Gezondheid en fitness – Nieuwe podcasts
Our vision is to engage in energetic and fun conversations with the startup founders, company builders and industry disrupters who are changing the landscape of medical device technology, as well as ecosystem leaders who support them. Not another interview show, but a ‘Jam Session’ where we all get to experience the real stories of the founders who are building the next game-changing medical technology companies. MedTech Jam Session is co-hosted by ConveyMED founder Mike Donoghue and Chris Lyons, the CEO of Southern Metric Consultants, who between them have over 50 years of experience in the
The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) is the largest grassroots network dedicated to fighting Parkinson’s disease (PD) and works tirelessly to help the approximately one million with PD in the United States live life to the fullest in the face of this chronic, neurological disorder. Founded in 1961, APDA has raised and invested more than $226 million to provide outstanding patient services and educational programs, elevate public awareness about the disease, and support research designed to unlock the mysteries of PD and ultimately put an end to this disease.
Young people have traditionally been seen as healthy and low users of health services. In the modern era, the pressures of economic development and social change have particularly had an impact on young people, increasing mortality and ill health at a time when younger child mortality has decreased rapidly.
Join second year masters’ students Aardra, Sabrina, and Sara as they discuss all things audiology! Myth busting, client stories, research spotlights, they’ve got it all!
Ask the Docs is an educational livestream by the Fertility Institute of Hawaii. During the livestream sessions Doctors Frattarelli, Karmon, Goulet will explain the topic, discuss frequently asked questions/Q&A. For more information or to start your journey, please call our office at 808-545-2800 to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians, or visit our website
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Hustle Talk Podcast DescriptionWelcome to the Hustle Talk Podcast, where we bring you stories, insights, and actionable advice to help you become the best version of yourself, both in the gym and in life.Each episode dives into the world of fitness, sports performance,mindset, and personal growth, featuring inspiring transformations from our Hustle Strength & Performance family, athletes, parents of athletes, local coaches, and the entrepreneurial stories of business owners in our community. We’re here to celebrate success, share lessons, and keep you motivated on your path to greatness.
Welcome to Barbell Conversations with Bearded Breadfruit, where we lift more than just weights—we lift heavy truths, tackle stereotypes, and spark the meaningful dialogue our society needs.
Join host Breadfruit and inspiring guests as they explore real stories, candid debates, and vulnerable moments.
For the lifters. For the thinkers. For those unafraid to seek solace in a safe space—welcome to Barbell Conversations. Follow, like, and share as we spark change, one conversation at a time. Stay connected with us on Instagram: @barbellconvopod or follow Breadfruit personally at @beardedbreadfruit. -
Coaches and Business Owners, Sean Laird and Adam Heisler, talk about Baseball and Sports Performance. With Topics ranging from coaching, business, interviews, and player development; their goal is to bring you a NO BS approach to Development in Baseball, Mental Toughness, Strength, and Sports Performance.
Nurse Dot Podcast is a weekly podcast dedicated to providing nurses with validation, resources, and hope, one episode at a time. Every week host Cara Lunsford, RN, CPHON, and VP of Community at, sits down with a new guest speaker to share inspiring stories of resilience and empowerment, building a space where nurses can speak candidly, feel valued, and discover tools and insights that can benefit their profession.
Visit to learn more about the podcast, view all available episodes, and more!
The Daily Brew Podcast is your daily dose of inspiration and insights from the world of sports. Join us as we sit down with a dynamic blend of guests, including professional and collegiate athletes, along with the esteemed staff from Dynamic Sports Training. Every episode is a rich brew of conversations where we dig into the stories, experiences, and wisdom of these incredible individuals. Whether it's the highs and lows of their athletic journeys, the strategies behind their success, or the expertise shared by our training professionals, each episode is a fresh cup of motivation. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and energized as we explore the daily grind and triumphs of those who live and breathe the world of sports. This is where dedication meets discussion, this is, The Daily Brew Podcast.
