Gezondheid en fitness – Portugal – Nieuwe podcasts
Esse é um espaço para batermos um papo real sobre como ser e se manter uma mulher mais confiante na prática. Aqui vamos falar sobre inteligência emocional, autoconfiança, mudanças de crenças e muitas outras coisas que envolvem o dia a dia de uma mulher na carreira e na vida.
Welcome to the Guided Meditation Center, your sanctuary for relaxation and mental wellness. Our series is thoughtfully designed to help you unwind, find balance, and nurture your inner peace. Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, our guided sessions cater to all levels and offer a range of practices to support your inner peace.
With a compassionate and gentle approach, our guided meditations aim to create a safe space for self-care and healing.
Join us at the Guided Meditation Center, and let the power of mindfulness guide you toward a healthier, happier you. -
Interviews with people who have battled gambling addiction directly or indirectly throughout their lives. For too long, people impacted by problem gambling have been suffering in silence. This podcast aims to help change that while helping viewers learn from the past experiences of others.
Dicas de autocuidado.
Being apart from each other hasn’t been easy for anyone. Listen to Fairfax County Public Schools’ Healthy Minds podcast to hear how we are all handling uncertainty, get new ideas how to help your child, friends and families feel better, and learn about how to help yourself feel stronger and more energized. If you need a little help to feel ok, it’s ok- the Healthy Minds podcast is here for you.
pure steht für die Themen: pflanzenbasiert, unverpackt, regional & ethisch fair. In unserem Podcast "pure leben" nehmen wir alle zwei Wochen, immer Sonntagmorgen, diese Themen unter die Lupe! Dabei geht es vor allem um ganz praktische Tipps und alltägliche Verhaltensweisen, um ressourcenschonend, nachhaltig und ethisch-fair zu konsumieren – für eine lebenswerte Zukunft!
Dein Future Lifestyle Podcast! Unser oft sehr konsumorientierter und teurer werdender Lebensstil steht an der Kippe. Für eine lebenswerte Zukunft müssen wir unsere Handlungen anpassen! Wir präsentieren dir die faszinierenden Vorteile einer bewussten Lebensweise, wie zum Beispiel mehr finanzielle Freiheit, zusätzliche Freizeit und ein erfüllteres Leben durch ressourcenschonendes Verhalten.
Wir unterhalten uns mit Expert:innen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen, und sprechen auch über unsere eigenen Erfahrungen. Zudem stellen wir nachhaltige Projekte und Initiativen vor.
*seit Mitte September 2023 heißt dieser Podcast "pure leben" (zuvor "pure leben in Vorarlberg"), da wir uns freuen, vermehrt Hörer:innen aus ganz Österreich und dem deutschsprachigen Raum (DACH) anzusprechen. -
Bem-vindos ao nosso podcast, NรO ME CALO! onde a voz de quem passou por situaรงรตes difรญceis encontra espaรงo para ser ouvida e respeitada. Eu sou a Carol, mรฃe de duas meninas, vivendo no Reino Unido, e neste podcast vou compartilhar a minha jornada como sobrevivente e defensora da luta contra a violรชncia domรฉstica.
Em agosto, criei uma conta no TikTok para contar a minha histรณria e, rapidamente, essa pรกgina se transformou em um ponto de encontro para mulheres em busca de apoio. Atravรฉs deste espaรงo, compartilho histรณrias reais de sobreviventes e dou voz a quem, muitas vezes, nรฃo pode se expressar. Aqui, oferecemos anonimato, apoio e, o mais importante, esperanรงa.
Juntos, vamos falar sobre conscientizaรงรฃo, identificar sinais precoces de abuso, e discutir as lacunas legais que precisam ser preenchidas para garantir um apoio mais eficaz ร s vรญtimas. Este podcast รฉ um convite para vocรช se juntar a nรณs nessa luta, por mais que as vozes tentem ser caladas, nรณs nรฃo nos calamos. A voz รฉ minha, mas as histรณrias sรฃo delas.
Are you healing from religious trauma, questioning past beliefs, or rebuilding your sense of purpose?
Mindful Deconstruction is your supportive guide through the journey of deconstructing old narratives and creating a meaningful, authentic life.
Hosted by Mindfulness Coach Jeremy West, this podcast explores the unique challenges of leaving religious systems, from navigating self-doubt to redefining spirituality and purpose.
