Onderwijs – Canada – Nieuwe podcasts

  • The Self-Image Experience Podcast is a show made for the woman who knows there's more for her life and who's driven to create the best life possible. Whether you are just starting your journey or well on your way to your impossible goal, this show will provide you with the extra mindset shifts, practical tools, and spiritual guidance that will lead you even closer to success. Hosted by master mindset coach, Chloe Rowsome shares all her best secrets to help you manifest your dream life.

    Follow on Instagram @chloerowsome
    Produced by Joe Souliere at Soul City Music Production @soulcitymp

  • Where local SEO meets expert insight! Join Joy Hawkins and Colan Neilsen, renowned local SEO specialists from Sterling Sky, as they share tested strategies, research-backed tips, and industry updates to elevate your local search game.

  • The Raised Beaches Podcast is a discussion on topics related to paleoclimate, Earth Science and global change. Dr. Evan J. Gowan highlights the concepts and underlying evidence on how climate, sea level and the Earth surface changes through time. He also connects how our knowledge of the past informs our predictions of future climate.

  • You’re fresh out of school, newly enrolled in a program or course, or simply at a crossroads with the overwhelming question, “WHAT’S NEXT?”

    Someone in my pool of guests has been down your specific path and is willing to share the deets.

    Grab a virtual cup of your favorite beverage and take a seat.

    Rest assured, they have answers as no venture is completely new under the sun.

  • Teacher recognition is a powerful way to keep exceptional educators engaged and fulfilled and prevent attrition—yet too often, their incredible contributions go unacknowledged. Inspiring Teachers: The Honored Podcast shines a spotlight on the extraordinary impact teachers make across the country.

  • Exploring the ins-and-outs of Canadian Charity Law in a way that can be understood by the layperson, including Charity Registration, Not-for-Profit Incorporation, Charity Governance, Charity Fundraising, Tax Receipting, and much more!

  • Découvrez L’arrière-Boutique, un balado réalisé par Les Produits du Québec. La directrice générale Elfi Morin reçoit des entrepreneurs ainsi que des acteurs clés de l’économie et de l’achat local pour discuter de leurs histoires, des défis de leurs industries et de tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à l’achat local.

  • Welcome to Spill the Wine – a podcast obviously about WINE! Wine is the one beverage that people seem to think they can’t enjoy unless they know something about it, which is quite odd when you think about. But have no fear - we are here to help you learn about wine, debunk some myths, and introduce you to the wonderful wines in Canada.

    Co-Created by Lukas Sluzar & Andrea Morris

  • Need a quick mental boost? 6-Minute Reset offers bite-sized moments of clarity, designed to recharge your mind and bring a sense of calm to even the busiest days. As The Rapid Rejuvenator, Lance Labno blends uplifting energy with practical, no-fuss strategies, making resilience and positivity easy to fit into your daily life. Each episode is packed with high-impact, listener-inspired resets that give you the power to manage stress, refocus, and face challenges with renewed clarity—all in just six minutes. Dive in for fast relief, simple actions, and the empowering belief that small shifts can create big changes.

  • Welcome to the Let Jaime Talk Podcast! Tune in here weekly to listen to Jaime, co-host Ben and their guests as we go in depth and let Jaime actual talk about all that goes on during their builds...aka all the long-winded explanations that are fully of enticing details that Erik has to cut short! We will be answering comments from fans, diving deeper into the current builds, explain building techniques, discuss materials, tools, and so much more! There is one thing you may not know about Jaime, but he knows a ton about a lot of different topics...so we will not just be talking about construction. We will be diving into all kinds of topics during some episodes....cars, speakers, sound engineering, furniture, welding, excavating, family, fun, dad jokes, and the list is endless. Tune in!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • A podcast for Canada, in a dangerous new world. The global order is shifting under our feet. Our best friend might become an enemy. It’s a psychic shock, and a threat to our sovereignty that demands a response. It's also an opportunity. So, what are we going to do about it?

    Longtime journalist and podcast host Jordan Heath-Rawlings (The Big Story, The Gravy Train) examines this strange new world and gives Canadians real work we can take on right now, individually and as a country, to emerge from the chaos strong and free. This isn't a show about picking a fight. It's a show about being ready for one.

  • Entre toi et moi, est-ce qu'il t'arrive :

    D'avoir peur de déplaire, décevoir ou encore de ne pas être à la hauteur ?
    De traverser des moments difficiles où se côtoie des deuils, des pertes ou des renoncements ?
    De ne pas savoir comment obtenir plus de satisfaction dans tes relations interpersonnelles ?

    Tu aspires à vivre plus de légèreté, réussir à lâcher-prise et vivre plus librement !

    Avec  « Il faut que je te dise »  mon objectif est de mettre des mots là où plusieurs personnes hésitent, aussi de parler de sujets qui sont plus tabous.

