Onderwijs – Nederland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • In Die podcast over routines vraagt Arie Boomsma zijn gasten naar de dagelijkse gewoontes waarmee ze hun leven structuur geven. Ochtendroutines, avondroutines, rituelen waarmee ze stress, verdriet of angsten te lijf gaan, tips voor productiviteit en planning, Inzichten over relaties, trainen, eten, ondernemen…. Welke systemen hebben ze voor zichzelf gebouwd om te kunnen doen wat ze doen?

    Wil je adverteren in deze podcast? Dat kan! Mail naar [email protected].

  • 👉 Wil je als ondernemers met ADHD en met ballen een business imperium uitbouwen? Ik help jou er mee!

  • ایگرگ یه گفت‌وگوی خودمونی و صمیمی برای نسل ما، نسل هزاره یا همون ملنیال‌هاست؛ نسلی که تو دنیای پر از تغییرات سریع تکنولوژی و فرهنگ رشد کرده و با چالش‌های خاصی روبرو شده. شاید گاهی حس کنی که باید همه‌چی رو بدونی و بی‌نقص باشی، ولی واقعیت اینه که هیچ‌کدوممون همه‌چی رو نمی‌دونیم و وقتی خودمون رو همون‌طور که هستیم یعنی با همه‌ی ضعف‌ها و قوت‌هامون بپذیریم، حس آزادی می‌کنیم

    تو ایگرگ، میزبانان این پادکست یعنی امیرعلی، ونوس و اتابک، با دیدگاه‌ها و تجربه‌های متفاوت، موضوعات جذابی رو به بحث می‌ذارن. فضایی دوستانه و فان که شنونده‌ها بتونن دغدغه‌ها، نگرانی‌ها و امیدهای مشترک این نسل رو بهتر درک کنن. هدف ما تقویت ارتباط بین نسل‌ها و ایجاد فرصتی برای یادگیری و همفکریه

    پادکست ایگرگ، کاری از شبکه صدای تو

    🌐 وبسایت صدای‌تو: www.yourvoice.fm

    📧 ایمیل پادکست ایگرگ: [email protected]

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • De weg naar mezelf podcast gaat over zelfontwikkeling en spiritualiteit.
    Ik deel hier mijn levens lessen en inzichten met jullie. Ik heb een uitgesproken mening hoe ik tegen het leven aan kijk. Zo nu en dan krijg ik ook gasten in mijn podcast en delen hun wat de weg naar hun zelf betekend. Ik hoop dat ik een heleboel mensen kan inspireren en motiveren om het beste uit zichzelf te halen.
    Volg je me al op instagram?
    Volg de weg naar mezelf

  • In deze podcast brengen Petra de Beij en Jean van Dijk de tocht in kaart die De Nachtwacht in zijn lange bestaan aflegde. Het reusachtige schilderij van Rembrandt van Rijn verhuisde door de eeuwen heen verschillende keren en kwam op de vreemdste plekken terecht. Een reis door de geschiedenis, langs raadsels en mysteries rond een meesterwerk waarvan je alles dacht te weten.

  • Ga Toch Gamen is de eerlijke podcast die ondanks alle stigma's oog houdt voor de positieve kanten van het spelen van games, maar ook kritisch kijkt naar de negatieve invloed die games uitoefenen. Danielle Pascal Verzijl, psychosociaal therapeut en Nils Vermeire, gezinscoach en gamer gaan met elkaar en bijzondere gasten in gesprek over de voordelen, de vooroordelen en de risico's. Daan en Nils schuwen geen onderwerp in Ga Toch Gamen, zij bespreken alles en houden een open blik naar hoe games mensen vormen en welke impact het spelen ervan kan hebben. Wij gaan gamen serieus nemen, game on!

  • Discover the profound simplicity of living non-dualistically in a world that thrives on separation and opposites. "Awake - Living Non-Dualistically in a Dualistic World" explores the timeless wisdom of non-duality, spiritual awakening, and the path to seeing reality as it is—whole, unified, and interconnected.

    Join thought-provoking discussions, practical insights, and contemplative reflections that bridge ancient teachings with modern life. Whether you’re new to non-duality or deepening your journey, this podcast will help you navigate the paradoxes of life, dissolve illusions of separation, and embrace the stillness within.