Each episode offers insights, practical mindfulness tools, and healing conversations to help you find peace, resilience, and a community that understands your path.
Join us as we unravel old beliefs, cultivate self-compassion, and empower you to thrive beyond religion.
New episodes released daily to support you on your path to mindful healing and transformation.
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The Viberator In My Pod is a sex toy review podcast that releases an episode monthly. The host is Sebastian Zaddems; they call him Zaddems because he’s too delicious for Zaddy. The VIMP podcast explores the world of sex toys by going beyond their typical uses. Sebastian reviews whether or not the toys are trending, their target audience, potential issues for accessibility, and whether or not the toy is worth the price. Not only that, Sebastian looks into innovative ways to use the toys with yourself or your partners. Check out the podcast today and see what’s the buzz on the Viberator In My Po
We're Audiodesires, where wellness meets your pleasure. We create short erotic audio sex stories to bring your most intimate fantasies to life.
Join us to listen to previews of some of our audio sex stories to help improve your overall health and wellbeing.
For exclusive access to hundreds more stories (and the full extended spicy versions), visit us at Audiodesires.
Expressing REAL & AUTHENTIC Communication. We Hope To Inspire You To Be Open With Yourself First & Foremost About However You Want To Express Love, Lust & Everything In Between
Call Her Daddy Right Now dives deep into the wild, hilarious, and heart-wrenching relationship stories found on Reddit. Each episode, we explore the juiciest confessions, epic breakups, cringy moments, and jaw-dropping love dilemmas shared by real people. With candid commentary, witty banter, and unfiltered advice, this podcast is your ultimate guide to navigating love, lust, and everything in between. Whether you're here for the drama, the laughs, or a little relationship wisdom, we've got you covered. Tune in, and let’s get real about relationships!
Bem-vind@ a este espaço onde dois amigos fazem conchinha um ao outro.
Learn some amazing facts with these calming monologues to the backing of ambient music.
New episodes every week/two weeks.
Listen for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and most other listening platforms.
Check out the Calming Facts website,, where you can: listen to 50p episodes (exclusive to the website), contribute to the ideas board and request any subject you like, and donate funds to Calming Facts and help grow the podcast.
Follow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr. -
Evento anual, gratuito e sem fins lucrativos, com a missão de ampliar a conscientização em relação à Síndrome de Burnout e combater o estigma que a envolve, além de intensificar a divulgação de suas causas, consequências e tratamentos.
A IV edição acontecerá entre 22 e 26 de janeiro de 2024. -
Hi! Join me, Jemma Sbeg, on Mantra, your weekly guide to embracing growth while navigating life’s twists and turns. Every Monday, I bring you a new mantra, breaking it down to show you how you can apply it to your own life. Whether you’re facing a major transition or looking to evolve your everyday routine, Mantra is the podcast for you. Join me every Monday for reflections, practical tips, and personal insights that’ll inspire you to live with intention and unlock your true potential.
Hyperfocus is a show that zeroes in on what fascinates us about ADHD, mental health, and learning.
Big questions like, “Does ADHD make you more likely to have postpartum depression?” Little nitpicks (TikTok was wrong about something?!), and personal conversations with everyone from old bosses and hilarious comedians, to leading researchers.
Because on this show, hyperfocus isn’t the distraction — it’s the assignment. -
We are Colby Sousa, PhD and Jake Remmert, PhD(c). Through the power of friendship we're combining our academic experience earning PhD's through some of the top researchers in the exercise science field with our years of experience coaching and helping people reach their muscle growth, fat loss, and strength goals, and our own experience as lifters ourselves - and the result is this podcast. We'll explore training and nutrition through research and hands-on experience with an emphasis on authenticity and transparency, and lots of fun anime and other nerdy references along the way.
Welcome to the Mighty Oak Athletic Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of student-athlete sports performance, lowering the risk of injuries, and strength training.Each week, we break down key insights from our latest essays, covering topics ranging from optimizing mobility and increasing muscle strength to enhancing mental toughness.Whether you're an athlete, coach, or parent, this podcast provides actionable advice and proven strategies to help you build a strong, resilient foundation for peak performance.Join us for engaging discussions on training techniques, nutrition, recovery, and the mindset needed to thrive both on and off the field. - Laat meer zien