removing everything that isn’t you. Through the stories of leaders you know and the truths you don’t, What’s the Rusch invites you to embrace the courage to shed your armor, redefine your identity, and navigate your own extraordinary and adventurous path.

  • A weekly podcast series exploring the lesser-known battles and stories of the Second World War, with a particular focus on the Eastern Front.

    Now: The Battle of Bautzen

    Next: The Battle of Berlin

    If you have any comments or questions about the show, please get in touch via [email protected].

  • Ils s'appellent Hamza, Ibrahim, Louise, Paul et vous allez entendre leur parcours singulier. Harcelés, décrocheurs, placés, ou arrivés seuls d'un pays étranger, ces quatre jeunes n'ont pas eu une adolescence comme les autres. Depuis, avec l'aide des équipes de la Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil, les choses commencent à rentrer dans l'ordre. Chacun à leur façon, ces quatre mineurs nous montrent, à travers leur trajectoire hors du commun, la capacité de la jeunesse à rebondir et à se projeter de l'avant malgré les épreuves du présent.

    Un podcast 20 Minutes Magazine, réalisé et présenté par Laura Taouchanov, en partenariat avec Apprentis d'Auteuil.

    Coordination : Lucas Scaltritti et Romain Gouloumès

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • Join Erik Van Conover as he embarks on a journey to extrapolate how the world's most impactful leaders have built legacy. Each week, Erik offers practical insights through self-guided episodes and enthralling conversations with today's most captivating voices, on building a legacy that stands the test of time, but more importantly, impacts the present moment.
    If you're ready to grow, evolve, and create a life of fulfillment, then Building Legacy is the show for you.

  • Portfolio 1Quellen:• Chalet, K. & Heinz, A. (2012). Pathomechanismen der Abhängigkeitserkrankungen. Funktion und Neuroanatomie des Belohnungssystems. Neurologie & Psychiatrie 14(10)• Kuhn, S., Trenkler, F., & Kalke, J., 2011. Empfehlungen für Eltern im Umgang mit dem Alkoholkonsum ihrer Kinder: wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisstand. Institut für interdisziplinäre Sucht- und Drogenforschung. Hamburg.• Oberhauser, V. (2020). Biologie des Menschen. Wahrnehmung und Sinnesphysiologie. WA B: Drogen.• Orth, B. & Merkel, C. (2019). Der Alkoholkonsum Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener in Deutschland.

  • Tune in every #SelfCareSeshSunday to chat all things self care, healthy habits, mental health, and wellness!

  • The wild fermented thoughts of three amigos.
    (Not) just another wine podcast by Wine Importer Doug Wregg, International Wine Consultant Emily Harman and Wine Writer Jamie Goode

  • My podcast is about how you should have self-respect

  • Willkommen auf meinem Spielfeld. Jeden Montag gibt es eine neue Folge THE BAD GUY mit mir, Tanja Makarić - in meiner Villain Era. In diesem Podcast geht es um die Züge, die uns das Leben gibt - und wie wir daraus das Beste machen. Ich spreche über eure und meine Wendepunkte, Herausforderungen und Entscheidungen, die uns manchmal ins Aus manövrieren - und wie wir trotzdem zurück ins Spiel finden. Es ist Zeit für einen Queen's Move. Der König fällt. We are THE BAD GUY. Ich war immer die Böse. Immer zu viel. Zu laut. Zu gefiltert. Too much energy. Man hat sich über mich lustig gemacht, mir das Wort abgeschnitten - doch das reicht jetzt. Der Girlstalk, wo ihr mir eure Fragen oder Probleme schickt, ist auf meinem Instagram so gut angekommen, dass wir das jetzt wöchentlich im Podcast machen. Schreib mir deine Story und lass uns gemeinsam den nächsten Schachzug planen. Ob alleine oder mit unglaublichen Gäst*innen - hier wird kein Blatt vor den Mund genommen. Das Spiel hat begonnen! Jeden Montag - als Videopodcast auf Spotify.
    THE BAD GUY ist ein Podcast von arc.studio
    Kontakt: [email protected]
    Hier findest Du alle Infos, Links & Rabatte von THE BAD GUY

  • Portal Balkan Green Energy News predstavlja novi serijal podkasta pod nazivom "Razgovori o energetskoj tranziciji".

    O ključnim pitanjima energetske tranzicije – šta sve obuhvata, zašto je važna i kako je razumemo, pričaju stručnjaci iz različitih sektora, pružajući jedinstven uvid u izazove i prilike na putu ka održivoj budućnosti.

    Podkast se realizuje u saradnji sa Nemačkom razvojnom saradnjom GIZ.

  • Financial advisors Richard Coffin & Derek Dedman look to make personal finances a little less spooky.

  • This podcast features interviews with Computer Science researchers. Hosted by Dr. Jack Waudby researchers are interviewed, highlighting the problem(s) they tackled, solutions they developed, and how their findings can be applied in practice. This podcast is for industry practitioners, researchers, and students, aims to further narrow the gap between research and practice, and to generally make awesome Computer Science research more accessible. We have 2 types of episode: (i) Cutting Edge (red/blue logo) where we talk to researchers about their latest work, and (ii) High Impact (gold/silver logo) where we talk to researchers about their influential work.

    You can support the show through Buy Me a Coffee. A donation of $3 will help us keep making you awesome Computer Science research podcasts. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Deep SH*T podcast focuses on sharing everyday advice on living your best life by focusing on four key aspects Self, Health, Income, and Time. In each episode, we discuss little things you can do each day to achieve big results. We share not only our new ideas to become a version of our best self but we bring in experts to help us find new ways to develop and improve.

  • Over 40 and looking to pivot or reinvent, and thrive in your career and life? Join Executive Career Coach Ada Offonry for weekly content that’s easily applied to your life.

  • - Audio lessons (mostly breath-focussed sessions)
    - Audio books

  • Podkast za perfekcioniste koji žele da to prestanu da budu.

  • Dobrodošli u podcast Modul za rast.
    Mjesto gdje istražujemo kako unaprijediti sebe, pronaći ispunjenje u svakodnevnici i kreirati život po svojim pravilima. Moje ime je Katarina i veseli me što si tu 🍀. Na Instagramu me možeš pronaći na profilu @soulcalledkate

  • Epilepsy Currents Podcasts will bring you all the features you know and love about the journal in an innovative format you can take with you wherever you go. The primary content of Epilepsy Currents consists of commentaries written by our expert editorial board on recent high-impact research papers in Epilepsy. Each podcast episode will highlight one of these recent publications and the accompanying commentary. High-yield topics of interest to our engaged epilepsy community will be presented and discussed by one of our contributing editors and the original authors to give you an in-depth, rigorous, and personal view of current topics in epilepsy and the people behind them.

    Topics will include both clinical and basic sciences, emphasizing bringing our larger community together around the mission we share: To advance research, education, and practice for all professionals working in epilepsy.