    Key themes include:

    Non-duality: Understanding oneness and transcending dualistic thinking.
    Spiritual awakening: Insights to shift your perspective and live fully aware.
    Practical wisdom: Applying non-dual principles to relationships, work, and daily challenges.
    Meditation and mindfulness: Tools to experience the present moment beyond ego and mind.
    Tune in to uncover your true nature and find peace in the ever-present Now. Awake is your guide to living consciously, authentically, and non-dualistically in a dualistic world.

  • Welkom bij onze podcast! Hier duiken wij (Bent & Lot) in alles wat jou helpt een gezonde binnen- en buitenwereld te creëren. We praten over zelfzorg, vrouw zijn (en onze onzekerheden), en hoe we samen kunnen groeien als persoon.○ Openhartige en eerlijke gesprekken○ Een hart onder de riem, support & inspiratie○ Alsof je met je vriendinnen met een theetje op de bank zitDus pak je favo dekentje, theetje en een stukje pure chocolade 😉. Leun achterover, relax, en laat je meevoeren op de golven van onze gesprekken.With love,Bent & Lot

  • Yerel, küresel ve ekolojik ağlar (Hazırlayan ve Sunan: Deniz Gündoğan İbrişim)

  • Boswachter Frans Kapteijns bespreekt elke week opvallende zaken uit de Brabantse natuur.

    Hij vertelt je wat een plant of dier zo bijzonder maakt en houdt je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen. Ook leer je wat je zelf kunt doen om de natuur een handje te helpen en deelt Frans tips om overlast door bepaalde diersoorten tegen te gaan.

    Heb je een vraag voor de boswachter? Mail dan naar [email protected].

  • De wereld is koortsig. Alles verandert snel en het kan alle kanten opgaan. Wij hebben een nieuwe samenleving nodig, waar de mens centraal staat, niet de hebzucht. Peter Mertens, algemeen secretaris van de PVDA, neemt in deze maandelijkse podcast de tijd om dieper te graven en achter de schermen van de macht te kijken.

  • MINDFUL AT SEA LEVEL Podcast is a personal journal of mindfulness with readings of insightful poetry, guided meditations, reflections, and curiosities I hope will resonate with you. This podcast is offered by Bob A, yep that’s me!!! I’m a trained mindfulness coach and military retiree living in the Pacific Northwest, bringing over four decades of world travel and plenty of life experience in “the pursuit of success combined with restlessness.” Thanks for listening.

  • Welkom bij onze podcast De Duurzaamheidstransitie, waarin we elke week een inspirerend praktijkverhaal presenteren van een professional die een actieve rol speelt in de duurzaamheidstransitie van onze maatschappij.Deze podcast wordt geproduceerd door het transversale lectoraat Duurzaamheidstransities van Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas). Met deze podcast bieden wij een platform aan duurzame pioniers om hun inzichten, uitdagingen en successen te delen.

    Meer weten over ons? Kijk hier: Over de podcast 'De duurzaamheidstransitie' | Buas Content Hubs | BUas Sustainability Transitions


  • ♥️ De podcast voor mensen die in een WIA-traject zitten of al een WIA-uitkering hebben.
    🤗 Ik help jou met waardevolle WIA-uitkering en UWV-tips.
    🚀 Daarnaast deel ik persoonlijke ervaringen, mindset en handvatten over het omgaan met ziekte.
    ✅ Dé WIA specialist voor langdurig zieke werknemers die naar rust en financiële zekerheid verlangen.
    ☎️ Meld jezelf aan voor een Grip op je leven matchcall https://vitaeva.nl/
    🎉 De online WIA-school is vanaf nu 24/7 online! https://vitaeva.nl/wiaschool/
    📲Volg mij op Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dewiaspecialist.nl/

  • Herken je dit? Je stort je vol goede moed in een verandertraject, maar diep vanbinnen weet je: dit gaat niet écht het verschil maken – en toch blijf je hopen dat het deze keer anders gaat. In de podcast van Organiseren en Veranderen in Complexiteit - afgekort OVIC - leer je niet hoe het moet, maar begrijpen hoe het gaat. Luister nu!

  • De podcast voor mensen die zichzelf serieus nemen en kiezen voor liefde en leven zonder ongezonde compromissen.

