Gezondheid en fitness – Hongarije – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Mind the Pain is a science-based mindfulness meditation resource, designed to help manage endometriosis pain, anxiety, and stress.

    Using clinically-proven pain relief techniques, these meditations are the perfect resource for your pain management toolkit — especially for endo warriors who have never tried or don’t normally enjoy meditating.

    Not sure where to begin? I recommend ‘In the Heat of a Pain Flare-up’, especially if you're in severe pain. Really hope it helps, warrior.


  • Melashka´s mind ist mein persönlicher Podcast, in dem ich meine Gedanken, Gefühle und Erfahrungen teile. Ich erzähle über meinen Umgang mit mentaler Gesundheit, dem Leben in meinen 20ern, wie ich versuche mich selbst zu verstehen und meinen Träumen zu folgen. Es kommt jeden Montag eine neue Episode von meinem persönlichen Audio-Tagebuch. Hört gerne rein <3Folgt mir gerne auf Social Media :) Instagram: mel.ashkaTikTok: mel.ash.ka

  • "Emotional Longevity" explores how emotional health serves as the cornerstone of a happier, healthier, and longer life. Hosted by Dr. Elisha Goldstein, this podcast blends cutting-edge science, practical strategies, and inspiring stories to help you enhance your emotional well-being, build resilience, and strengthen relationships—without the overwhelm of doing more.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Welcome to Cultivating HER—Breaking taboos, balancing hormones, and redefining women’s health!
    Join your host, Kristy Edgar, an integrative nutrition health coach and holistic lifestyle expert as she dives into the world of menstrual health, hormone balance, and the connection to women’s wellness. Whether you’re looking to decode your cycle, tackle PMS, or manage menopause this show is your go-to guide to syncing your lifestyle with your hormonal rhythms. Through candid conversations, practical tips and a few expert interviews, Cultivating HER empowers women to embrace their cycles and align their lifestyle to boost energy and thrive in every phase of life. Subscribe now and start flowing with confidence as we redefine what it means to be a woman with harmonious health.

  • In this podcast, my peers and I give informational overviews about the human body and it’s functions, leaving listeners informed about many different concepts of the body they probably did not know before. Many people walk around day-to-day without knowing what is happening in their body, knowing how your body moves around or digests food can open many eyes as to how important it is to take care of our bodies properly. This podcast can mentally and physically help someone make a change, and it is never too late to learn something new about ourselves.

  • Sürgető PodCast

    ahol a szükség ott a segítség

    A Sürgető egy orvosszakmai podcast, mely azért jött létre, hogy a sürgősségi betegellátásban dolgozók mindennapi munkáját segítse. Összefoglalókkal, esetismertetésekkel és szakértők bevonásával segítünk eligazodni az akut betegellátás olykor csapdás helyzeteiben.

    A Sürgető mindenki számára egyaránt hasznos, nem csak sürgősségi orvosoknak, pályakezdőknek, szakvizsga előtt állóknak ajánlott.

    KALANDOROK VIGYÁZZATOK! A Sürgetőben elhangzottak a felvétel idejében elérhető és a szerkesztők által relevánsnak tartott források, a szakértők évtizedes tapasztalatai alapján készül ugyan de nem helyettesíti az alapos betegvizsgálatot, nem váltja ki a klinikus véleményét. Önmagában segítség a klinikai döntésekben, de nem jelent általános megoldókulcsot minden helyzetre.

  • Join renowned scientists Dr. Heather Berlin and Dr. Christof Koch on the Science of Perception Box, where they delve into the Perception Box—a powerful metaphor created by Elizabeth R. Koch, that reveals how our beliefs, biases, and neural wiring shape our reality and define how we experience the world.

    Through captivating conversations with expert guests like psychiatrist Dr. Judson Brewer, anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher, and journalist Michael Pollan, the show explores how the Perception Box expands in states of awe, curiosity, and love, and contracts during fear, anxiety, or anger.

    From mindfulness and romantic relationships to psychedelics and human connection, each episode uncovers transformative insights into unlocking greater awareness, fostering curiosity, and reshaping how we perceive the world.

    New episodes drop every Thursday on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow the journey and redefine your reality.