Die Ärztinnen Alice und Imke reden über Themen, die sie umtreiben. Auch ausgelöst durch die Corona Situation. Sie sprechen über ihre Erfahrungen, das eigene Leben und scheuen sich nicht, auch Tabu-Themen offen anzusprechen. Ihnen geht es um Lebenslust, Ermutigung und Perspektiven schaffen. Sie schätzen den Dialog, Offenheit und Respekt.
This podcast provides all the details you need to know to be successful in graduate school. It is specifically dedicated to students pursuing a clinical psychology degree, whether at the master's or doctorate level (Ph.D./PsyD).
On this podcast, you will learn things like how to write a compelling personal statement, become a competitive applicant for graduate school, write a dissertation, and learn more about other specialty fields as we will have several guests share their stories about how they embarked on their journeys to become the professionals that they are today! -
Welcome to "The Weekly Snapshot - Medtech," your guide to the cutting-edge world of medical technology. Each week, we explore the latest innovations, uncover breakthroughs in healthcare, and dive into the trends shaping the future of medicine. Our host, a knowledgeable expert in the field, simplifies the complexities of medical technology, offering insights that cater to both industry professionals and curious minds. Whether you're fascinated by AI in diagnostics, the latest wearables, or revolutionary treatments, this podcast brings you a comprehensive view of the medtech landscape. Stay informed on the latest advances and developments, one snapshot at a time.
Der (Fußball-) Podcast, der in die Tiefe geht. Jeden zweiten Donnerstag überall, wo es Podcasts gibt. 🎙
Fußball ist mehr als ein Spiel – er bewegt, spaltet, fasziniert. Doch was passiert abseits der jubelnden Menge und des grellen Rampenlichts? Wenn der Druck erdrückend wird, Ruhm zur Last mutiert oder Anfeindungen den Alltag bestimmen?
„Fußball spielt man mit dem Kopf - deine Füße sind nur dein Werkzeug“ stellte bereits Juve-Legende Andrea Pirlo fest.
Ex-Nationalspielerin Dr. Turid Knaak und Arminia-Legende Fabi Klos weKKseln die Seiten und sprechen mit (Ex-) Profis, Betroffenen und Expert*innen über die Schattenseiten des Geschäfts: psychische Belastungen, Abstürze, Skandale, massive Anfeindungen und menschliche Tragödien. Aber auch über die Magie dieses Spiels, seinen gesellschaftlichen Impact und die bedingungslose Liebe zum runden Leder.
Am Ende ist es nur Fußball - aber davor eben oft viel mehr. -
Czy jedno piwo codziennie oznacza, że jestem alkoholikiem? Nastolatek rozmawia o uzależnieniu i stara się je pokonać.
Bewegungs- & Performance-Podcast – Mehr Kraft, Mobilität & Körperbewusstsein für Sport & Alltag! 🎙️
Du willst dich besser bewegen, Schmerzen reduzieren und deine Leistungsfähigkeit steigern? Hier bekommst du praxisnahe Tipps, fundiertes Wissen und effektive Übungen für mehr Beweglichkeit, Stabilität und Performance.
🔹 Besser bewegen & Verletzungen vermeiden
🔹 Leistungsfähigkeit steigern – im Sport & Alltag
🔹 Verständliche Erklärungen & direkt umsetzbare Übungen
Perfekt für Athlet:innen, ambitionierte Freizeitsportler:innen & alle, die ihren Körper besser verstehen wollen. Hör rein & optimiere deine Bewegung! -
„Newsweek Psychologia” to najlepsi eksperci, merytoryczne treści, doświadczenie. Jest blisko Twoich spraw, inspiruje do zajmowania się sobą, daje wytchnienie i zrozumienie, skłania do autorefleksji, zaprasza do odkrywania siebie.
Słuchaj najważniejszych artykułów wybranych przez redaktorkę naczelną magazynu „Newsweek Psychologia” i świętuj 10. urodziny razem z nami.
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Newsweek Psychologia - z nami poczujesz się lepiej - Laat meer zien