  • Interest rates are the cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage of the principal amount, and play a critical role in shaping economic behavior and financial markets. They influence borrowing costs for individuals and businesses, impacting consumer spending, business investment decisions, and overall economic growth. The determination of interest rates is complex, involving factors such as central bank policies, inflation expectations, and the creditworthiness of borrowers. Notably, the Federal Reserve in the United States, among other central banks worldwide, utilizes interest rate adjustments as a key tool in monetary policy to control inflation and stimulate economic activity during downturns.
    There are several types of interest rates, including nominal, real, effective, fixed, and variable rates, each serving different financial contexts and implications for borrowers and lenders. Nominal interest rates represent the stated cost without accounting for inflation, while real interest rates adjust for inflation to reflect true purchasing power. Effective interest rates consider compounding effects, providing a clearer understanding of overall costs or returns. Furthermore, the choice between fixed and variable rates can significantly influence financial planning, as fixed rates offer stability, while variable rates can fluctuate with market conditions.
    The relationship between interest rates and inflation is particularly noteworthy, as rising rates often aim to curb inflation by reducing demand in an overheated economy, but can also lead to higher borrowing costs and potential economic slowdowns. Controversies arise around the effectiveness and timing of interest rate changes, particularly in the wake of economic shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which has heightened scrutiny on central bank actions and their broader implications for financial stability and equitable economic recovery.
    Overall, understanding interest rates and their various types and determinants is essential for making informed financial decisions, both at the individual level and within the broader economic landscape. As central banks continue to navigate complex challenges, the dynamics of interest rates remain a pivotal element in economic governance and policy-making.
    Types of Interest Rates Interest rates are categorized into several types, each serving different purposes and having distinct implications for borrowers and lenders. Understanding these types is essential for making informed financial decisions.
    Determinants of Interest Rates Interest rates are influenced by a variety of factors that reflect both the broader economic environment and specific market conditions. Understanding these determinants is crucial for comprehending how interest rates affect borrowing costs and economic activity.
    Central Bank Policies The primary factor influencing interest rates is the monetary policy set by a country's central bank, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States. Central banks utilize tools such as the discount rate, open market operations, and reserve requirements to regulate the supply of money and credit in the economy. For instance, when the central bank increases the discount rate, it raises the cost of borrowing, which can lead to higher interest rates across various financial products. Conversely, lowering the discount rate generally encourages borrowing and can lead to lower interest rates.
    Economic Conditions The overall state of the economy significantly impacts interest rates. In periods of economic growth, higher demand for credit typically drives up interest rates as lenders seek to capitalize on increased borrowing activity. Conversely, during economic downturns, decreased demand for loans can lead to lower interest rates as banks compete for a limited pool of borrowers. Additionally, inflation plays a critical role; lenders often raise interest rates in times of high inflation to compensate for the eroding purchasing power of money over time.
    Creditworthiness of Borrowers Another important determinant of interest rates is the creditworthiness of borrowers. Lenders assess the risk of lending to a particular individual or business, adjusting interest rates accordingly. Borrowers with higher credit scores generally receive lower interest rates due to their perceived lower risk of default, while those with poor credit histories may face significantly higher rates to compensate lenders for the additional risk.
    Market Dynamics Interest rates are also influenced by broader market dynamics, including the competition among financial institutions and investor sentiment. For example, if a bank has excess capital, it may lower its interest rates to attract more borrowers. Similarly, fluctuations in the bond market can lead to changes in interest rates; when bond prices fall, yields (and consequently, interest rates) tend to rise as investors demand higher returns.
    Impact of Interest Rates Interest rates play a critical role in shaping economic behavior and financial markets. They influence borrowing costs for individuals and businesses, thereby affecting consumer spending, business investment decisions, and overall economic growth. Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States, manipulate interest rates to control inflation and stimulate or cool down the economy as needed.