  • Minha Comida Especial é um podcast que trata de temas relacionados à minha vida pessoal e profissional, como alimentação saudável, intolerância alimentar, maternidade, autismo, inclusão e empreendedorismo feminino. Meu nome é Karla Cunha e espero poder oferecer um conteúdo interessante a quem, de alguma forma, se identificar com essas questões.
    #alimentacao #alimentacaosaudavel #intoleranciaalimentar #gluten #lactose #veganismo #inclusao #empreendedorismo #empreendedorismofeminino

  • 21 gramm a lélek súlya. Állítólag megmérték. Lehetséges, hogy életünk során ez egy folyamatosan változó érték?
    Filmes munkáim során több ezer ember fordult már meg a kamerám előtt, mutatva vagy éppen elrejtve önmagát. Már rég nem a szememmel figyelek.
    Az arcok helyett a mély emberi történetek és az általuk keltett érzések lenyomatai maradnak meg bennem.
    Alternatív perspektívákból, másik kameraállásból úgy látszik, hogy az élet 20% történés és 80% reagálás, ahol valójában nem az a fontos ami velünk, hanem ami bennünk történik... 21 grammnak vajon mennyi a súlya?

  • Welcome to “Mindful Conversations,” where two friends explore all things health and wellness! Join us for deep, honest chats about our personal journeys and the inspiration we find in each other and the world around us.

    New episodes drop every Wednesday, packed with tips and motivation to help you become the best version of yourself.

    Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube @asyouarepod for more insights and community support. Let’s embrace the journey to a more mindful you together!

  • Welcome to Through the Funnel, where we demystify Chinese Medicine, make sense of Western medicine, and connect with our humanity!​ Together we will journey through one of the oldest, most mystical, yet simple, medical resources in the world. Everything from pathology and Western science to nature, human behavior, emotions, and spirituality can be put through the funnel of Chinese medicine. In each episode, you’ll hear from me, many experts in the field, and some of my closest friends and teachers.


    Hi, I'm Malerie - your host, Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. OM), Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.), Herbalist, and creator of Source Medicinal Arts.

    Follow me on Instagram: full show notes and more information here: media inquiries, email [email protected]
  • Weekly guided meditations and sound healing sessions to help you connect to yourself and find ease in your life. Join Megan Medlock, founder of The Exhale Effect, for weekly sessions covering a variety of topics including stress-relief, relaxation, connecting to self, better sleep, anxiety and more. 

  • This podcast will provide meditations as well as information about reiki, pet reiki and mediumship. I will also provide Oracle Card readings.Find me on LinkedIn: Support this podcast:

  • "Fenben Voices" is a compelling podcast series that delves deep into the world of fenbendazole, uncovering its potential in the fight against cancer and chronic illnesses. This series offers a dynamic exploration of fenbendazole, covering its history, groundbreaking trials, challenges faced in its advocacy, and the current landscape of its use and accessibility. 

    Through a diverse range of episodes, listeners will gain insights from historical overviews, the latest research findings, and the personal journeys of those who have turned to fenbendazole for hope. The podcast brings together heartfelt testimonies, expert analyses, and thought-provoking discussions on the myriad aspects of fenbendazole's application in alternative health practices. 

    "Fenben Voices" stands as a vibrant platform for sharing inspiring stories, highlighting significant advancements in treatment methodologies, and fostering an inclusive community dialogue on the future of health and wellness. Embark on this enlightening journey with us, as we traverse the voices and stories behind fenbendazole, shining a light on the path to recovery and resilience for those touched by illness.

  • BH Sales Kennel Kelp Home of The World's Finest Nutrient Laden Foods, for The Mind , Body & The Soul. Supporting Health & Wellness for Animals and Their People. Creative Solutions for Holistic Healthcare!
     Support this podcast:

  • Hello! My name is Jemma-Rose and welcome to my podcast!

    It is a podcast for all things relating to women’s health, hormones, gut health, hypothalamic amenorrhea, disordered eating, diet culture, self-love, body acceptance and menstrual health.

    I have had my own journey with an eating disorder and losing my period, which brought with it a host of other health problems. I am now in a space where I have learned to love my body through holistic healing. I have since become a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

    This is a space where I share my knowledge and experience!

    Let’s chat!

  • Egy podcast életmódról, lélekről, motivációról, életekről, táplálkozásról, mozgásról és annak öröméről. Egy podcast Rólunk, Nektek!
    A Tudatos életmód podcast azért jött létre, hogy kiútként szolgáljon a rengeteg információ útvesztőjéből, hogy megismerjétek picit munkásságunkat, világról és életről alkotott nézeteinket.
    Tarts velünk és tegyük tudatosabbá életmódunkat együtt!