    Dans certains épisodes, je te partage le fruit de mes réflexions et dans d'autres j'échange avec des invités sur des sujets de la vie courante qui ont nous ramène à l'importance d'être soi, ce qui est un art en soi.  

    Ces épisodes empreints d'authenticité et d'humilité sauront rejoindre ton coeur.  

    Pour y retrouver des trucs et astuces qui permettent de transformer le regard que nous portons sur nous-même tout en améliorant notre mieux-être. 

    Il faut que je te dise te permettra de : 
    • Faire des PRISES DE CONSCIENCE ; 
    • Identifier et comprendre la SOURCE de tes réactions défensives ; 
    • Préciser ce que tu vis comme ÉMOTIONS ; 
    • Augmenter ton ESTIME DE SOI autant que ta confiance et ton amour de soi ; 
    • Favoriser L’HARMONISATION entre ta tête, ton cœur et ton esprit ; 
    • Accueillir que tu es une personne HUMAINE et surtout unique ; 
    • Oser te CHOISIR en premier ! 

    N’oublions pas que nous sommes tous unique, que nous avons tous une histoire qui nous est propre et aussi que tout commence par soi ! 

    Pour plus de légèreté dans ta vie, réussir à lâcher-prise et vivre plus librement.  

    Parlons pour parler saura, j'en suis convaincue, t'alimenter dans les clés à utiliser pour accroître la réussite de tes objectifs et de tes rêves. 

    Viens entendre ce que j'ai de précieux à te partager comme si nous étions bien installés ensembledans le confort de notre salon. 

    Bonne écoute

    Voici les liens pour me rejoindre facilement :
    Mon site internet : www.claudineblier.com (http://www.claudineblier.com) 
    Ma page FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/claudinebliercapcoaching 
    Ma communauté« Audacieuses en action »: https://www.facebook.com/groups/audacieusesenaction 
    Ma page LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudine-blier-b289a85a/ 
    Ma chaîne Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJZpcWfxWQlmymT1A39A0Ng  
    Les références des musiques sont autorisés par Motion Elements
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • Nous sommes Quentin et Tiphaine, un couple d’artistes et coachs en développement personnel, unis par notre foi chrétienne.

    Dans "La Petite Papote", on parle de sujets sérieux sans jamais se prendre au sérieux. Des relations à la créativité, en passant par la foi, l’épanouissement personnel et même des sujets controversés… Rien n’échappe à nos discussions ! On aborde tout ça avec complicité, humour et authenticité (trop?).
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • This is a show with a very diverse range of guests. Cheryl will be interviewing or conversing with many guests from all walks of life – each contributing THEIR story. It will be hart warming, funny and inspirational and educational.

  • Anaïs Favron vous fait découvrir les bons mots du monde du tourisme ! Dans de courts épisodes, elle présente les termes justes et raconte les histoires derrière les mots de l’hôtellerie, du voyage et de la restauration.

    La série Les mots du tourisme présente les termes justes et raconte les histoires derrière les mots de l’hôtellerie, du voyage et de la restauration.

    Produit par Coyote audio avec la participation financière de l’Office québécois de la langue française.

    Animation : Anaïs Favron

    Recherche et rédaction : Marie-Julie Gagnon

    Prise de son et mixage : Underground

    Réalisation : Stéphanie Mignacca

    Idée originale : Jacques Labelle et Robert Nadeau

  • When 2 nerdy language students become nerdy English teachers, they have stories and tips! Listen to us discuss our struggles, lessons and triumphs as we share our experiences and tips on how to improve English skills. Be ready to hear funny, honest and interesting perspectives on students, other teachers and what works & what doesn't. Connect with us if our banter resonates with you!

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • Learn about Canadian Immigration & Visas from Rashid Ali, a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) from Ontario, Canada.

  • ”Square & Compass Promotions” explores the many ways in which Freemasonry is relevant to the communities in which it was and is located. Content will be uploaded regularly. Videos will include interviews with prominent Masons (from within and without Windsor/Essex), interviews with individuals who have knowledge on topics of interest to Masonry, unique and exiting content of interest to Masons and anybody interested in this amazing Fraternity!

    All opinions expressed are those of Square & Compass Promotions and the guest(s), and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any Masonic organisation or the Windsor Masonic Temple!

  • In The Back of the Book, host Christopher J. Scalia interviews writers, scholars, and other expert guests about culture and the arts.

    Listen to The Back of the Book, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at Ricochet.com. No paid subscription required.

  • Design is just one way humanity manifests itself. Our buildings simply express where our culture is. Architects often talk to other architects about architecture, in this time of explosive change, our evolving values are revealed when we understand design.

    Using the generous grant from The Connecticut Architecture Foundation, WPKN Radio and The Common Edge Collaborative launched the production and recording of the podcast “Our Buildings, Our Selves.” Co-Hosted by architect Duo Dickinson FAIA and Common Edge Founder and Editor Martin Pedersen.