    Relationship with Economic Activity The cost of borrowing money is directly influenced by interest rates. When interest rates rise, borrowing becomes more expensive, which can lead to reduced consumer spending and business investment. Conversely, lower interest rates encourage borrowing and spending, which can stimulate economic growth. However, the impact on the stock market is often immediate, while broader economic effects may take longer to materialize. High interest rates typically result in lower earnings and stock prices, as companies face increased costs for financing.
    Influence on Financial Markets Interest rates have a significant inverse relationship with the stock and bond markets. When interest rates increase, bond prices usually decline, and equities may become less attractive compared to fixed-income investments. Investors often reassess the risk associated with stocks when the risk-free rate of return rises, leading to shifts in capital allocation. Moreover, certain sectors, particularly the financial industry, may benefit from rising interest rates as banks and lending institutions can charge higher rates for loans, improving their profit margins. In this context, central bank policies, including adjustments to the federal funds rate, have immediate effects on both stock market dynamics and broader economic conditions.
    Factors Influencing Interest Rate Changes Nominal interest rates are influenced by various economic factors such as central bank policies, inflation expectations, credit demand, and overall economic growth. When the economy expands, and credit demand increases, nominal rates may rise; during economic downturns, they typically decrease. Furthermore, inflation can affect interest rates; lenders often raise rates to compensate for anticipated decreases in purchasing power due to inflation. The relationship between nominal and effective interest rates is also significant for borrowers, as different compounding frequencies and terms can lead to substantial variations in total loan costs.
    Historical Trends Overview of Interest Rate Cycles Interest rates have experienced significant fluctuations over the decades, influenced by various economic conditions and policy responses. A comprehensive analysis of "rate cycles" in 24 advanced economies from 1970 to 2024 reveals that today's monetary policy challenges are unprecedented yet share some similarities with earlier periods. This period includes notable events such as the Great Inflation, which spanned from 1965 to 1982, marking a critical turning point in macroeconomic policy and theory. The policies implemented during this time were aimed at controlling inflation but resulted in economic turmoil, including multiple recessions and energy shortages.
    The Great Inflation (1965–1982) The Great Inflation was characterized by a dramatic rise in inflation rates, peaking at over 14 percent in 1980 after starting from around 1 percent in 1964. This inflationary period was a consequence of several factors, including excessive growth in the money supply facilitated by the Federal Reserve's policies, amid increased government spending during the Vietnam War and President Johnson's Great Society initiatives. These fiscal pressures complicated the Federal Reserve's ability to manage monetary policy effectively, contributing to a long-term cycle of inflation.
    Post-Pandemic Interest Rate Trends The recent COVID-19 pandemic has introduced another layer of complexity to interest rate trends. Following an initial rapid rebound in economic activity due to unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has been faced with challenges including weak aggregate demand and rising inflation as it attempts to navigate the recovery. Recent analysis indicates that global shocks have had a significant impact on interest rates, accounting for about 65 percent of their variation between 2020 and 2023, compared to domestic shocks which have historically played a larger role. This unprecedented global influence underscores the evolving landscape of monetary policy and interest rate management in contemporary times.
    Rate-Hike History and Economic Implications Historically, the Federal Reserve has struggled with the delicate balance of managing interest rates without triggering a recession. Efforts to "softly land" the economy by reducing inflation while maintaining employment have often resulted in economic downturns. For instance, the Fed's ag

  • Depuis plus de 20 ans, je pratique l'hypnose ericksonienne thérapeutique en cabinet. Ma passion est de partager ma passion et de transmettre mon expérience.

    J'ai également le privilège d'animer une formation diplômante d'hypnothérpeute.

    A travers ce podcast, je souhaite démystifier l'hypnose thérapeutique et vous offrir la possibilité de découvrir et d'expérimenter tout en restant confortablement installé chez vous.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • Waar hebben therapeuten het over als ze zelf gesprek zijn? Dat ontdek je in 'Therapie met Stek&Louis'. Of het nou om de kunst van het leven gaat, relaties, pijn, geluk - of hun eigen leed - Stek&Louis delen hun visie.

    Stek (63) is een ervaren relatie- en systeemtherapeut die al een dagje ouder wordt, met de energie waar menig twintiger jaloers op zou zijn. Louis (37) is GZ-psycholoog en vader van drie jonge kinderen, met de uiteraard bijbehorende energieniveaus van een hoogbejaarde.

    In deze podcast delen ze niet alleen hun kennis en ervaring, maar vooral ook hun eigen twijfels, inzichten en misstappen. Blijken therapeuten ook net mensen te zijn.